Re: Sarah Palin "doesn't consider herself Pentecos
from 1992 until 2006 I attended a Vineyard church here in the Cincinnati area.
The "official" doctrine of the AVC (Association of Vineyard Churches) is that a person is saved/born again when he/she accepts Christ and that at that moment has received the Holy Spirit baptism. The AVC acknowledges experiences in the Holy Spirit subsequent to the salvation experience. Those experiences in the Holy Spirit are called empowerings. Some within the AVC call one of those empowerings the Holy Ghost baptism if tongues occur. Others strictly believe that tongues are just one of the gifts and are not part or evidence of any special spiritual experience. Several years ago the founding pastor of the Cincinnati area Vineyare, Steve Sjogren, was teaching on the gifts of the Spirit and he sorta said that tongues was a gift like the others. He also mentioned that some within the Assemblies of God are coming to that conclusion.
Sam also known as Jim Ellis
Apostolic in doctrine
Pentecostal in experience
Charismatic in practice
Non-denominational in affiliation
Inter-denominational in fellowship
Re: Sarah Palin "doesn't consider herself Pentecos
Originally Posted by MikeinAR
Bro Epley, as in Trask was not supportive of keeping the "initial physical evidence" clause in credentialing minsiters?
No Trask was bemoaning so many AG ministers and members not experiencingthe HGB with tongues. He said the reason for the AG existance was the HGB evidenced by tongues.
Re: Sarah Palin "doesn't consider herself Pentecos
Originally Posted by soldoutochrist
"Palin said that during her run that creationism should be taught aside evolution in schools. She was baptized in an Assembly of God church, a Pentecostal denomination that believes God created the world at every step. Maria Comella, a spokeswoman for the McCain-Palin campaign, said Palin attends different churches and does not consider herself Pentecostal."
-Newsweek, August 29, 2008
That's cause she's a politician like...McCain, Obama and Biden to name a few!
Not knocking her, I like her, but if she came out shaking and quaking with stammering lips and another tongue, all of America would laugh!
Re: Sarah Palin "doesn't consider herself Pentecos
Stylists to passe Sarah Palin: Let your hair down
All’s hair in love and politics
By Lauren Beckham Falcone
Thursday, September 4, 2008 - Updated 4h ago
Lauren Beckham Falcone covers pop culture, style and all things feature-y for Boston Herald.
Yes, Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin has a lot on her plate: a pregnant teen daughter, a son on his way to Iraq, an infant with Down syndrome and a looming national election.
But must her hair suffer? With her long, straight, often pinned-up locks, Palin looks one humid day away from fronting a Kiss cover band.
“It’s about 20 years out of date,” said Boston stylist Mario Russo of the Alaska governor’s ’do. “Which goes to show how off she might be on current events.”
For readers who are rolling their eyes about this nonissue - get real. People talk about hair - from Mitt Romney’s perfectly sprayed coif, John Edward’s Breck do, McCain’s unfortunate combover and Barak’s No. 3 buzz cut.
Re: Sarah Palin "doesn't consider herself Pentecos
Originally Posted by rgcraig
Stylists to passe Sarah Palin: Let your hair down
All’s hair in love and politics
By Lauren Beckham Falcone
Thursday, September 4, 2008 - Updated 4h ago
Lauren Beckham Falcone covers pop culture, style and all things feature-y for Boston Herald.
Yes, Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin has a lot on her plate: a pregnant teen daughter, a son on his way to Iraq, an infant with Down syndrome and a looming national election.
But must her hair suffer? With her long, straight, often pinned-up locks, Palin looks one humid day away from fronting a Kiss cover band.
“It’s about 20 years out of date,” said Boston stylist Mario Russo of the Alaska governor’s ’do. “Which goes to show how off she might be on current events.”
For readers who are rolling their eyes about this nonissue - get real. People talk about hair - from Mitt Romney’s perfectly sprayed coif, John Edward’s Breck do, McCain’s unfortunate combover and Barak’s No. 3 buzz cut.
Re: Sarah Palin "doesn't consider herself Pentecos
Originally Posted by anapko
That's cause she's a politician like...McCain, Obama and Biden to name a few!
Not knocking her, I like her, but if she came out shaking and quaking with stammering lips and another tongue, all of America would laugh!