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Old 08-17-2014, 07:27 PM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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Originally Posted by FlamingZword View Post

You obviously do not understand the concept that the Law provided guidelines and examples of what to do.

it is the principles of the law that we are to keep, not the letter.
you are still in kindergarten trying to learn the ABC's.
Brother don't get upset because someone points out an inconsistency in your view. Discussing things in a respectful manner can be beneficial for all of us.

Bro Rudy has a great point, exactly what principles or teachings about tithing are we to use? Seems like the only thing pro-tithers want out of the OT Law is the percentage and ignore everything else.

If we carry your statements out to their logical conclusions then when you say that the Law us the elementary things, the foundation, the ABCs of our faith and that's why the tithing commandments are not found in the NT*, then it is right to ask you WHICH of those tithing commandments still stand since obviously most are ignored AND in fact several are impossible without a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem and Levitical priesthood.

Its an inconsistent hermeneutic. Its self refuting because it makes no sense. Unless you can explain why some laws stand, some are to be taken by principle, and others do not apply, consistently with scripture, then you have no case.

*=This is in reference to your misapplication of Galatians 3 and a paraphrase of statements you've made recently on this thread.
"Resolved: That all men should live to the glory of God. Resolved, secondly: That whether or not anyone else does, I will." ~Jonathan Edwards

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Old 08-17-2014, 07:33 PM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by FlamingZword View Post
You obviously do not understand the concept that the Law provided guidelines and examples of what to do.

it is the principles of the law that we are to keep, not the letter.
you are still in kindergarten trying to learn the ABC's.
Your are right to a point, the law provided principles to live by, what principle does tithe teach?

Hebrews tells us that the law was types and shadows of things to come. What is the type or shadow that tithe teaches us today?

Secondly NT ministry is not the replacement of the priest hood, so to say that they get the tithe is not scriptural, Christ became our high priest. Replacing the priest hood completely.

thirdly only a small portion of the tithe was for support of the priest, the majority was to take care of the needy.
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Old 08-17-2014, 08:37 PM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

He didn't say keep my principles. Folks came up with that when what they teach can't shown in scripture.
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Old 08-17-2014, 08:42 PM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by FlamingZword View Post
You obviously do not understand the concept that the Law provided guidelines and examples of what to do.

it is the principles of the law that we are to keep, not the letter.
you are still in kindergarten trying to learn the ABC's.
This is the exact reason why Paul only needed 1 verse (1 Corinthians 9:13) to remind the Gentile church at Corinth about the method of providing for the ministry. He had diligently taught them while he was there and was able to "jog their memory" without having to repeat the entire lesson.

Originally Posted by Godsdrummer View Post
Your are right to a point, the law provided principles to live by, what principle does tithe teach?
The principle that the tithe taught was that the ministry should be mindful of spiritual matters and not entangled with this world's goods and treasures. God would take 1/10 from each of the 10 tribes that would live west of the Jordan (Numbers 18:21) and give it the Levities. They had no inheritance among their brethren and the tithe would make up for that. They needed to focus on what God ordained them to do.

Originally Posted by Godsdrummer View Post
Hebrews tells us that the law was types and shadows of things to come. What is the type or shadow that tithe teaches us today?
The same thing. Acts 6:1-4, the ministry needs to have its undivided attention focused on the spiritual, on the work of the ministry.

Originally Posted by Godsdrummer View Post
Secondly NT ministry is not the replacement of the priest hood, so to say that they get the tithe is not scriptural, Christ became our high priest. Replacing the priest hood completely.
1 Corinthians 9:13-14 ties the Levites of the old testament to the 5-fold ministry of the new testament. The 5-fold ministry are obvious not priests in the same manner as the Levites, but have been set in the body by God's design.

The whole chapter of 1 Corinthians 9 deals with the "right or power" that God gave to the ministry to receive their living from those to whom they ministered to. Paul uses the tithe as an example to the Corinthians. He reminds the Galatians (Galatians 6:6) that the learners have a responsibility to the teacher to share and provide for them. 1 Timothy 5:17 continues this point forward.
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Old 08-17-2014, 08:45 PM
Rudy Rudy is offline
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Again, not everyone tithed under the law. This alone shatters a forever moral principle.


Go here on tithing----->


If it is God's will for your illness then why are you seeking medical attention to get rid of it?
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Old 08-17-2014, 09:01 PM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by Rudy View Post
Again, not everyone tithed under the law. This alone shatters a forever moral principle.
Have you learned anything from a minister? Have you fulfilled your obligation to the teacher under Galatians 6:6?

Do you have a pastor that watches for your soul? Have you fulfilled your obligation to your pastor under 1 Corinthians 9?

Have you been obedient to the Lord's command in 1 Corinthians 9:14?

Do you understand the principle (like the Corinthians understood) that Paul was conveying in 1 Corinthians 9:13-14?

What God instituted in the new testament was far weightier and broader that what was given to the Levities. Each hearer becomes obligated to the teacher. You can say that tithes took this form or was only given by this one or that one, but the new testament clearly ties each believer to the responsibility of providing for the minister that God placed in their church.

The method example that Paul uses to accomplish this is the tithe of the old testament. And he is teaching a Gentile church this.
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Old 08-17-2014, 09:04 PM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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Originally Posted by HRea View Post

Have you learned anything from a minister? Have you fulfilled your obligation to the teacher under Galatians 6:6?

Do you have a pastor that watches for your soul? Have you fulfilled your obligation to your pastor under 1 Corinthians 9?

Have you been obedient to the Lord's command in 1 Corinthians 9:14?

Do you understand the principle (like the Corinthians understood) that Paul was conveying in 1 Corinthians 9:13-14?

What God instituted in the new testament was far weightier and broader that what was given to the Levities. Each hearer becomes obligated to the teacher. You can say that tithes took this form or was only given by this one or that one, but the new testament clearly ties each believer to the responsibility of providing for the minister that God placed in their church.

The method example that Paul uses to accomplish this is the tithe of the old testament. And he is teaching a Gentile church this.
I see where this is going.....

Let me summarize this post for you Rudy:

"Resolved: That all men should live to the glory of God. Resolved, secondly: That whether or not anyone else does, I will." ~Jonathan Edwards

"The only man who has the right to say he is justified by grace alone is the man who has left all to follow Christ." ~Dietrich Bonheoffer, The Cost of Discipleship

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Old 08-17-2014, 09:13 PM
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Re: Tithing…Is it a command?

Originally Posted by Jason Badejo View Post
I see where this is going.....

Let me summarize this post for you Rudy:

Completely wrong, Bro! And it appears you're using silliness to convey your disagreement (a little bit offensive, but I get it).

I didn't write 1 Corinthians 9, Galatians 6:6 or 1 Timothy 5:17. And we can't excuse one another from the responsibility of providing for the new testament ministry. If the new testament minister decided to work a job (like Paul did) then they chose to remove the obligation from those in their charge. If they chose to be only ministry (not earning a living from an outside source), then the obligation remains. That's specifically what 1 Corinthians 9 is teaching.

What Jesus was conveying in Matthew 23:23 is that there are weightier matters to deal with before getting to these provisions. However, forgetting the provisions got Israel in trouble with God in Nehemiah's and Malachi's time. Teach and minister the weightier matters, but don't leave these lessor principles undone.
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Old 08-17-2014, 09:22 PM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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So it is totally up to the preacher if he WANTS to put the saints under obligation (IOW bondage) to support him?

If he says support me the saints are obligated to?

Sounds like Ezekiel 34:2 to me more than servant ministry.
"Resolved: That all men should live to the glory of God. Resolved, secondly: That whether or not anyone else does, I will." ~Jonathan Edwards

"The only man who has the right to say he is justified by grace alone is the man who has left all to follow Christ." ~Dietrich Bonheoffer, The Cost of Discipleship

"Preachers who should be fishing for men are now too often fishing for compliments from men." ~Leonard Ravenhill
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Old 08-17-2014, 09:24 PM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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And granted you didn't write those passages but I'm not convinced you are correctly interpreting them either.
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"The only man who has the right to say he is justified by grace alone is the man who has left all to follow Christ." ~Dietrich Bonheoffer, The Cost of Discipleship

"Preachers who should be fishing for men are now too often fishing for compliments from men." ~Leonard Ravenhill
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