The past few weeks we're been hearing sermons on "The Vision of the Church" - - wow, after 50 years of church attendance, it's been rocking my tried and true, safe ideas of what I've been accustom to.
Church isn't for me. The church is for those not there today --- the lost, the WHY we are even in all this is to save the lost.
I'm saved and shouldn't be wasting time attending such to make sure I stay saved! I should be attending church to SERVE others that aren't saved - - meet them where they are, let them know that there's someone bigger than all their problems and live a life in front of them where they "get it"..... they desire what I have.
These people are then saved and they become the servers to go reach others that need Jesus!
It's changing my paradigm - - I've heard "reach the lost" all my life as I sit in my cushy country club church wondering why no one wants to show up to be saved. Hmmmmm - - maybe they are waiting on me to get off my comfy seat and find them.
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks
The past few weeks we're been hearing sermons on "The Vision of the Church" - - wow, after 50 years of church attendance, it's been rocking my tried and true, safe ideas of what I've been accustom to.
Church isn't for me. The church is for those not there today --- the lost, the WHY we are even in all this is to save the lost.
I'm saved and shouldn't be wasting time attending such to make sure I stay saved! I should be attending church to SERVE others that aren't saved - - meet them where they are, let them know that there's someone bigger than all their problems and live a life in front of them where they "get it"..... they desire what I have.
These people are then saved and they become the servers to go reach others that need Jesus!
It's changing my paradigm - - I've heard "reach the lost" all my life as I sit in my cushy country club church wondering why no one wants to show up to be saved. Hmmmmm - - maybe they are waiting on me to get off my comfy seat and find them.
Excellent point, Renda.
Did Jesus say "Go ye into all the world", or did He say "All the world - go ye into a church"?
Which organization did Jesus belong to, by the way?
__________________ "Many people view their relationship with God like a "color by number" picture. It's easier to let someone else define the boundaries, tell them which blanks to fill in, and what color to use than it is for them to take a blank canvas and seek inspiration from the Source in order to paint their own masterpiece"
You know, the UPCI was never meant to be an "organization", it was meant to be a fellowship of like minded brethren. And some of them didn't even agree on the doctrinal points, but they still fellowshipped!!!!!!!
The "organization" was formed to provide funding for missionaries, provide fellowship for autonomous pastors and their congregations, and to be a think tank for evangelism efforts. Now, in many places, it's a governing body, telling the members what they can and cannot do.
I would certainly hate to be the pastor who pastors a church of 100 in a city of 100,000 and have to explain to God why he fought so hard to keep another Apostolic pastor from starting a church in "his" city.
I would certainly hate to be the pastor who has to stand before God and explain why he wouldn't let a God-called evangelist preach in the church he was pastoring who could have preached a message that would reach souls, all because he didn't like the color of the man's shirt.
I would certainly hate to be the District Official who voted "no" to let a man go into a city and start a church because the official had a friend who pastored nearby who was threatened by the prospective pastor's ministry.
I realize this may sound like I'm bashing the UPCI, and I'm not, because I was raised in it, and licensed with it for years.
All I'm saying, ladies and gentlemen, is that an organization is not going to reach the lost. Men and women are going to reach the lost. And if the organization begins to hinder that effort, then we should have the integrity and courage to walk away from the organization - plain and simple.
I'm not advocating the dissolution of the UPCI, nor am I advocating just walking away because every little vote doesn't go your way. But, if a man or woman truly believes that the organization is going against what God has called them to do, it's time to walk away from it.
Didn't Peter, himself, say "Who are we going to obey, men or God"?
As one the Yadon's would say, I think CH Yadon,
"They fellowshipped the differences"
Please pray for India
My personal mission is to BRING people into a right relationship with God, GROW them up to maturity and SEND them back into the world to minister.
As one the Yadon's would say, I think CH Yadon,
"They fellowshipped the differences"
I know y'all may think I'm silly, but this breaks my heart...dividing over television just makes no sense.
My brother is a UPCI pastor, and yesterday made this observation...
He said that some are 'afraid' that with the passing of Res 4, there will be a breakdown of everything else...advertise on TV and makeup and cut hair will prevail!!
But he reminded me that we have a brother who is a member of a church in IN and they are ALJC...the pastor is a part of this board, though he doesn't post much.
Jim said that the ALJC doesn't take a hard stand against TV, and then asked re the church our brother attends, "Have you ever seen anything in their church any different than in the UPCI?!" Nope, I haven't...
He then said that he recently did the media work (DVD and CD recording) for an ALJC function, and the hair and dress reminded him of the UPCI in the 70s and 80s.
Doesn't sound like television has caused them to be carnally minded...
I know y'all may think I'm silly, but this breaks my heart...dividing over television just makes no sense.
My brother is a UPCI pastor, and yesterday made this observation...
He said that some are 'afraid' that with the passing of Res 4, there will be a breakdown of everything else...advertise on TV and makeup and cut hair will prevail!!
But he reminded me that we have a brother who is a member of a church in IN and they are ALJC...the pastor is a part of this board, though he doesn't post much.
Jim said that the ALJC doesn't take a hard stand against TV, and then asked re the church our brother attends, "Have you ever seen anything in their church any different than in the UPCI?!" Nope, I haven't...
He then said that he recently did the media work (DVD and CD recording) for an ALJC function, and the hair and dress reminded him of the UPCI in the 70s and 80s.
Doesn't sound like television has caused them to be carnally minded...
Barb, I believe that's what many have been trying to say here -- - this isn't over Res. 4. I believe it's been in the works for a while and there are other reasons for the divide.
Also, as long as those "other reasons" are around, what is taking place might be the best solution. There was division already there, just not a physical divide.
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks