Originally Posted by ReformedDave
One man's 'pain' is anothers 'pleasure'. Many things are painful yet good. (for example-surgery)
I read a story not long ago about a missionary that had contracted some kind of disease while over seas. He did not have the ability to feel any pain.
He was sleeping in a hut, and one morning he woke up and a finger was missing! Apparently a rat had chewed it off during the night. Feeling no pain, he had no idea what harm was being done to him!
The next night, he was afraid to fall asleep fearing that the same thing could happen again. He stayed up almost all night reading by candlelight. The next morning, those that woke him up looked in horror because when he finally fell asleep, his hand landed on the candle which burned it it very badly! Since he could feel no pain, the hand kept burning while he slept.
This missionary would tell you that the LACK OF PAIN is a curse! Pain will let you know when something is not right! Pain is actually a preserver!