Re: Obama, Clinton. Which is the lesser of two evi
Originally Posted by Ferd
my friend, mod/lib/con isnt the issue in this election. I am sorry to say the number one issue in this election is "Changy Change Change".
I honestly dont know exactly what "Changy Change Change" is but I do know that for far too many voters in this election, "Changy Change Change" is the single most important "issue".
this reflects on the poor quality of education on matters of politics this country suffers from.
just reeks of naivite, doesnt it, change , change change, what and where, osama isnt a change, just a different package, hilary isnt a change, just more billy, lol,dt
A product of a pentecostal raisin, I am a hard man, just ask my children
Re: Obama, Clinton. Which is the lesser of two evi
Originally Posted by Ferd
my friend, mod/lib/con isnt the issue in this election. I am sorry to say the number one issue in this election is "Changy Change Change".
I honestly dont know exactly what "Changy Change Change" is but I do know that for far too many voters in this election, "Changy Change Change" is the single most important "issue".
this reflects on the poor quality of education on matters of politics this country suffers from.
It's about how much change will they let me keep!! Maybe even a whole dollar now and then.
Re: Obama, Clinton. Which is the lesser of two evi
Originally Posted by Pressing-On
I'm understanding, as per Star Parker. that McCain has a better health plan he has constructed and presenting.
Do you believe that McCain could pull out in the polls depending on who he picks as his VP?
Honestly? If the dems had picked Joe Biden or Bill Richardson it wouldn’t matter if John McCain picked Gandhi or Jesus himself as a vice presidential candidate.
The Dems would have won hands down period. Because "Changy Change Change" is the only thing that really matters this year.
However, the Dems picked the two worst possible candidates to choose from. NOT because of their politics but because
1. Hillary has too high of negatives and is a woman
2. Obama has no valid experience and is black.
That leaves a slight door ajar depending on a couple of things.
1. If Hillary is nominated, Obama's supporters may not vote for her. He has very high support from people who have never voted before. With their hopes dashed, they might stay home.
2. If Obama is nominated, there is a chance that white working class (read Union) men in places like Penn. and Mich. just might turn their collective noses up to "the black guy" and vote for McCain.
3. We don’t know much about Obama but there is a slow trickle coming out right now.
a. Rev. Wright
b. William Aiers
c. Tony Resco
d. association with ACORN
These things can serve to make Obama look like a radical liberal with serious ethics issues.
4. Hillary has never had a likeability rating of 50%. You can’t get elected if more than half the people simply don’t like you.
5. McCain is the only Republican that "Changy Change Change" independents would be willing to vote for. They aint smart but they like McCain.
Now we get pretty far down the road.
But when it comes to the VP, it has more potential to hurt than help (see GHW Bush and Dan Quail and Walter Mondale and Geraldine Fararro.)
But a VP has to provide something.
Does McCain take the gov. of Florida? McCain cannot win the Whitehouse without Florida.
Does he find someone well liked in either Mich. or Penn? The dems cannot win without both of those states.
Does McCain have enough of a deficiency in the area of the economy that he needs a boost there?
In my opinion, I don’t think the VP candidate will have a big impact on the Republican candidate because John McCain is such a well known guy.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Re: Obama, Clinton. Which is the lesser of two evi
Originally Posted by DividedThigh
just reeks of naivite, doesnt it, change , change change, what and where, osama isnt a change, just a different package, hilary isnt a change, just more billy, lol,dt
You are so nice. Im not that nice. naivite is your nice way of saying what I am thinking which I wont post because while not vulgar is more unkind than I want to be (remember today I said someone needed to be sent to pakistan with a sign that says "Mohammad aint that great")
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Re: Obama, Clinton. Which is the lesser of two evi
Originally Posted by Ferd
Honestly? If the dems had picked Joe Biden or Bill Richardson it wouldn’t matter if John McCain picked Gandhi or Jesus himself as a vice presidential candidate.
The Dems would have won hands down period. Because "Changy Change Change" is the only thing that really matters this year.
However, the Dems picked the two worst possible candidates to choose from. NOT because of their politics but because
1. Hillary has too high of negatives and is a woman
2. Obama has no valid experience and is black.
That leaves a slight door ajar depending on a couple of things.
1. If Hillary is nominated, Obama's supporters may not vote for her. He has very high support from people who have never voted before. With their hopes dashed, they might stay home.
2. If Obama is nominated, there is a chance that white working class (read Union) men in places like Penn. and Mich. just might turn their collective noses up to "the black guy" and vote for McCain.
3. We don’t know much about Obama but there is a slow trickle coming out right now.
a. Rev. Wright
b. William Aiers
c. Tony Resco
d. association with ACORN
These things can serve to make Obama look like a radical liberal with serious ethics issues.
4. Hillary has never had a likeability rating of 50%. You can’t get elected if more than half the people simply don’t like you.
5. McCain is the only Republican that "Changy Change Change" independents would be willing to vote for. They aint smart but they like McCain.
Now we get pretty far down the road.
But when it comes to the VP, it has more potential to hurt than help (see GHW Bush and Dan Quail and Walter Mondale and Geraldine Fararro.)
But a VP has to provide something.
Does McCain take the gov. of Florida? McCain cannot win the Whitehouse without Florida.
Does he find someone well liked in either Mich. or Penn? The dems cannot win without both of those states.
Does McCain have enough of a deficiency in the area of the economy that he needs a boost there?
In my opinion, I don’t think the VP candidate will have a big impact on the Republican candidate because John McCain is such a well known guy.
change beats a big credit card bill hands down, the dems will tax and spend us into oblivion just lke is happenning now, mccain just might be a little more restrained on the spending, it could help, we will see, dt
A product of a pentecostal raisin, I am a hard man, just ask my children
Re: Obama, Clinton. Which is the lesser of two evi
Originally Posted by Ferd
You are so nice. Im not that nice. naivite is your nice way of saying what I am thinking which I wont post because while not vulgar is more unkind than I want to be (remember today I said someone needed to be sent to pakistan with a sign that says "Mohammad aint that great")
yeah i know, you crack me up , beats crying, lol,dt
A product of a pentecostal raisin, I am a hard man, just ask my children
Re: Obama, Clinton. Which is the lesser of two evi
Originally Posted by DividedThigh
change beats a big credit card bill hands down, the dems will tax and spend us into oblivion just lke is happenning now, mccain just might be a little more restrained on the spending, it could help, we will see, dt
Let me give you the single reason why McCain cannot win.
No one has EVER been elected president from the same party as a sitting president with a popularity rating below 50%
GWB's rating is in the mid 30's.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!