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Old 02-15-2007, 08:48 AM
Carpenter Carpenter is offline
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Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea View Post
No names ... carpenter ... but I am seeing a possible trend ...
I wasn't asking for names, but I think the details would add a little credence to what you are saying is a trend.
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Old 02-15-2007, 09:28 AM

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Originally Posted by daddyof2 View Post
The pastor is a member of the UPCI....

The local church is affiliated with the UPCI by virtue of the pastor or the church bylaws. However, the people themselves are not beholden to "the UPCI"

They would fall under the articles of faith and other guidelines of that local church.
Best answer so far!!
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Old 02-15-2007, 10:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Garfield View Post
There seems to be a controversary on who and what makes a person a memeber of the UPC. I have tried to get a straight answer and nothing yet.
Does anyone know who is a member of the UPC?

1. The licensed minister only?

2. Anyone that attends a church pastored by a UPC minister?

3. Anyone who attends a church pastored by a UPC pastor and observes the teachings of the pastor?

4. Anyone that attends an affiliated UPC church?

5. Anyone that attends an affiliated UPC church and observes the teachings of the pastor?

Thanks please continue.


could be almost anyone
in today's UPCI church -



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Old 02-15-2007, 11:02 AM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Originally Posted by Bishop1 View Post

could be almost anyone
in today's UPCI church -


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Old 02-15-2007, 11:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea View Post
Recently, I have heard of various churches are announcing that they are becoming non affiliated ... I can't help but think that churches, both liberal and conservative, are positioning themselves for a possible fallout about the TV resolution? Any thoughts? Are there any official stats to verify this?
Dan: I only know why we voted to become non-affiliated just last week.

I doubt that We are one of the three churches you have heard of recently.

My district has been a very good district. liberals to conservatives get along with others. We all get together and go to just one camp meeting.

With all the squabbles in the movement I do not want to find out someday that the newly elected officials of our district decide they'd like to meddle in the affairs of the local "supposedly autonomous" church.

If affiliation gives the didstrict the right to take control in a home mission's work, that they don't like the direction it's going.

What stops them from interfering with any affiliated church that they have issue with.

If affiliated is autonomous, well I'd think non-affiliated status gives MORE autonomy.

I've tried for two months to get a definitive answer and so far have not.

Good luck.
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Old 02-15-2007, 02:01 PM
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This horse has been beat so many times it amazes me that some of the posters posting on this thread still get it messed up.

The UPCI is indeed a fellowship of ministers and not individual church members. I think we all realize there is a "letter" and "sprit" aspect to this. Technically, the minister is the member of the organization. But we refer to those who attend a UPCI church as members (or more correctly, constituents).

Not one person is "affiliated' by nature of a Pastor being licensed with the UPCI.

There is indeed greater autonomy being non-affiliated. But you better hope and pray that there are good guidelines and by-laws in place or else you might find that non-affiliation was 100 times worse than affiliation if the church ever has major problems.

For the 10,000th time "affiliation" does not restrict the local church in any way. Affiliation and non-affiliation has absolutely nothing to do woth who owns the property. In fact, the UPCI says that church property IS NOT to beheld in the name of the Pastor. The organization does not "own" churches in the fellowship, except in extreme case where the District has stepped in to keep an assembly from losing the property due to delinquency or a building that is not longer having services held in it.

The UPCI does not "dictate" anything to the members of a local assembly. It does have guidelines for licensed ministers.

AMazing thing to me, one minute some of you are screaming about how loose the organization is and in the next breathe screaming about how legalistic it is. And you want to say the UPCI is double-minded? Get real.

Non-affiliation nor affiliation has ANYTHING to do with CONTROL. I really, really wish a couple of "past abused, hurt, disgruntled, misinformed" posters would realize that and quick spreading false information. If you insist in doing so please support your premise with factual documentation that shows theat "affiliated churches are "controlled" by the UPCI.

The basic reason for affiliation is for new and growing churches to have an umbrella of coverage until such a time as they can properly conduct business. It is a safety net and not one to be feared if understood correctly.

Have their been abuses? No doubt. Have there been Districts that have been heavy handed? Absolutely. But the number of these instances pales in comparison to the actual number of churches that are affiliated.
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Old 02-15-2007, 05:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Garfield View Post
There seems to be a controversary on who and what makes a person a memeber of the UPC. I have tried to get a straight answer and nothing yet.
Does anyone know who is a member of the UPC?

1. The licensed minister only?

2. Anyone that attends a church pastored by a UPC minister?

3. Anyone who attends a church pastored by a UPC pastor and observes the teachings of the pastor?

4. Anyone that attends an affiliated UPC church?

5. Anyone that attends an affiliated UPC church and observes the teachings of the pastor?

Thanks please continue.
Anyone who wants to still call themselves UPC must and has to be UPC no matter how you slice it.

I have many friends who are...
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Old 02-15-2007, 05:45 PM

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rrford or anyone else, here's a question that someone asked me. If a church is affiliated, has a licensed UPC pastor and has trouble, something like molestation by a member, misappropriation of funds, etc. and a lawsuit is brought against the church/pastor can the person suing include in the lawsuit the district and the district officials?
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Old 02-15-2007, 05:59 PM
Carpenter Carpenter is offline
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Originally Posted by Garfield View Post
rrford or anyone else, here's a question that someone asked me. If a church is affiliated, has a licensed UPC pastor and has trouble, something like molestation by a member, misappropriation of funds, etc. and a lawsuit is brought against the church/pastor can the person suing include in the lawsuit the district and the district officials?
Good question, also RRFord, you mentioned that affilliation has nothing to do with church or property ownership. Who owns the church building and property??
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Old 02-15-2007, 06:29 PM

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Originally Posted by rrford View Post
There is indeed greater autonomy being non-affiliated. But you better hope and pray that there are good guidelines and by-laws in place or else you might find that non-affiliation was 100 times worse than affiliation if the church ever has major problems.
Would you note my question above, please?
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