Originally Posted by JamDat
God doesn't have to be confined to the limits of time. It's foolish to think that he does when He created time itself.
Now I'm not a match for those of you on this thread, but one thing I know is that God could, would, and did make something new that was aged.
Just look at when Jesus turned the water into wine. It was water and instantly He had changed it into a perfectly aged wine. What would we find in that wine to prove it's age. Who cares? He did it.
Good point.
The big difference though, regarding the initial subject of this thread (Noah and the Ark), is that the Bible gives measurement, capacity, material used, time on board, of a ship that was designed to carry a Zoo beyond anyone's wildest dreams. Its one thing to believe in a miracle and another to believe that Blue is Black.
God gave us measurement to define Truth. This is important, otherwise people can say whatever they want to, telling us, "It's a MIRACLE". False doctrine grows upon the foundation of the unproven and unmeasured. We see this in past civilizations and Religion, where they were told to "Just Believe", and the belief or idea was found to be a lie.
Even today, many Religions use ideas that cannot be proven to establish a following. For instance, Mormons, use an array of unproven ideas to gain power over their constituents. We stand back and call them an Occult, while we ourselves may be guilty of the very same thing. We can become arrogant and blind if we think otherwise. Anytime a “People” think they have found the Truth about God without accountable measurement, the realm of Faith or the Impossible within that Religion must be scrutinized or ideas will grow into fables.
Putting the concept into a more viable light might be to say, "We drove around in my car for a year, with 45 people in it, never stopped at a bathroom or for food, and then landed on high ground ready to re-populate the World". Of course we all think this is ridiculous. In fact, it can't be done.
Remember, years ago people couldn't validate the Ark experience like they can today. People lived in very isolated communities. What they "Saw" would be a very limited populace of animals, so the belief in all of them being on one ship might work. Today, we see the entire Earth and the equation or measurement of such an event is impossible. One ship could never house such an array of animals, supplying all of their needs by just 8 people.
We can visit places (Zoo's, Wildlife Parks) that take care of several hundred species, and the effort, work, environment, food, and staff to care for these animals is astronomical. We are told the Ark housed 2+ million species, and if this doesn’t add up to Truth, how far will we go with unproven theory? How deep will we allow Religion to carry us into places that are false?