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Old 07-27-2017, 06:59 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length

Originally Posted by votivesoul View Post
Look: when a person is mentally ill, the fact of the matter is this: their inner man and his perceptions are warped, damaged, and/or deranged, so let's just call it like it is!
We often engage in a discussion assuming we all agree on terms and ontological definitions. Here's an example wherein we don't. You wrote that, "their inner man and his perceptions are warped, damaged, and/or deranged".

I disagree with that ontological assumption.

The inner man is one's "spirit". It is the part of a person that is the originator of one's intuition, and spiritual awareness. It is distinct and largely hidden from the conscious mind. This the core of an individual. It has no human language and relates through emotion and symbolism. It is one's living essence, one's "breath of life", as the ancients would say. Sometimes it is called the "heart". It can be effected by spiritual practice. Metaphysics and spiritual practices are processed through the body/brain (through senses) and filtered through the soul (mind) to effect the spirit. It speaks no human language and largely processes and communicates through symbolism and deeper core spiritual senses. Occult practices, demonism, spirituality, religion, can effect the spirit though the energies, symbolism, and ritual they contain. This part of us is where we interface with God and the spiritual realm. It is beyond the reach of doctors, medicine, psychologists, and psychiatry. It is spirit, and so it is only able to be affected by that which is spiritual. It is eternal and cannot be damaged or destroyed, although it can suffer. It can suffer much anxiety and stress resulting from continued sin. It can suffer from being alienated from God. It can suffer spiritual torments from demonic forces that seek to possess it. But it cannot be damaged or destroyed.

What you are talking about seems to describe what I understand as being, the "soul". Soul, or psuche (in the Greek), is the psyche. It is the mind. It is the seat of reason, will, memory, and personality. It is your conscious and subconscious self. Being the mind, it interfaces with your body through the brain. Thus if something affects the brain, it can scramble, effect, distort, or hinder the proper function of reasoning, will, memory, emotions, and personality; therefore it can be said to effect the soul. Life experiences in body are experienced through the body and are filtered into the soul through the five senses (touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing). Therefore, some experiences can effect the soul, effecting reason, will, emotion, memory, and personality. This is where psychological problems reside. The subconscious is a barrier, and secondary filter for that which is experienced, so that it can be processed and properly interpreted for understanding and then passed on to spirit. In this way, it also offers protection to the core of your being...and so this is the interface between your soul (mind) and spirit. Psychiatry and mental health sciences involve the psyche, or soul. At this time, this is the deepest science can go into the immaterial part of man. It's still largely uncharted territory and we're learning something new and amazing about this "conscious reality" every day.

It is important to note that the relationship between the soul and the inner man can be one of tension. For the born again believer, the inner man has experienced regeneration and is united with God through the indwelling Holy Spirit. However, the soul (mind) has been conditioned to appease the flesh. One's mind is therefore carnal by nature. However, the believer is challenged to reshape the mind/soul through Christian disciplines such as reading the Scriptures, studying the Scriptures, prayer, and meditation on the Scriptures. By doing this we put on Christ, or assume "the mind of Christ". When we put on the mind of Christ our soul and our spirit are in alignment or agreement. However, whenever we become of a carnal mind the conscious mind (soul) is no longer acting in alignment with the regenerated inner man (spirit). This causes great stress, anxiety, feelings of guilt, shame, depression, condemnation, etc. These motions cannot be resolved unless one realigns the soul and spirit through repentance.

The reason why this happens is because when one is born again, the inner man (or spirit) partakes in the divine nature of the Holy Spirit who comes to indwell the human spirit. This is what brings regeneration. As a result, the inner man (or spirit) becomes purified, sanctified, and sinless. It has the impartation of a new nature - a divine nature. Please note, one's mind (or soul) is still unchanged. It must be changed by the washing of water with the Word. This is why so many Christians are often so distressed and wonder why they can have such carnal thoughts and impulses that wish to feed the desires of the flesh, even after they are born again. They fail to realize it is their "spirit" or "inner man" that has been made sinless through the new nature imparted by the Spirit. Their soul is still very much unchanged. In fact, due to the conditioning of a lifetime, the soul will nearly always default back to wanting to please the flesh. Therefore it is important to renew the mind through Scripture reading, prayer, and meditation every day.

Once the relationship between soul and spirit is properly understood we see how we can be sinless and have a new nature... while also having sinful thoughts, impulses, and desire to please the desires of the flesh at the same time. Only the part of us that is spirit has experienced regeneration at present. The soul (or mind) must be renewed daily through the Word and prayer. The flesh is still fallen, subject to hormones, sickness, aging, disease, and death. The flesh will not be regenerated until the resurrection. And the soul will not be entirely set free from having to manage the fallen desires of our sinful flesh until this regeneration takes place. Yes, our most intense battle isn't with Satan or demonic spirits. Our most intense battle is with ourselves. It is our flesh vs. our spirit... and our soul is in the middle granting one or the other victory in a given circumstance... and so God will be righteous and just when He judges the soul.

Improper ontological understanding distorts the realities of the new birth and the Christian life. And since it involves the soul (or mind) it can also distort the way we view psychology and like sciences that peer into the soul.

The chart I've attached a some charts that explain what I'm trying to describe perhaps better than my words.
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Last edited by Aquila; 07-27-2017 at 07:35 AM.
Old 07-27-2017, 08:08 AM
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Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length

Originally Posted by houston View Post
POWERFUL! I've never noticed that.

Not to change the topic, but what if those that become mentally ill some time AFTER regeneration?
Or any person who develops any illness after salvation?
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Old 07-27-2017, 08:11 AM
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Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length

The longer the Christian world STIGMATIZES mental illness, the longer we prolong their sickness and the more likely that others will come to the point of suicide.
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Old 07-27-2017, 08:13 AM
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Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length

The only other sickness I can think of that comes close to have such a stigma attached to it is HIV-- but I think admitted mental illness would have worse implications than an HIV diagnosis in many if not most Christian circles!
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
Old 07-27-2017, 08:26 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
The longer the Christian world STIGMATIZES mental illness, the longer we prolong their sickness and the more likely that others will come to the point of suicide.
How can we heal or minister to people with conditions we stigmatize, belittle, or don't even believe truly exist?
Old 07-27-2017, 08:32 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
The only other sickness I can think of that comes close to have such a stigma attached to it is HIV-- but I think admitted mental illness would have worse implications than an HIV diagnosis in many if not most Christian circles!
I've noticed something about organized religion. It appears that the sociopathic personalities often rise to the top, enjoy the attention, crave the power, and use their assumed spiritual authority to subjugate followers of the religion. I wonder how many religious leaders who are so anti-psychology were at one point diagnosed with some personality or anti-social disorder and their rejection of psychology is primarily a rejection of their own diagnosis?

Last edited by Aquila; 07-27-2017 at 08:48 AM.
Old 07-27-2017, 08:43 AM
JoeBandy JoeBandy is offline
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Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
The only other sickness I can think of that comes close to have such a stigma attached to it is HIV-- but I think admitted mental illness would have worse implications than an HIV diagnosis in many if not most Christian circles!
I agree. I do believe that sometimes a mental illness is diagnosed just to have a diagnosis, and sometimes just so the Doc. can when a trip to Jamaica from the pharmaceutical rep for writing the most scripts. I believe that a certain percentage of mental illness comes from the foods we eat. I believe that there is a percentage that comes from hormonal imbalance or another physical imperfection. I believe there is mental illness from the use of illegal drugs (acid trip). I believe there are some that are just plain ol crazy. I know a man that "fakes it" just to get his crazy check. There are parents here in Mississippi that put there kids in the slow program and lie to doctors about the child's behavior because it means hundreds of more dollars in their pockets from welfare. So.. really there are dozens of reason why one could have a mental illness. I do not however believe its our job as ministers or saints to sort it out. Can you imagine what it would do to a new convert who really has a problem and after receiving the Holy Ghost have an episode and be told they must not have gotten the "real Holy Ghost" if they still have a problem. The stigma has got to stop. We all hail the advancements of modern medicine like lazar and robotic surgeries or the "magical" lap band but some can not accept the advancements in the mental illness area. Why?
Old 07-27-2017, 09:26 AM
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Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length

If a person is diagnosed with multiple personalities but none of the personalities commit a sin where is the sin??
Old 07-27-2017, 09:30 AM
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Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length

Originally Posted by JoeBandy View Post
If a person is diagnosed with multiple personalities but none of the personalities commit a sin where is the sin??
if they start saying *I am legion* . . .
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Old 07-27-2017, 10:03 AM
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Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length

Originally Posted by JoeBandy View Post
If a person is diagnosed with multiple personalities but none of the personalities commit a sin where is the sin??

Surprised you didn't question which personality would be in heaven...

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