Amen, psychobabble among the UPCers. Every body has personal convictions, this is code talk for I can't explain it biblically, I just do it to get along with everybody. lol
Aaron is related to me thats why I can talk like that! lol
I can explain it.
I'm not going to explain it here though, and the reason is this;
Those who have left the outward separation behind, for the most part, don't want it back, even if they are finally taught why it's important.
It's considered bondage to them. It just becomes a battle of words.
My question is this... Why are most (not all but most) liberals who once practiced the outward separation, quite defensive and harsh when they hear of people who might actually want to embrace it? Why does that discomfort them?
__________________ Mrs. LPW
Psalm 19:14
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
I'm not going to explain it here though, and the reason is this;
Those who have left the outward separation behind, for the most part, don't want it back, even if they are finally taught why it's important.
It's considered bondage to them. It just becomes a battle of words.
My question is this... Why are most (not all but most) liberals who once practiced the outward separation, quite defensive and harsh when they hear of people who might actually want to embrace it? Why does that discomfort them?
I can't speak for all but for myself I am not "defensive" I just feel that the vast majority of the time what is considered "personal convictions" in old time Pentecost is really psychologicial conditioning.
When people are told repeatedly that certain things are wrong and see those who violate those prohibitions looked on as "not right with God" then of course they will have so called "personal convictions" about them.
I don't mind if people do that but I am not going to lie and say I think it is right or something it is not.
I'm not going to explain it here though, and the reason is this;
Those who have left the outward separation behind, for the most part, don't want it back, even if they are finally taught why it's important.
It's considered bondage to them. It just becomes a battle of words.
My question is this... Why are most (not all but most) liberals who once practiced the outward separation, quite defensive and harsh when they hear of people who might actually want to embrace it? Why does that discomfort them?
I don't think most liberals are defensive and harsh, some maybe. I don't think most care that much. I do admit that I think it is silly to go skiing in a skirt, but I'm not defensive or harsh about it.
WOW, just got in from the concert of the century! It was unbelievable! Over 2000 present (Eastwood was maxed out!!). Choir was awesome, Soloists unmatchable, Decor- first class, everything was top notch. Then Kurt Carr comes in.....He blew me away! I knew that this was going to be great, but this exceeded my expectations.
There was a very deep anointing in that house tonight. Those folk were very sencere and very anointed! KC is a great showman, but he is used of God! Yes, he is definetly used of God. I left very encouraged and ministered to.
On top of all of that...Many were healed tonight and several were filled with the Holy Ghost! We had an 'outpouring'. Folks were 'praying through' everywhere! Isn't that what it's about!
I have NEVER been to a concert, much less a Christmas concert like that one!
__________________ Oh well, that's the way I see it!
Praise the Lord for the good report. I know Nakkita was coming in....any of the other singers? Run down the concert....details!!! I can't wait until Saturday to find out everything.
Tamanee--She is the bomb! Also, VERY pregnant. Eight month I think, still she rocked!
Vonnie---nuff said!
Those three where Kurt's back up. He also had his keyboard guy and his bass guy. Band was really awesome. THe choir also backed them up on most all of the songs. They were awesome.
Vonnie sang, Nikita sang "Little Drummer Boy" and added some beat boxing at the end! WOW! Then, Tamanee sang two songs I think. Bro. Ewing sang "Ill Be Home For Christmas" and Taylor, Matt, and Vonnie backed him up on "Oh, Holy Night". Then when Kurt got up more Christmas, He had church!
I am a musician and singer, traveld with LA Allstate, know alittle about music. I have an appreciation for good music and quite a discriminant ear...THis concert blew me away! Best, I've been too in .... EVER! (NO-I'm not bragging, just trying to qualify my excitement)
__________________ Oh well, that's the way I see it!
WOW, just got in from the concert of the century! It was unbelievable! Over 2000 present (Eastwood was maxed out!!). Choir was awesome, Soloists unmatchable, Decor- first class, everything was top notch. Then Kurt Carr comes in.....He blew me away! I knew that this was going to be great, but this exceeded my expectations.
There was a very deep anointing in that house tonight. Those folk were very sencere and very anointed! KC is a great showman, but he is used of God! Yes, he is definetly used of God. I left very encouraged and ministered to.
On top of all of that...Many were healed tonight and several were filled with the Holy Ghost! We had an 'outpouring'. Folks were 'praying through' everywhere! Isn't that what it's about!
I have NEVER been to a concert, much less a Christmas concert like that one!
Wow, you mean the H.G. moved with a trinitarian singer? And backup singers who wear pants? I am SHOOOOKKKKEEEEDDDD!!!!
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.