Obedient faith in God's Word will get the job done.
It is amazing how many will do everything BUT what God's Word asked them to do.
Naaman, the Syrian, fussed and fumed that the prophet wanted him to dip seven
times in muddy Jordan. He argued that the rivers of Damascus were cleaner than
any of Israel's rivers. He was angered that the prophet didn't come to him, but
asked the Naaman to come to where the prophet was. Then when they came to
where the prophet was, instead of going out to Naaman, the prophet sent word out
by a servant, telling Naaman what to do. Of course Naaman was angry and didn't
want to do what the prophet of God asked of him. His wise servant remarked that
IF the prophet had told him to do some hard thing, he would have done it.
Only when Naaman obeyed the prophet's words, was he healed and made whole of
his leprosy. His curse (sin) was removed. By obedient faith.
The results in the laying on of hands in James 5, is NOT in the oil, but in the name
that it's done in. Obedient Faith in THE NAME!
The results in baptism is not in the water, but in The Name that that it's done in.
Why is is SO hard to understand that faith in THE NAME of JESUS is what brings
results. For there is NONE OTHER NAME under heaven given among men whereby
we MUST be saved.
I know many people through the last 50 yrs that have argued and been angered
because of THE NAME!!! But they get sick and many call our people to pray for
them. But you mention The Name of JESUS for water baptism and they are through
talking to you.
I know a lady that lived neighbors to us that asked my late parents
if they would be willing to go pray for her sister who was diagnosed with cancer. (This was in the 1950's.)
They went and when the lady went back to the doctor, no cancer could be found.
There was such a backlash among people, that the doctor left town that diagnosed
her. They felt he was a quack. That lady lived to be almost 90 yrs old. I saw her son
who is a few years older than I at a funeral a few yrs ago. His mother was still either
still alive and died shorly afterward or had just died of old age. I asked Troy if he rem-
embered my parents praying for his mother. He said, "I certainly do". There are many
witnesses of healings, etc. from people who simply had obedient faith. They had faith
in my parents prayers, but when it came to obeying the Word of God in baptism, they
turned a deaf ear.
No, it's not in the oil or the water, but in THE NAME of JESUS! Yes, the Word said to
anoint with OIL, and to baptize in WATER, but without THE NAME, you don't
have a "contract".
Not to offend!