Assistant General Superintendent, Paul D Mooney (IN), last night, at the Mississippi Camp meeting(most notably known for Greg Godwin and Borat) has seemingly railed- as perceived by some of his ministerial peers who have heard this message - against the recent invitation-only ministerial fellowship meeting that took place several weeks ago in Pontiac (Detroit) Michigan asking "who holds secret meetings?"
Mooney who recently headed a committee appointed by General Superintendent Kenneth Haney called the Committee For Inquiry of the Emerging took a page from the committee's recommendation to "affirm the Apostolic doctrine and Biblical holiness positions in campmeeting and conferences throughout the UPCI" in his sermon entitled "Intentional Confrontation".
This message is hailed by some already for its aggressive defense and/or offense for "the message".
What is unclear from the tone of this message is if Mooney is in step with another committee recommendation which states: "Establish a caring atmosphere within the UPCI in which individual Pastors are encouraged to maintain Apostolic doctrine."
Mooney alludes to the actions of some brethren as "cunning","conniving", "crafting" and that God is testing the Church in these last days with "dreamers" and "false prophets".
This on the heels of his recent Twitter post the day before the Detroit meeting in which he stated: "Good things, honest things, meaningful things, positive things, pure things, ethical things, are never done in secret ..."
Last night's preaching can be accessed here. Listen attentively towards the end of his message:
Other notable quotes towards the end of this message include:
Pentecost is at a place where you will have to have "intentional confrontation" with their children.
He refers to "people" (in this case, sons of ministers) who take churches and "destroy them" - "thieves".
"Either you stand for this or confess you are liar all your life."
To learn more about Mooney's involvement in heading the "Emerging" Committee, click here: