I went to go see a taping of a sit com called "Brothers" while I lived in Los Angeles. Before the taping started, a man came out to talk with the audience and he took questions from us. One of the questions asked was about the flamboyant character in the show. The audience member wanted to know if this guy was really as effiminate as his character was in the show (Brothers was a show about gays). The man said the actor was not naturally effiminate, but stayed in character all the time while at the studio, because it's harder for actors to jump into and out of their roles than it is to stay in character all the time. Spending months in character as an evil madman would definitely be tough to get out of. At some point the pretending can have a tendency to want to become permanent. If you don't bellieve me, start talking with a British accent. Do it all day, every day, for a few weeks and see if you don't start thinking with a British accent and have a hard time dropping it.
Brother, if you don't want to go see the movie that's your choice. It's just a movie, and I am not afraid of the devil "getting me" because I went to see it. The boogieman is a wimp.
The issue is NOT fear. It is respect. To buy a Hayabusa and use it beyond one's limits only to end up becoming part of the tarmac or splattering against an oncoming car is not about fear, but about lack of respect.
For an individual to misuse a power tool and remove digits from his hand is not about fear, but about lack of respect.
Certain things might appear harmless and we might get away with misusing them, but when we get too lackadaisical with them is when they bite.
By disregarding the spiritual aspect of a movie we view, we may believe all we did was waste $10.00 on overly salty popcorn, however, the reality is that we left with somthing much more subtle.
A perfect example is the young man who buys a brand new Hayabusa and takes it far beyond his own ability. He gets away with it time and time again. However, it is the moment he becomes comfortable that the time of his fatal mistake has arrived.
How about the old frog in the kettle story? A fine reminder of the workings of the devil. He doesn't jump up with gore dripping fangs, but works on us with the utmost subtlety. Then one day we allow our guard down and we welcome him right through our front door. He then stomps a four foot mud hole in our chest.
It is not about curling up in the fetal position under our beds. It is about flirting with disaster. The man (or woman) who looks at porn on the Internet believes they can stop whenever they want. However, the reality is that a spirit gains a foothole in their life and then like heroin addiction overcomes the individual at the end. This not only destroys their families and friendships, but wastes away their very soul.
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
The issue is NOT fear. It is respect. To buy a Hayabusa and use it beyond one's limits only to end up becoming part of the tarmac or splattering against an oncoming car is not about fear, but about lack of respect.
For an individual to misuse a power tool and remove digits from his hand is not about fear, but about lack of respect.
Certain things might appear harmless and we might get away with misusing them, but when we get too lackadaisical with them is when they bite.
By disregarding the spiritual aspect of a movie we view, we may believe all we did was waste $10.00 on overly salty popcorn, however, the reality is that we left with somthing much more subtle.
A perfect example is the young man who buys a brand new Hayabusa and takes it far beyond his own ability. He gets away with it time and time again. However, it is the moment he becomes comfortable that the time of his fatal mistake has arrived.
How about the old frog in the kettle story? A fine reminder of the workings of the devil. He doesn't jump up with gore dripping fangs, but works on us with the utmost subtlety. Then one day we allow our guard down and we welcome him right through our front door. He then stomps a four foot mud hole in our chest.
It is not about curling up in the fetal position under our beds. It is about flirting with disaster. The man (or woman) who looks at porn on the Internet believes they can stop whenever they want. However, the reality is that a spirit gains a foothole in their life and then like heroin addiction overcomes the individual at the end. This not only destroys their families and friendships, but wastes away their very soul.
Brother, call it respect based all you want, but I still think it has more to do with fear than anything else. I'm not afraid of something "jumpin on me" from watching this movie any more than I am afraid of some voodoo witch doctor being able to put a spell on me.
You let your young son go see an evil movie like this???
I'm rather surprised at you AG.
Pentecost is just backsliding left and right
Anyone have the phone numbers to pastors in the North DFW area???
This is ridiculous! It is not an evil movie. It's a movie about an evil villian who tries to take over an entire city and make them as depraved as he is.
This is ridiculous! It is not an evil movie. It's a movie about an evil villian who tries to take over an entire city and make them as depraved as he is.
It shows good triumphing over evil. Sort of like The Passion of the Christ - just much less violent.
Believe those who are seeking the truth. Doubt those who find it. — André Gide
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds... - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Brother, call it respect based all you want, but I still think it has more to do with fear than anything else. I'm not afraid of something "jumpin on me" from watching this movie any more than I am afraid of some voodoo witch doctor being able to put a spell on me.
I "respectfully" disagree with you.
With some it may be fear... and if so, it's a healthy fear. With some it is not anything but guarding our hearts and minds.
Romans chapter 1... entire chapter, especially the last verse.
Phillipians 4:8
I won't judge anyone who watches things I wouldn't watch, but I'll also not call them "afraid" to watch things.. but rather wise.
Our minds were God-made, God-given, and very powerful, for the good of our hearts and for the harm thereof.
__________________ Mrs. LPW
Psalm 19:14
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.