Originally Posted by Dr. Vaughn
I would like to point something out here... if I might
everyone of you said in the above poll that you would not divide fellowship over someones understanding of Genesis.......
Well... I understand Genesis in a different way than many of you... I see the doctrine of Original Sin or Serpent Seed in Genesis......
See the point? We actually do take issue against things that really do not matter.. but I assure you if I walked into your congregation next Sunday..... the fact that I believe in Serpent Seed.. would definitly have some strong whispers going.. and the point is... by your own confessions.. it should not.. because it doesn't matter,, has nothing to do with salvation.. yet this board acts like it is a curse word
This board acts like it is false doctrine....and it is. If that bothers you then you certainly are on the wrong board :-)
If you want to remain here, get used to it. We discuss a lot of doctrines that pertain to Oneness, Trinitarian, Branham followers etc etc etc...