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Old 06-28-2008, 11:26 PM
Rico Rico is offline
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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

Originally Posted by OnenessWoman View Post
I once broke a wooden spoon on my son's bottom... It was a very old one... One my mom had given me when I moved out of the house on my own...and had been around since I was a child.
It probly broke because it was so weak from all the times she had to use it on you!!
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Old 06-28-2008, 11:31 PM
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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

old wise Solomon told us how it should be done...
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Old 06-28-2008, 11:38 PM
OnenessWoman OnenessWoman is offline

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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

Originally Posted by Rico View Post
Mark, sometimes the best thing to do is let your child know he isn't going to get his way no matter how much he rants and raves. I don't advocate letting them get away with that kind of behaviour all the time, but there are times when you need to let them get stupid until they run out of steam.


Originally Posted by Rico View Post
It probly broke because it was so weak from all the times she had to use it on you!!

My mom never used a wooden spoon on me. When I was growing up my dad was the one who spanked me...and it was always with his hand. That's why I had a tendancy to flinch if he put his hand out toward me.

I used to read Dr. Dobson's books on rearing children and found a lot of good advice in them. One bit of adviced I tried to follow, but have failed to on many occassions, was to never spank with your hands as they should be objects of love.
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Old 06-28-2008, 11:45 PM
Rico Rico is offline
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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

I think the best thing to do is roll up a newspaper and give 'em a good whack! They especially deserve this whack when they poop and pee on the floor!!! Oh, wait a minute! We're talking about children and not dogs. NEVER MIND!!
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Old 06-28-2008, 11:45 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

Originally Posted by StMark View Post
As Adino found out ( and just posted) There are A LOT
of social liberals on this forum. It's shocking !
So don't be too surprised if you are the one who comes
under attack for your views !!!!!

St. Mark...don't confuse one's politics with their parenting strategy. I know many social conservatives that are Dr. Spock freaks.

Most of the Democrats I know have absolutely no issue with spanking their kids.
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Old 06-29-2008, 12:25 AM
jdm05 jdm05 is offline
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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

I'll tell you what, at one church I was at, I saw a lot of mom' with wooden spoons. LOL!!! Those kids were the most well behaved at church. Then you had those bratty kids who were having tantrums on time outs. I'm sorry but that doesn't work. My siblings and I just got the look from my mom and that was enough for us to behave. Not to mention a pinch at church. You can spank to ge the message across, but beating is another thing. That's not right.
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Old 06-29-2008, 12:28 AM
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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

One man's beating is another man's spanking...
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Old 06-29-2008, 12:50 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

Originally Posted by jdm05 View Post
I'll tell you what, at one church I was at, I saw a lot of mom' with wooden spoons. LOL!!! Those kids were the most well behaved at church. Then you had those bratty kids who were having tantrums on time outs. I'm sorry but that doesn't work. My siblings and I just got the look from my mom and that was enough for us to behave. Not to mention a pinch at church. You can spank to ge the message across, but beating is another thing. That's not right.
It all depends on the child. A astute parent will know what's called for when. Some kids do very well with time outs...others don't. My experience is that parent's don't have time to enforce time outs. It takes a lot of time to get your child disciplined enough to sit in time out. It takes picking them up and physically putting them back every time they move until it breaks their will. After enough times of being consistent...the child learns when they are told that they are in time out...they aren't going to move plain and simple. Too many parents in my opinion don't want to take that kind of time with their kids. They find it easier to resort to spanking immediately, and all too often they spank out of anger more than authority. Also parents have this impression that their kid shouldn't cry when disciplined. If I put my son in time out...he'll cry. I just let him cry. But here's the deal...he isn't moving and he knows this. So he waits until I take him out. I don't expect him to be quiet. Too many parents allow the crying to become a factor, they repeat, "Hush or you'll get worse." yadda, yadda, yadda. Kids cry. Parents need to just let them cry. They'll live. lol

And if people don't like your kid's crying, take them out of the sancturary. Or if you're in an environment where you can't remove the child...I say let the heathen rage....discipline your kid. lol
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Old 06-29-2008, 01:15 AM
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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

Originally Posted by jdm05 View Post
I'll tell you what, at one church I was at, I saw a lot of mom' with wooden spoons. LOL!!! Those kids were the most well behaved at church. Then you had those bratty kids who were having tantrums on time outs. I'm sorry but that doesn't work. My siblings and I just got the look from my mom and that was enough for us to behave. Not to mention a pinch at church. You can spank to ge the message across, but beating is another thing. That's not right.
time outs and grounding both can work..

my youngest some how learned from her older sisters..she had the fewest spankings growing up... and she is strong willed... she just managed to recognize I meant business and I am boss. Time outs worked with her...and today, I just mention grounding and she changes her attitude in seconds.

She is a respectful teen, she works as a volunteer at the local hospital, is part of student counsel, active in sports and all around great kid.
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Old 06-29-2008, 01:28 AM
StMark StMark is offline
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Re: Do you still believe in Corporal punishment?

What do you all think of Christian Reform schools
or boot camps for wayward teens ??? I'm not talking
about your average mouthy pouty moody teen but rather
teens who continually run away from home, in and out of
juvenile hall, selling and taking drugs, prostituting,etc

We've had cases like that in a few extreme cases, I
recommended the above mentioned.
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