Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea
Just following the protocol.
Only your own protocol of trying to defeat your opponent by making them look or feel stupid or inferior. Not a really great tactic, if you ask me. Which you didn't.
You really don't understand the art of honest, forthright, transparent conversation. It means you make your own views
vulnerable for analysis, just as you proceed to analyze the views of your opponent. It serves you to allow your own views to be analyzed, because it will either allow you to strengthen your points with your defense (in the eyes of the reader), or it will point to holes in your own stance that need repair.
Normally that requires you to both defend your own statements and beliefs to the satisfaction of the audience, fairly and logically AND to dissuade your opponent from his views without attacking his person.
It requires answering questions directly, without pretense and forethought, or without weighing the consequences of answering honestly and choosing to obfuscate or evade instead. It requires courage to answer a question directly, even when you anticipate your opponent will disagree with or even scoff at the answer. It takes grit to participate in intellectual banter without it ever becoming the bashing you so readily accuse others of.
So far the ability to any of the above seems to be lacking from your repertoire. Don't you think you're capable?