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Old 08-01-2015, 07:28 PM
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Re: Sen. Ted Cruz Makes It Official

BTW, why is he called "Ted" Cruz? His name is Raphael Edward Cruz, is it not? Just wondering (all politics aside) where the Ted came from?
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Old 08-01-2015, 07:54 PM
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Re: Sen. Ted Cruz Makes It Official

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
I read your offerings on the subject. Saying that Israel is the only spy in the region is very short-sighted. All countries are spying on each other - that is the truth. So, why is Israel the villain here? So what if they spy on Syria, Iran, etc.? So what?
You seem as if you skimmed them because you keep repeating yourself. So instead of me telling you what you are forgetting to mention, maybe I'll ask you? Sister what is the problem the White House is having with the spying? It has been made pretty clear that they understand that all countries spy, but what is the difference concerning Israel's spying on us THIS TIME?

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Ted Cruz does have issues - issues with the Washington Cartel who are trying very hard to get rid of him.
Sister, you know what I meant, but you couldn't bring yourself to utter the words, that Ted any problems. He is perfect, you love the man, he is above reproach. He is teflon, he is John Gotti?

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
There is only one Saviour of the world - Jesus Christ.
Yeah and He is the one and only potentate.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Senator Ted Cruz happens to have a very long and tenured reputation and record of defending the Constitution of the United States. He began doing that as a Sophomore in High School. No other candidate has that record. To compare him with Hitler is a huge stretch of the imagination.
My comparison to Hitler wasn't due to ideology, but to the people who get swept away looking for a hero. A political hero, one who will make all things new again. The constitution and the amendments to the constitution are bond up by laws of the land which stretch from sea to shining sea. Who had the power to have that law signed Monsanto Protection Act? Why is a company hold that much power over government? Will Mr Cruz do anything about that? NO. He can't, he won't. Stand with Israel? How about stand with Jesus, stand with the Bible? Will Ted say that? No, he can't he won't. The biggest lobby in D.C. is AIPAC, it is political suicide for Democrats and Republicans to say as much as boo devil boo against Israel before they get in office. Constitutional lawyer, yeah we got truckloads of those guys in D.C. Ted is just another apple in the bunch.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Sen. Cruz has argued before the Supreme Court nine times. That is more than any practicing lawyer in Texas or any current member of Congress.

The biggest case he argued, as solicitor general, was Medellin v. Texas - a separation of powers case - the UN has no authority to bind the United States. That is now settled law. And one law that will be beneficial in this new Iran deal.
How about throw the U.N. out of the United States! Make the U.N. move out of the U.S.A. We also need to stop forcing USA citizens to pay for the U.N. The U.N. has relocated into another, preferably third world, country - and after the U.S.A. has stopped footing the bill for this largely anti-U.S.A. organization. Will Ted Cruz do that? Isn't his wife a member of the CFR?

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
He argued and won a huge religious liberty case in Van Orden v. Perry. It was also known as the Texas Ten Commandments Monument case. Cruz commented on the victory saying, "This is how we re-take our country, by standing on principle."
Really? These are all noble causes let's see how many times he mentions the name Jesus Christ, and how many times he mentions the safe generic word Judaic, Muslim, Hindu, friendly term god?

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not shooting down everything being offered by Ted Cruz, but I'm not at your level of unquestioning devotion.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Addressed this in previous post. Not enamored with Catholicism. Swinging incense, wearing robes and chanting isn't going to help anyone in the Middle East. There is no power in any of this.
Wasn't Kevin Costner in a movie called DANCES WITH STRAWMEN?

Where you coming from with enamoured with Catholics? Who pray tell in this discussion is enamoured with Catholics?

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
I watched it four times. I saw him as determined and not surprised. I don't know what you are seeing in the clip - something you want to see?
They could put toothpicks in your eyes and have you watch it over and over again for 48hrs and you still would refuse to see or hear.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Let's see, anytime someone gets behind a particular candidate they are viewed as having a "cult" mentality?
No, only when someone beats a tin drum with unquestioning devotion.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Maybe you just don't have a strong enough case against him, brother.
Sister, Charlie Dent and myself pretty much cleaned the table on Senator Ted Cruz's dropping of the watermelon at the I.D.C..

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
You're personal disdain isn't, apparently, enough. lol
Just like anyone who criticises Israel is anti-semitic? This shows that your arguments were on the fly, Googled, and that you didn't know enough about all sides of the issues before you took on this discussion. Now, I'm reduced to having some personal grudge against your candidate? Oh, I'm also a closet Catholic? Good job

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
I'm very sure that I read and listen to more about him than you do. So, I get a better sense of how I feel about him.
No doubt about that sister, I have no doubt you eat, sleep, and dream Senator Ted Cruz. After all you love the man.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
He hasn't disappointed me, as yet, like other candidates. I used to be very firmly for Rand Paul, but he has an underlying, petulant demeanour which turns me off.
Good, so give me hope and point me in the direction of all your oozing posts on Rand Paul?

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
It appears that their views were not going to change regardless what he said. If you stay safe, you will get the honorary claps. But, like I said on my previous post, Doran was informed there were people there set up to be against the meeting. Cruz was addressing those people. Funny that Cruz knew they were there but Doran didn't know it in advance. What is that about? Maybe the organization is hiding something - anit-Semitism? Hmmmm.....
Again, you show that you (like your candidate) have no idea what you are talking about. This doesn't make you a bad person, I still respect you, but I just understand that you want your candidate to look good so you are ready to post whatever pops in your head to justify his actions.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Again, can you give me the time marker that has him with a surprised expression? Can you give me the exact time marker where Sen. Ted Cruz looks surprised at the audience response?
More than happy to do it. Once I have digested my food, and will watch it for the 20th time.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
You are speaking to a former Catholic.
A former Catholic? So what? Where are you going with this offering? A Catholic in Texas who is now Pennycostal for HOW MANY YEARS? Knows what it is like to be an Egyptian Coptic? A Syrian Orthodox? A Lebanese Maronite? That is laughable!

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
I don't have much confidence in a faith that patterns their religion after the tabernacle in the wilderness. They can keep their robes, incense, crosses, angels and Holy Water. I'm done.
Oh, sister, you have to clarify what you are saying in the above quote because I have no idea why you are bringing this stuff up. What does that have to do with our discussion?

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Ted wasn't looking for a vote.
No doubt in my mind that Ted said what he said to wrap himself in the Israeli flag. Those Orthodox were looking for the United States to acknowledge their plight, they don't have rockets or an Iron Dome, they are sitting smack dab in the middle of a first sandwhich. But Ted didn't care he just saw it as an opportunity to cow tow to AIPAC.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
I understood perfectly well his point that the Christians and Jews have much in common - persecution for their religious teachings.
You think the Jews in Lebanon, Syria, and Iran are waving defense of Israel flags in their countries? Ted and you have the luxury of living in America, and being able to say whatever you very well please. Let me tell you, Ted doesn't stand a snowball's chance on Texas tarmac.

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Whatever else you wanted to hear with your "blue pill" - Zionism - wasn't his point.
Senator Ted Cruz probably has AIPAC pajamas.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Maybe you should changed your little "blue pill" to one that makes you act a little less aggressive. Just a suggestion.
Oh, aggressive? EB who hijacked your account, EB is the bacon getting to you, EB you are a Catholic sycophant boot licker. Good grief, sister please.
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Old 08-01-2015, 07:58 PM
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Re: Sen. Ted Cruz Makes It Official

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
BTW, why is he called "Ted" Cruz? His name is Raphael Edward Cruz, is it not? Just wondering (all politics aside) where the Ted came from?
Because that's the way he rolls.
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Old 08-01-2015, 08:02 PM
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Re: Sen. Ted Cruz Makes It Official

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
BTW, why is he called "Ted" Cruz? His name is Raphael Edward Cruz, is it not? Just wondering (all politics aside) where the Ted came from?
He said that in Spanish, the diminutive is formed by adding -ito. So, his full name, Rafael, was Rafaelito, which rhymed with every type of major corn chip on the market. Because he was tired of being teased, he thought about changing his name. His mother suggested Ralph, Edward, Ed, Eddie or Ted. He felt that Ted fit just fine. His father was furious because the name reminded him of Ted Kennedy and he never addressed his son by Ted for many years.
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Old 08-01-2015, 08:18 PM
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Re: Sen. Ted Cruz Makes It Official

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Obamabots cannot be reasoned with, because their saviour Obama can do no wrong. Cruzbots and all other bots are the same way.

But notice how some of these Orthodox are sketchy because they associate with Muslims... but Cruz is just peachy even though he associates with and is paid by sodomites...
Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
So, the gay people in this country are not citizens who want to talk about issues? You hate them as well as their sin?

It appears that Senator Cruz is intellectually capable of being President. You might want to take some lessons.
Yes, our dear sister did jump quickly to defend Cruz's choice of bedfellows.

But Eastern Orthodox Christians stuck in the middle of Muslims are anti Semites? Why? Because they haven't invited John Hagee to have a Night For Israel at Saint George's Monastery, in Homs, Syria.

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
It's also rather obvious to a Zionist, the Jews are essentially THE issue. Loyalty to "Zion" is more important than loyalty to truth, God, integrity, Jesus, or anything else.
The Texas Senator knows good and well that he couldn't be critical of Israel. Israel could have death camps for Palestinians complete with working ovens and politicians would say that Israel was just supplying them tanning beds.

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Any politician who is a Zionist is fit to serve in the Knesset, and NOWHERE ELSE.
No, no, no, no, you will always have a loyal Zionist in that White House who will defend Israel. She is our ally, and we must defend her! Anyone dare to criticise her is automatically an anti semite .
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Old 08-01-2015, 08:20 PM
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Re: Sen. Ted Cruz Makes It Official

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
He said that in Spanish, the diminutive is formed by adding -ito. So, his full name, Rafael, was Rafaelito, which rhymed with every type of major corn chip on the market. Because he was tired of being teased, he thought about changing his name. His mother suggested Ralph, Edward, Ed, Eddie or Ted. He felt that Ted fit just fine. His father was furious because the name reminded him of Ted Kennedy and he never addressed his son by Ted for many years.
What's Ted's favorite food?
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Old 08-01-2015, 08:21 PM
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Re: Sen. Ted Cruz Makes It Official

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
We have, and I posted it with its minute markers. You love the man (your words) therefore he can do no wrong in your eyes. Love is a pretty strong emotion I must say and placing it on this sinner politician "lawyer" is strong drink.

Am I detecting a straw man being put together here?

Please post where I said that Orthodoxy is "cool?" Did your senator say it was cool? Did I post it was cool? Did I post saying anything that would lead you to believe that I believed that Orthodoxy is cool? Where are you wanting to take this discussion now? Sister, it is one thing to be swept away with a candidate to the point of looking at the bug on the leaf while missing the trees, but to come up with an accusal remark that your opposition in someway believes that Orthodoxy is cool will get you nowhere in this discussion.

Really? I was raised Roman Catholic, I wasn't taught to hate my relatives, at no time did I call them Christ killers? Yet, the chaps in the picture are totally different from the Western Catholic cousins. That is why the broke up in the Schism of 1054. They couldn't see eye to eye, and while both groups may dress the same and burn incense, that is like comparing Independent Baptists with UPCers because they both yell over the pulpit. Again, your upbringing or my upbringing in the Western Roman Catholic Church doesn't amount to a hill of beans when it comes to understanding the Eastern Orthodox Church. It is like you being raised in Reformed Judaism and telling me that you know the ins and outs of Lubavitcher Hasidim. Again, still don't know why you are now attacking the Eastern Orthodox, Maronite, and Coptic? Maybe you can make this a bit clearer for me?

Again, these are not Western Roman Catholics living in Texas. These are Eastern Christians stuck between a rock and a hard place. Which seems that you and your senator aren't sensitive to their situation and probably they would boo you as well.

Wait, YOUR senator said that he was their brother!

He even gave them a GOD BLESS you in his bon voyage in his Parthian shot.
Seriously, I don't know why you are heading in this direction trying to make a case that these Orthodox are anti semites. Great way to get elected? Whatever.

So, why is this comment bolded? What is the point you are trying to make concerning Doran? The man whose quote you used in your candidate's defense and then flip flopped when he further usage of his quote didn't paint your boy is a positive light. So, please clarify your above usage of the bolded portion of the quote.

BAIT AUDIENCE? Well, Ted wasn't in the audience so I guess he's the one throwing out the bait?

OK, an I don't know, means he didn't know if it was staged or that Ted set them off with his lack of understanding as Rep. Charlie Dent observed. You sure don't want to deal with him as a front row witness.

Sounds like he was pretty much telling us that he didn't know for a certainty the intentions of some of the guests, but new that some trouble makers were there. Whether those trouble makers were the totality of the booing is still not confirmed. Absolutely Ted hasn't been vindicated as Mr Knowledgeable concerning the Middle East situation concerning Christians, no, not by a long shot. Like I keep saying, he needs to go and get himself a little world view education under his belt and realize the world isn't the United States. Also that Christianity isn't John Hagee and Christians United For Israel.

Oh, so now Doran is a total tool, he is so banged up he can't possibly be trusted. So, my obvious question is, why did you ever quote him in the beginning? You impeached your witness to a level that brings you under suspicion that you are winging this conversation with help of Old Man Google.

Well, stick a fork in that guy, you pretty much can go back to the post you originally used him and delete his quote.

Sister, too late for that, even if this guy was Ted Cruz's lost Canadian twin brother you still wouldn't accept any of his testimony. You can't, because your candidate must remain pure and clean. I wonder how you deal with his wife being V.P. for Goldman Sachs and a member of the CFR. By the time this is all over you are going to be the Ted Cruz apologist ninja.

Sister, big difference is that I will try to find the truth whether or not I win an argument. Because at the end of the day it is all about truth..right? Truth has to win not you, not me, but truth. So, if Ted is the epitome of Yankee Doodle Dandy, Moses, and John Wayne all wrapped up in the American flag then it needs to be proven with truth. If he is the Son of Sam, Jim Jones and Dracula then that needs to be proven also whether we like it or not. He could of stayed behind the podium and turned the audience around like he did in with those hecklers at the women's rally, but he didn't. Which leads me to believe that he may of been more prepared and waiting for the showdown then he was at the I.D.C.
So sorry, but Senator Ted Cruz is CLUELESS concerning the Middle East Christian issues. He couldn't tell the difference between a Coptic and a Eastern Catholic if he had a flip chart, a flash light, and a laser beam.
Good, let John Kerry take Ted's place at the next I.D.C. meeting, maybe there be way less watermelon seeds to clean up off the patriarch of Jerusalem's beard.
Nothing I said about the Catholic Church has anything to do with Senator Ted Cruz's view or opinion. It is my view and opinion alone. I don't know who he was privy to that was in the audience beforehand, but he knew someone was there. Unlike, Doran, who was the Executive Director being informed "later" by a Journalist. That struck me as being very odd. As though he was trying to hide something.

Yes, John Kerry has done such a bang up job for us. Just the other day John McCain is questioning John Kerry, along with Ted Cruz and says, “In every country like Iran, the devil’s in the details. It is absolutely astounding that you have not seen the documents which outline the practice of verification. Otherwise how can we determine if we can enforce and verify?” This after Energy Secretary Ernest told McCain that neither he nor Carter had obtained access to the documents outlining Iran’s commitments to the IAEA.

Yes, get Kerry to speak, please.

I didn't contradict myself, you just misunderstood what I was implying. "Three people" is quite different than saying, "Sadly, there was a small but vocal anti-Israel element in the room." That doesn't give me the impression of only 3 people.

If you want to believe that the Catholics in Europe were not anti-Semitic, dream on. You can start with Eugenio Pacelli, if you like.

Last edited by Pressing-On; 08-01-2015 at 08:58 PM.
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Old 08-01-2015, 08:25 PM
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Re: Sen. Ted Cruz Makes It Official

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Nothing I said about the Catholic Church has anything to do with Senator Ted Cruz's view or opinion. Is is my view and opinion alone. I don't know who he was privy to that was in the audience beforehand, but he knew someone was there. Unlike, Doran, who was the Executive Director being informed "later" by a Journalist. That struck me as being very odd. As though he was trying to hide something.

Yes, John Kerry has done such a bang up job for us. Just the other day John McCain is questioning John Kerry, along with Ted Cruz and says, “In every country like Iran, the devil’s in the details. It is absolutely astounding that you have not seen the documents which outline the practice of verification. Otherwise how can we determine if we can enforce and verify?” This after Energy Secretary Ernest told McCain that neither he nor Carter had obtained access to the documents outlining Iran’s commitments to the IAEA.

Yes, get Kerry to speak, please.

I didn't contradict myself, you just misunderstood what I was implying. "Three people" is quite different than saying, "Sadly, there was a small but vocal anti-Israel element in the room." That doesn't give me the impression of only 3 people.

If you want to believe that the Catholics in Europe were not anti-Semitic, dream on. You can start with Eugenio Pacelli, if you like.
Your experience with Catholicism in Texas cannot speak for the Eastern Orthodox community in Aleppo. Come on!

Also Doran had the people banned, so I guess he knew the number.
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Old 08-01-2015, 08:26 PM
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Re: Sen. Ted Cruz Makes It Official

Also not advocating John Kerry, I think he is a flagrant liar.
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Old 08-01-2015, 08:29 PM
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Re: Sen. Ted Cruz Makes It Official

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
What's Ted's favorite food?
Now you are acting like Mark Halperin asking him about his favorite Cuban food.

He probably likes melted GOP Establishment in a Quesadilla.
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