Re: Interesting Article from a Conservative Aposto
Originally Posted by Brett Prince
Well, plenty has been said by other CAF members. I need not try to say something new. But, even though PP and a few others will say I am just another CAF member "coming back in droves" to defend blah blah blah, I still feel the need to simply state, Scott Graham is a fine man, a great preacher, and a Man of God--whom I admire, and I have had great benefit from his ministry. The slams were unwarranted. The posting of material from a closed forum is unethical. The whole of the situation is devoid of integrity in terms of giving ones word and then violating what one has agreed to. Somebody needs to repent.
Very well said, BP, and I agree.
__________________ "Many people view their relationship with God like a "color by number" picture. It's easier to let someone else define the boundaries, tell them which blanks to fill in, and what color to use than it is for them to take a blank canvas and seek inspiration from the Source in order to paint their own masterpiece"
Re: Interesting Article from a Conservative Aposto
You know a lot of what happens out here in forum land is just silly non-sense. most of it really is a bunch of bluster and pontificating. But every once in a while what happens on the world wide web has reverberation's in the lives of real human beings. This thread, the blog that was the genesis, and the other forum where the whole thing started have actually hurt real people. It is extremely disappointing to me.
Once again, we see the underside of humanity. Its days like this that make me think maybe Saltwater Crocodiles are less vicious than humans.
Sherry and her brother are real people. They aren't concepts or avatars on the internet. they are people who have been viciously sliced and diced by someone, and it is just ugly.
To the idiot who posted the blog. You aren't a whistle blower. you are an idiot who needs to first go to God and repent, then you need to call both Brother Graham and then Sherry, and then their cousin, and all of their parents, and apologize and explain to them that you are an idiot in need of a stem cell transplant with the hope that it will grow into a brain because you don't have one.
To the folk on CAF, geez. All that talk about how horrible AFF is and you guys do this? It disgusts me that men of God would even begin to act in this manner. YOU SHREDDED A MAN OF GOD! There isn't a single one of you that hasn't preached AGAINST "touching the anointed" NOT A SINGLE ONE OF YOU. What? you have a card that calls you preacher, so you have special protection from God's wrath when it comes to doing what you preach against??? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? As a side note, I put the word "geez" in there so you could point your boney finger at me for cussing and feel all superior and miss my point. Go repent. Sit yourself down for six months like you do the poor girl who in a moment of weakness cut a tangle out of her hair.
AFF is blasted all the time about how conservatives and preachers get trashed. I have never seen a thrashing more complete than the one mentioned here. if only half of it was accurate, its worse than anything I've seen on this forum. And for those that are "disappointed" with AFF over this thread. Your "disappointment" is directed in the wrong direction. Yea I called for this thread to be deleted. It should have been deleted before page 2 was complete. Because it had the potential (potential now fulfilled) of hurting VERY GOOD PEOPLE. But the cat is out of the bag now I suppose. Any and all disappointment ought to be directed at those who were so ugly and unkind to a family that have given multiple generations to the SERVICE OF GOD.
***point of clairificatoin*** the idiot referenced above is the anonymous idiot who posted the blog out on the internet. I am in no way inferring that the AFF poster is the blogger. I am sorry if some were confused.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Re: Interesting Article from a Conservative Aposto
I do not have CAF membership but I think whoever posted that article and brought it over here had some kind of agenda...
I don´t like things that attack the character of others. No CHRISTIAN should do things like that...
I could say more but will not.
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Re: Interesting Article from a Conservative Aposto
Few things made me mad...the other day one of my sons did something (probably no big deal) but I did not like it and another one said Mom are you leaving it at that? I said No, but I will not deal with it while I am mad...
I think when we are angry we or upset we should not deal with certain things...
Reading that article posted here I must confess it made me angry that someone would belitttle SG and the Cupples...and I do not even know SG.
So many people think that God called them to be detectives...
Monies to help us may be sent to P.O. Box 797, Jonesville, La 71343.
If it is for one of our direct needs please mark it on the check.
Facebook Janice LaVaun Taylor Alvear
Re: Interesting Article from a Conservative Aposto
Originally Posted by Ferd
You know a lot of what happens out here in forum land is just silly non-sense. most of it really is a bunch of bluster and pontificating. But every once in a while what happens on the world wide web has reverberation's in the lives of real human beings. This thread, the blog that was the genesis, and the other forum where the whole thing started have actually hurt real people. It is extremely disappointing to me.
Once again, we see the underside of humanity. Its days like this that make me think maybe Saltwater Crocodiles are less vicious than humans.
Sherry and her brother are real people. They aren't concepts or avatars on the internet. they are people who have been viciously sliced and diced by someone, and it is just ugly.
To the idiot who posted the blog. You aren't a whistle blower. you are an idiot who needs to first go to God and repent, then you need to call both Brother Graham and then Sherry, and then their cousin, and all of their parents, and apologize and explain to them that you are an idiot in need of a stem cell transplant with the hope that it will grow into a brain because you don't have one.
To the folk on CAF, geez. All that talk about how horrible AFF is and you guys do this? It disgusts me that men of God would even begin to act in this manner. YOU SHREDDED A MAN OF GOD! There isn't a single one of you that hasn't preached AGAINST "touching the anointed" NOT A SINGLE ONE OF YOU. What? you have a card that calls you preacher, so you have special protection from God's wrath when it comes to doing what you preach against??? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? As a side note, I put the word "geez" in there so you could point your boney finger at me for cussing and feel all superior and miss my point. Go repent. Sit yourself down for six months like you do the poor girl who in a moment of weakness cut a tangle out of her hair.
AFF is blasted all the time about how conservatives and preachers get trashed. I have never seen a thrashing more complete than the one mentioned here. if only half of it was accurate, its worse than anything I've seen on this forum. And for those that are "disappointed" with AFF over this thread. Your "disappointment" is directed in the wrong direction. Yea I called for this thread to be deleted. It should have been deleted before page 2 was complete. Because it had the potential (potential now fulfilled) of hurting VERY GOOD PEOPLE. But the cat is out of the bag now I suppose. Any and all disappointment ought to be directed at those who were so ugly and unkind to a family that have given multiple generations to the SERVICE OF GOD.
The reason it wasn't deleted was simple - - the cat was already out of the bag.
Maybe, just maybe it might make people more responsible for what they post anywhere!!!!
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks
Re: Interesting Article from a Conservative Aposto
Originally Posted by rgcraig
Good post Ferd.
The reason it wasn't deleted was simple - - the cat was already out of the bag. Maybe, just maybe it might make people more responsible for what they post anywhere!!!!
point taken, I guess our beef really is with those on the other board with the power to delete that didnt use it.
Oh well, I am sorry for the Graham/Cupples clan.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Re: Interesting Article from a Conservative Aposto
Originally Posted by Brett Prince
Well, plenty has been said by other CAF members. I need not try to say something new. But, even though PP and a few others will say I am just another CAF member "coming back in droves" to defend blah blah blah, I still feel the need to simply state, Scott Graham is a fine man, a great preacher, and a Man of God--whom I admire, and I have had great benefit from his ministry. The slams were unwarranted. The posting of material from a closed forum is unethical. The whole of the situation is devoid of integrity in terms of giving ones word and then violating what one has agreed to. Somebody needs to repent.
Seems there is confirmation that the blog was correct.
Re: Interesting Article from a Conservative Aposto
Originally Posted by Dimples
Seems there is confirmation that the blog was correct.
Whoever either allowed access to CAF to a non-member or is a member that copied material from CAF to the blog is unethical. Blog correct or incorrect, it was unethical.
It is funny how some can only see the thing from one viewpoint. Two wrongs don't make a right. And, you can't do right by doing wrong.
__________________ Oh! That I may be found faithful!