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Old 07-31-2015, 09:38 PM
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Re: Sen. Ted Cruz Makes It Official

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
For anyone else reading, here's the main points:

1. There is a question regarding his eligibility (except for those who think Constitutional eligibility issues are too insignificant to look into...)

2. He was a long time part of the establishment machine.

3. His staff is filled with establishment enablers and lackeys.

4.His actual record of support for TPP and increased foreign workers gives the lie to his sweet talking campaign rhetoric of being truly pro-American.

5. His accepting if hundreds of thousands of dollars from out of state homosexual activists investors shows he is a typical business as usual politician.

6. His hobnobbing with homosexual activists investors in order to "get to know" Israel-first investors while campaigning as a moral conservative man of integrity shows his duplicity as a typical politician.

7. His ties to Big Government and Big Bank (Goldman-Sachs) reveal he is a typical politician despite his smooth talking rhetoric.

8. His IDC debacle shows (along with some of the above points) that he is ready to put foreign national interests above the interests of his Christian base and his alleged Lord and Saviour.

IOW, he's more of the same old same old.
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Old 07-31-2015, 09:50 PM
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Re: Sen. Ted Cruz Makes It Official

If voting worked it would be illegal. lol

Personally, I think Hillary or Bush has been pre selected to be the next POTUS. The Medianites will soon tell us who King Nebuchadnezzar has chosen for us.
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Old 07-31-2015, 09:59 PM
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Re: Sen. Ted Cruz Makes It Official

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Maybe, just maybe if you can keep your composure my dear sister and READ what links I post, you may learn something. Also it may be helpful if you take the red pill while you read.



This Administration HATES Israel and you are worried they are trying to protect themselves? It's rather hypocritical of this Administration to criticize Israel when they are spying on everyone else, everywhere else. I heard John Boehner say, "Countries spy on each other." So what? Your feigned outrage of Israel is silly. I want them to protect themselves and if spying does that, good on them.

Sadly you are so swept away by this candidate that you are no longer (not that you ever were) critically observing what is happening. This usually gets people covered with egg on their face after their golden boy gets in office then leads the nation down the road to hell instead of their presumed stairway to heaven. I think maybe you would do yourself a favor and quote people in their entirety, instead of leaving key parts out. In this way you won't be looked upon as a mindless minion (I say that respectfully)
I doubt you mean anything "respectfully", but it sounds good, doesn't it?

someone so duped by their favorite politician that you can't even begin to separate truth from hype. Yet Executive Director, Andrew Doran had this to say about the young senator's watermelon bursting all over the Orthodox bishops,

“He came to a summit in defense of Christians and actually endangered Christian lives,” said Andrew Doran, executive director of IDC.

Initially, Cruz’s address was warmly received by the more than 900 attendees of the IDC gala dinner at the Omni Shoreham hotel in Washington on Sept. 10. The crowd applauded with equal force when the Texas Republican said, “Tonight, we are all united in defense of Jews” as when he said, “Tonight, we are all united in defense of Christians.”

However, a minority in the room erupted in vocal disagreement and boos when Cruz, after likening the Christian persecution to the situation of Jews in 1948 at the creation of the modern state of Israel, announced, “Today, Christians have no greater ally than the Jewish state.”

Three minutes later, Cruz then left the podium as a result of the heckling — even as a majority of participants instead clapped in response to some of his subsequent remarks — saying as he departed, “If you will not stand with Israel and the Jews, then I will not stand with you.”

Doran said that IDC regretted that some people were not more respectful of Cruz, and he acknowledged that three anti-Israel protesters were removed and banned. But he had “no doubt” that some people understandably were fearful of the optics of the event back in their home countries. He added that the Christian diaspora had much more freedom than Middle-Eastern Christians to voice their support for the state of Israel.

“And if they do, it gives any Islamist group a pretext to eradicate them,” he said.

Read more: http://www.ncregister.com/daily-news...#ixzz3hWX417cf

Sister, Ted Cruz doesn't have the faintest idea what Middle Eastern Orthodox Christians believe, nor what they face from day to day. Sadly neither do you.
I'm sure the IDC Director is going to make his organization look at it's best for purposes of support, but you can't get past him admitting that there were anti-Semitic people in the audience.

I watched the clip, I heard it. I also saw that Cruz did not look surprised in the least and I also understood that the was saying a very factual thing - Israel is our best ally in the Middle East. There is no denying that. There is also no denying that Benjamin Netanyhu understands that aside from this current Administration, America is on Israel's side. Being the Bible is written to the Jews first and then the Gentiles, it is rather stupid for anyone to think that the word "Jew" is not going to be spoken - ever. Now, I can say that there were more people, in the audience, who understood and applauded what he said. The boos were getting out of hand and I very seriously doubt there were only 3 people doing it. But, if that makes you feel better to believe Doran, go for it.
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Old 07-31-2015, 10:02 PM
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Re: Sen. Ted Cruz Makes It Official

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
It's like arguing with an Obamabot. Scary...
Isn't that what people say to others when they can't be persuaded to leave their candidate in the dust. All it means is that you have nothing factual to convince me you have a strong case against him. You don't.

And didn't you used to be a Paulbot? And some were Romneybots?
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Old 08-01-2015, 09:54 AM
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Re: Sen. Ted Cruz Makes It Official

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
This Administration HATES Israel and you are worried they are trying to protect themselves? It's rather hypocritical of this Administration to criticize Israel when they are spying on everyone else, everywhere else. I heard John Boehner say, "Countries spy on each other." So what? Your feigned outrage of Israel is silly. I want them to protect themselves and if spying does that, good on them.
Again, seemingly you didn't even read my offerings on the subject. Boehner saying countries spy on each other isn't the issue. You see, if you were keeping an open eye on your government and would be candidate you could objectively look at everything and present the truth. Yet, with you being a so enamoured over your senator it isn't that you can't see the truth (because the truth is so blatant) but you won't see the truth because it is so painful, and you can't admit that you are backing someone who has some issues.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
I doubt you mean anything "respectfully", but it sounds good, doesn't it?
No, I have nothing but respect for you, and I wouldn't want to offend you. These things are your opinions, and I have to respect that, I don't have to agree, and I don't have to play patty cake concerning the issues.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
I'm sure the IDC Director is going to make his organization look at it's best
Oh...OK, so now we see that his full quote didn't work to your senator's advantage and now the guy is a tool?

Please, sister look at your candidate objectively that all I'm asking. Not everyone in Germany wanted Hitler, there were many who didn't think Hitler and his brownshirts were the saviors of the Fatherland.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
for purposes of support, but you can't get past him admitting that there were anti-Semitic people in the audience.
Sister, who were the anti semites? Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Bechara Raï, Orthodox Church Patriarch Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II? In post 494 you claimed that it is a fact many Mideast Christians are Arab nationalists and they hate Israel?

You went down the list, Michel Aoun, was he banned from his own event? How about the two patriarchs were they thrown out? Sister, you went after Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Bechara Raï, and Patriarch Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, as individuals who were in some way in cahoots with terrorists?

So, since you brought these two patriarchs up since I started this discussion with you, are you saying that these men were the anti semites who were in the audience?

Keep in mind that Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Bechara Raï was first quoted on saying that they had trouble makers in the audience. Still all this doesn't negate the clear fact that Senator Ted Cruz is absolutely clueless concerning the EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCHES and their history.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
I watched the clip, I heard it.
Not objectively, you watched the clip and heard it through an immense cognitive dissonance. Now, this doesn't make you a bad person, or that you can't come out of a blue pill stupor, but it is just that you can't possibly paint your candidate in a bad light, or critically view anything that he does as being less than perfect. It is like people who enter a cult, they are so overwhelmed and caught up with the cult, that they overlook the smallest indicators.

Indicators which could of changed their mind and sent them in the other direction. As these indicators become even greater, they get too far down the rabbit hole to back out. When they finally do get an epiphany they remember every little indicator they ran across since the very beginning. So, sadly, you process the information through a filter that you refuse the indicators which show the senator's foibles. This only aggravates and frustrates others who see the emperor has no clothes, while you are fawning over the emperor's Ermenegildo Zegna pin stripe suit.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
I also saw that Cruz did not look surprised
Of course not, why on earth would you see his facial expressions in an objective light? He can't do wrong, he would then be less than perfect. He must remain in a light of brilliance, someone who in your mind is the epitome of leadership. To view him any other way would be too objective, and therefore bring him down from a pedestal position. If you would see that he was slightly befuddled, then you would have to question...why? You would then have to process the information and consider what I have posted. That these people in the room aren't bad people, that there were "some troublemakers," yet even Rep Charlie Dent viewed Senator Cruz as dropping the watermelon. Sister you have so many people coming forward from Rep. Charlie Dent to IDC’s Executive Director, Andrew Doran criticizing the senator's speech. Why? Because as Charlie Dent has pointed out Senator Ted Cruz has no idea what is an Orthodox Christian. Nor does he know what their lives are like.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
I also saw that Cruz did not look surprised in the least and I also understood that the was saying a very factual thing - Israel is our best ally in the Middle East.
So, you viewed and heard the video, but you believe that he was booed because he said that Israel was the best ally to America? Sister, maybe you should watch it in slow mode.

Sister if you read what I offer you, maybe you would have a better understanding in which to hold this discussion?


Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
I also saw that Cruz did not look surprised in the least and I also understood that the was saying a very factual thing - Israel is our best ally in the Middle East. There is no denying that. There is also no denying that Benjamin Netanyhu understands that aside from this current Administration, America is on Israel's side.
So, the meeting was called in Defense of Israel? Defense of the United States? Want to now why they were upset? They were upset because Ted was looking for an American Jewish vote. I was raised in a Italian/Jewish neighborhood in the Bronx, now live a hop skip and a jump from Miami, have Jewish family members, and sister, your senator hijacked that meeting thinking he was speaking to a room filled with John Hagee Dispensationalists while shopping for the Jewish vote. Sister, Ted is just another Lawyer Politician, and you know how Jesus felt about lawyers.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Being the Bible is written to the Jews first and then the Gentiles, it is rather stupid for anyone to think that the word "Jew" is not going to be spoken - ever.
Sister did you watch this video? DID you hear what was said? They didn't boo when they heard the word "Jew" they applauded to defend Jews, they had no problem with the word Jew. They had a problem when the senator said "the Christians have no greater ally then the Jewish state" at 2:40. You see sister they just don't believe that, they aren't Dispensationalists, they don't view the modern state of Israel as you and John Hagee. It doesn't make them anti semites, they just found fault with the statement. Then at 2:51 Senator Ted Cruz makes this statement, "Let Me Say This, Those That Hate Israel, Hate AMERICA" then at 3:20 he says that they had to stand in solidarity with Jews and Christians who are persecuted by "RADICALS WHO SEEK TO MURDER them" then the audience APPLAUDES! This at 3:25 of the video at 3:33 "IF YOU HATE THE JEWISH PEOPLE YOU ARE NOT REFLECTING THE TEACHINGS OF CHRIST" again applause, with some murmurings, but the senator goes on, but at 4:10-16 why do we hear the audience keep saying they aren't Christians? Funny thing to say? Don't you think? Then the senator gives his Parthian shot at 4:54 "that some here, not everyone but some here are SO CONSUMED WITH HATE that you cannot address you brother" Well, that really wasn't the way to turn the situation around. But, he was in a "take my dollies" and retreat mode. He could of done something really cool and faced the music and made me give him the thumbs up. At 5:04 I will say this, IF YOU WILL NOT STAND WITH ISRAEL AND THE JEWS, THEN I WILL NOT STAND WITH YOU, THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU" Ted Cruz is speaking to EASTERN Orthodox Christians you have their people living right in the middle of MUSLIM countries. HE DOESN'T HAVE A CLUE!!!! These Orthodox people don't live in Texas there churches are not all in Texas, they don't have the safety of living in Texas. Senator Ted Cruz hasn't the foggiest idea what these people go through on a day to day basis. Sorry, but he done bumped his head and dropped the watermelon. He needs to go back to the woodshed and get a little understanding of the world at large, because he is a clueless arrogant young lawyer who THINKS he knows what is going on outside his safe front door.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Now, I can say that there were more people, in the audience, who understood and applauded what he said. The boos were getting out of hand and I very seriously doubt there were only 3 people doing it. But, if that makes you feel better to believe Doran, go for it.
Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Lastly, as this makes the conversation factually short, I will quote the IDC’s Executive Director, Andrew Doran concerning the speech that Sen. Ted Cruz gave: "Sadly, there was a small but vocal anti-Israel element in the room."
You see this is what I'm talking about, you are so blue pilled out that you are no longer even considering what you have already posted? You impeached your own witness? Because he was no longer any value to you? But you thought he was a home run when you used a portion of his quote? Is this the type of country you want? Sister, this needs to stop, we as a people cannot exist when you try to misrepresent the information in hopes to justify why we are supporting a candidate. It is a cult mentality which reinforces a cognitive dissonance, which sometimes cannot be turned around easily. Just look objectively, no one is asking you to hate him, demonize him, or not support him, but just be able to see truth, and not try to prop him up with self induced, self justifying fabrications.
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Old 08-01-2015, 01:10 PM
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Re: Sen. Ted Cruz Makes It Official

How sad, memes already put together to focus on the Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz blowing off the I.D.C meeting.

How about telling America and the World "If you will not stand with the Bible and Jesus Christ then I will not stand with you"

You will NEVER hear him (or any other ) candidate say that. NEVER.

But everyone shouts their hair down if they hear him say "if you will not stand with Israel and the Jews then I will not stand with you" what a bunch of political boot licking baloney.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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Old 08-01-2015, 02:33 PM
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Re: Sen. Ted Cruz Makes It Official

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post

How sad, memes already put together to focus on the Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz blowing off the I.D.C meeting.

How about telling America and the World "If you will not stand with the Bible and Jesus Christ then I will not stand with you"

You will NEVER hear him (or any other ) candidate say that. NEVER.

But everyone shouts their hair down if they hear him say "if you will not stand with Israel and the Jews then I will not stand with you" what a bunch of political boot licking baloney.
Why don't we look at exactly what Senator Ted Cruz said at the meeting?

But first, I want to look at a photo of those leaders who were in attendance.
Orthodoxy is so cool, isn't it? These are the same people who taught me anti-Semitism growing up in the Catholic Church - Jews, the Christ killers. It wouldn't be too hard to believe that they don't want the Jewish faith brought into the meeting.

The names are even better than the photo:

At the Summit you will have the opportunity to meet with Members of Congress and their staff, policy makers, diplomats, human rights activists, and religious leaders, including His Beatitude Moran Mor Bechara Boutros al-Rahi (Maronite Patriarch of Antioch), His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II (Syriac Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch), His Eminence Donald Cardinal Wuerl (Archbishop of Washington), His Eminence Leonard Cardinal Sandri (Prefect of the Vatican’s Congregation for Oriental Churches), His Holiness Catholicos of Aram I (head of the Holy See of Cilicia of the Armenian Apostolic Church), His Beatitude Gregory III Laham (Melkite Greek Patriarch of Antioch), His Beatitude Patriarch John X of Antioch (Primate of the Greek Orthodox Patriatchate of Antioch and All The East), and His Beatitude Moran Mor Ignatius Joseph III Younan (Patriarch of Antioch and all the East of the Syrians).

Cruz's remarks - he sets the foundation (in bold) in his opening remarks:

"Today, we are gathered at a time of extraordinary challenge. Tonight, we are all united in defense of Christians. Tonight, we are all united in defense of Jews. (clapping) Tonight, we are all united in defense of people of good faith who are standing together against those who would persecute and murder those who would dare to disagree with their religious teachings. (clapping) Religious bigotry is a cancer with many manifestations. Isis, El Quadah , Hezbollah, Hamas, and their state sponsors like Syria and Iran are all engaged in a vicious genocidal campaign to destroy religious minorities in the Middle East. Sometimes we are told not to loop these groups together, that we have to understand their so-called nuances and differences. But, we shouldn’t try to parse different manifestations of evil that are on a murderous rampage through the region. Hate is hate, and murder is murder. Our purpose here tonight is to highlight a terrible injustice. A humanitarian crises – Christians are being systematically exterminated. In 1948, Jews throughout the Middle East faced murder and extermination and fled to the nation of Israel. And, today, Christians have no greater ally than the Jewish state. ( “Stop it” Booing and it was more than 3 people. )
“Let me say this, those that hate Jews, hate America. And those that hate Jews, hate Christians. (He is referring to those groups that he mentioned in opening) And if this room will not recognize that, then my heart weeps that the men and women here will not stand in solidarity with Jews and Christians alike who are persecuted by radicals who seek to murder them.” (Clapping in agreement)

"If you hate the Jewish people, you are not reflecting the teachings of Christ.” (Murmuring in disagreement) And the very same people who persecute and murder Christians right now, who crucify Christians, who behead children are the very same people who target and murder Jews for their faith for the same reason. (the whole point of his speech - clapping in agreement along with murmuring and raised voices in disagreement)

"I will say this, I am saddened to see some here, not everyone, but some here are so consumed with hate that you cannot address your brother. I will say this, if you will not stand with Israel and the Jews, then I will not stand with you. Thank you, and God Bless you.”
Now, let’s look at the IDC Executive Director, Doran's, own words in an interview with National Review. Let’s start with what he says about himself: “Anyone who knows me knows I’m not particularly devout.”

"The sense of nearly every person in the room, no matter what their background or affiliation, was that it was designed to bait the audience; sadly, some attendees took the bait."

Let's see about those present who took the bait:

"One journalist told me that a table began booing loudly and that it looked staged to him. I don’t know about that but it wouldn’t surprise me, frankly."

So, he basically, is very contradictory in some places, but here, he acknowledges what Ted Cruz knew - there were people in the room aligned with terrorists.

The questioner comments that Cruz may have come out like he did because news reports were showing the President of IDC has terrorist ties, which Doran said is not true. Maybe it is and maybe it isn’t. You don’t know for sure any more than I do. But I expect that Sen. Ted Cruz knows more than both of us. After all, he sits on the Senate Armed Services Committee and just finished a hearing and questioning of John Kerry concerning the military balance In Middle East.
Sen. Cruz Statement Regarding ‘In Defense of Christians’ Event
September 10, 2014
(202) 228-7561

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, released the following statement regarding his attendance at the “In Defense of Christians” dinner on Wednesday evening:

“Tonight in Washington should have been a night of unity as we came together for the inaugural event for a group that calls itself 'In Defense of Christians.' Instead, it unfortunately deteriorated into a shameful display of bigotry and hatred.

“When I spoke in strong support of Israel and the Jewish people, who are being persecuted and murdered by the same vicious terrorists who are also slaughtering Christians, many Christians in the audience applauded. But, sadly, a vocal and angry minority of attendees at the conference tried to shout down my expression of solidarity with Israel.

“They cannot shout down the truth. And we should not shy away from expressing the truth, even in the face of – especially in the face of – ignorance and bigotry.

“I told the attendees that those who hate Israel also hate America, that those who hate Jews also hate Christians, and that anyone who hates Israel and the Jewish people is not following the teachings of Christ.

“These statements were met with angry boos. I went on to tell the crowd that Christians in the Middle East have no better friend than Israel. That Christians can practice their faith free of persecution in Israel. And that ISIS, al Qaeda, Hamas, and Hezbollah, along with their state sponsors in Syria and Iran, are all part of the same cancer, murdering Christians and Jews alike. Hate is hate, and murder is murder.

“I came to this event tonight to help shine a light on the tragic persecution and slaughter of Christians by ISIS and Islamic radicals throughout the Middle East. American leaders have been far too silent as to this horrific evil.

“But bigotry and hatred have no place in this discussion. Anti-Semitism is a corrosive evil, and it reared its ugly head tonight.

“After just a few minutes, I had no choice. I told them that if you will not stand with Israel, if you will not stand with the Jews, then I will not stand with you. And then I walked off the stage.”

Last edited by Pressing-On; 08-01-2015 at 02:35 PM.
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Old 08-01-2015, 03:22 PM
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Re: Sen. Ted Cruz Makes It Official

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Again, seemingly you didn't even read my offerings on the subject. Boehner saying countries spy on each other isn't the issue. You see, if you were keeping an open eye on your government and would be candidate you could objectively look at everything and present the truth. Yet, with you being a so enamoured over your senator it isn't that you can't see the truth (because the truth is so blatant) but you won't see the truth because it is so painful, and you can't admit that you are backing someone who has some issues.
I read your offerings on the subject. Saying that Israel is the only spy in the region is very short-sighted. All countries are spying on each other - that is the truth. So, why is Israel the villain here? So what if they spy on Syria, Iran, etc.? So what?

Ted Cruz does have issues - issues with the Washington Cartel who are trying very hard to get rid of him.

Oh...OK, so now we see that his full quote didn't work to your senator's advantage and now the guy is a tool?

Please, sister look at your candidate objectively that all I'm asking. Not everyone in Germany wanted Hitler, there were many who didn't think Hitler and his brownshirts were the saviors of the Fatherland.
There is only one Saviour of the world - Jesus Christ. Senator Ted Cruz happens to have a very long and tenured reputation and record of defending the Constitution of the United States. He began doing that as a Sophomore in High School. No other candidate has that record. To compare him with Hitler is a huge stretch of the imagination.

Sen. Cruz has argued before the Supreme Court nine times. That is more than any practicing lawyer in Texas or any current member of Congress.

The biggest case he argued, as solicitor general, was Medellin v. Texas - a separation of powers case - the UN has no authority to bind the United States. That is now settled law. And one law that will be beneficial in this new Iran deal.

He argued and won a huge religious liberty case in Van Orden v. Perry. It was also known as the Texas Ten Commandments Monument case. Cruz commented on the victory saying, "This is how we re-take our country, by standing on principle."

Sister, who were the anti semites? Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Bechara Raï, Orthodox Church Patriarch Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II? In post 494 you claimed that it is a fact many Mideast Christians are Arab nationalists and they hate Israel?

So, since you brought these two patriarchs up since I started this discussion with you, are you saying that these men were the anti semites who were in the audience?

Keep in mind that Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Bechara Raï was first quoted on saying that they had trouble makers in the audience. Still all this doesn't negate the clear fact that Senator Ted Cruz is absolutely clueless concerning the EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCHES and their history.
Addressed this in previous post. Not enamored with Catholicism. Swinging incense, wearing robes and chanting isn't going to help anyone in the Middle East. There is no power in any of this.

Not objectively, you watched the clip and heard it through an immense cognitive dissonance. Now, this doesn't make you a bad person, or that you can't come out of a blue pill stupor, but it is just that you can't possibly paint your candidate in a bad light, or critically view anything that he does as being less than perfect. It is like people who enter a cult, they are so overwhelmed and caught up with the cult, that they overlook the smallest indicators.
I watched it four times. I saw him as determined and not surprised. I don't know what you are seeing in the clip - something you want to see?

Let's see, anytime someone gets behind a particular candidate they are viewed as having a "cult" mentality? Maybe you just don't have a strong enough case against him, brother. You're personal disdain isn't, apparently, enough. lol

I'm very sure that I read and listen to more about him than you do. So, I get a better sense of how I feel about him. He hasn't disappointed me, as yet, like other candidates. I used to be very firmly for Rand Paul, but he has an underlying, petulant demeanour which turns me off.

Indicators which could of changed their mind and sent them in the other direction. As these indicators become even greater, they get too far down the rabbit hole to back out. When they finally do get an epiphany they remember every little indicator they ran across since the very beginning. So, sadly, you process the information through a filter that you refuse the indicators which show the senator's foibles. This only aggravates and frustrates others who see the emperor has no clothes, while you are fawning over the emperor's Ermenegildo Zegna pin stripe suit.
It appears that their views were not going to change regardless what he said. If you stay safe, you will get the honorary claps. But, like I said on my previous post, Doran was informed there were people there set up to be against the meeting. Cruz was addressing those people. Funny that Cruz knew they were there but Doran didn't know it in advance. What is that about? Maybe the organization is hiding something - anit-Semitism? Hmmmm.....

Of course not, why on earth would you see his facial expressions in an objective light? He can't do wrong, he would then be less than perfect. He must remain in a light of brilliance, someone who in your mind is the epitome of leadership. To view him any other way would be too objective, and therefore bring him down from a pedestal position. If you would see that he was slightly befuddled, then you would have to question...why? You would then have to process the information and consider what I have posted. That these people in the room aren't bad people, that there were "some troublemakers," yet even Rep Charlie Dent viewed Senator Cruz as dropping the watermelon. Sister you have so many people coming forward from Rep. Charlie Dent to IDC’s Executive Director, Andrew Doran criticizing the senator's speech. Why? Because as Charlie Dent has pointed out Senator Ted Cruz has no idea what is an Orthodox Christian. Nor does he know what their lives are like.
Again, can you give me the time marker that has him with a surprised expression?

So, you viewed and heard the video, but you believe that he was booed because he said that Israel was the best ally to America? Sister, maybe you should watch it in slow mode.

Sister if you read what I offer you, maybe you would have a better understanding in which to hold this discussion?

You are speaking to a former Catholic. I don't have much confidence in a faith that patterns their religion after the tabernacle in the wilderness. They can keep their robes, incense, crosses, angels and Holy Water. I'm done.

So, the meeting was called in Defense of Israel? Defense of the United States? Want to now why they were upset? They were upset because Ted was looking for an American Jewish vote. I was raised in a Italian/Jewish neighborhood in the Bronx, now live a hop skip and a jump from Miami, have Jewish family members, and sister, your senator hijacked that meeting thinking he was speaking to a room filled with John Hagee Dispensationalists while shopping for the Jewish vote. Sister, Ted is just another Lawyer Politician, and you know how Jesus felt about lawyers.
Ted wasn't looking for a vote. The National Review acknowledged they had posted erroneous information about him fund raising:

EDITOR’S NOTE: This interview originally made reference to an erroneous report that Senator Cruz had based a fundraising pitch on his IDC speech; the reference has been removed.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner...ryn-jean-lopez

Sister did you watch this video? DID you hear what was said? They didn't boo when they heard the word "Jew" they applauded to defend Jews, they had no problem with the word Jew. They had a problem when the senator said "the Christians have no greater ally then the Jewish state" at 2:40. You see sister they just don't believe that, they aren't Dispensationalists, they don't view the modern state of Israel as you and John Hagee. It doesn't make them anti semites, they just found fault with the statement. Then at 2:51 Senator Ted Cruz makes this statement, "Let Me Say This, Those That Hate Israel, Hate AMERICA" then at 3:20 he says that they had to stand in solidarity with Jews and Christians who are persecuted by "RADICALS WHO SEEK TO MURDER them" then the audience APPLAUDES! This at 3:25 of the video at 3:33 "IF YOU HATE THE JEWISH PEOPLE YOU ARE NOT REFLECTING THE TEACHINGS OF CHRIST" again applause, with some murmurings, but the senator goes on, but at 4:10-16 why do we hear the audience keep saying they aren't Christians? Funny thing to say? Don't you think? Then the senator gives his Parthian shot at 4:54 "that some here, not everyone but some here are SO CONSUMED WITH HATE that you cannot address you brother" Well, that really wasn't the way to turn the situation around. But, he was in a "take my dollies" and retreat mode. He could of done something really cool and faced the music and made me give him the thumbs up. At 5:04 I will say this, IF YOU WILL NOT STAND WITH ISRAEL AND THE JEWS, THEN I WILL NOT STAND WITH YOU, THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU" Ted Cruz is speaking to EASTERN Orthodox Christians you have their people living right in the middle of MUSLIM countries. HE DOESN'T HAVE A CLUE!!!! These Orthodox people don't live in Texas there churches are not all in Texas, they don't have the safety of living in Texas. Senator Ted Cruz hasn't the foggiest idea what these people go through on a day to day basis. Sorry, but he done bumped his head and dropped the watermelon. He needs to go back to the woodshed and get a little understanding of the world at large, because he is a clueless arrogant young lawyer who THINKS he knows what is going on outside his safe front door.

Can you give me the exact time marker where Sen. Ted Cruz looks surprised at the audience response?

I understood perfectly well his point that the Christians and Jews have much in common - persecution for their religious teachings. Whatever else you wanted to hear with your "blue pill" - Zionism - wasn't his point.

You see this is what I'm talking about, you are so blue pilled out that you are no longer even considering what you have already posted? You impeached your own witness? Because he was no longer any value to you? But you thought he was a home run when you used a portion of his quote? Is this the type of country you want? Sister, this needs to stop, we as a people cannot exist when you try to misrepresent the information in hopes to justify why we are supporting a candidate. It is a cult mentality which reinforces a cognitive dissonance, which sometimes cannot be turned around easily. Just look objectively, no one is asking you to hate him, demonize him, or not support him, but just be able to see truth, and not try to prop him up with self induced, self justifying fabrications.
Maybe you should changed your little "blue pill" to one that makes you act a little less aggressive. Just a suggestion.
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Old 08-01-2015, 06:47 PM
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Re: Sen. Ted Cruz Makes It Official

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Why don't we look at exactly what Senator Ted Cruz said at the meeting?
We have, and I posted it with its minute markers. You love the man (your words) therefore he can do no wrong in your eyes. Love is a pretty strong emotion I must say and placing it on this sinner politician "lawyer" is strong drink.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
But first, I want to look at a photo of those leaders who were in attendance.
Orthodoxy is so cool, isn't it?
Am I detecting a straw man being put together here?

Please post where I said that Orthodoxy is "cool?" Did your senator say it was cool? Did I post it was cool? Did I post saying anything that would lead you to believe that I believed that Orthodoxy is cool? Where are you wanting to take this discussion now? Sister, it is one thing to be swept away with a candidate to the point of looking at the bug on the leaf while missing the trees, but to come up with an accusal remark that your opposition in someway believes that Orthodoxy is cool will get you nowhere in this discussion.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
These are the same people who taught me anti-Semitism growing up in the Catholic Church
Really? I was raised Roman Catholic, I wasn't taught to hate my relatives, at no time did I call them Christ killers? Yet, the chaps in the picture are totally different from the Western Catholic cousins. That is why the broke up in the Schism of 1054. They couldn't see eye to eye, and while both groups may dress the same and burn incense, that is like comparing Independent Baptists with UPCers because they both yell over the pulpit. Again, your upbringing or my upbringing in the Western Roman Catholic Church doesn't amount to a hill of beans when it comes to understanding the Eastern Orthodox Church. It is like you being raised in Reformed Judaism and telling me that you know the ins and outs of Lubavitcher Hasidim. Again, still don't know why you are now attacking the Eastern Orthodox, Maronite, and Coptic? Maybe you can make this a bit clearer for me?

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
- Jews, the Christ killers. It wouldn't be too hard to believe that they don't want the Jewish faith brought into the meeting.
Again, these are not Western Roman Catholics living in Texas. These are Eastern Christians stuck between a rock and a hard place. Which seems that you and your senator aren't sensitive to their situation and probably they would boo you as well.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
The names are even better than the photo:
Wait, YOUR senator said that he was their brother!

He even gave them a GOD BLESS you in his bon voyage in his Parthian shot.
Seriously, I don't know why you are heading in this direction trying to make a case that these Orthodox are anti semites. Great way to get elected? Whatever.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Now, let’s look at the IDC Executive Director, Doran's, own words in an interview with National Review. Let’s start with what he says about himself: “Anyone who knows me knows I’m not particularly devout.”
So, why is this comment bolded? What is the point you are trying to make concerning Doran? The man whose quote you used in your candidate's defense and then flip flopped when he further usage of his quote didn't paint your boy is a positive light. So, please clarify your above usage of the bolded portion of the quote.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
"The sense of nearly every person in the room, no matter what their background or affiliation, was that it was designed to bait the audience; sadly, some attendees took the bait."
BAIT AUDIENCE? Well, Ted wasn't in the audience so I guess he's the one throwing out the bait?

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Let's see about those present who took the bait:

"One journalist told me that a table began booing loudly and that it looked staged to him. I don’t know about that but it wouldn’t surprise me, frankly."
OK, an I don't know, means he didn't know if it was staged or that Ted set them off with his lack of understanding as Rep. Charlie Dent observed. You sure don't want to deal with him as a front row witness.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
So, he basically, is very contradictory in some places, but here, he acknowledges what Ted Cruz knew - there were people in the room aligned with terrorists.
Sounds like he was pretty much telling us that he didn't know for a certainty the intentions of some of the guests, but new that some trouble makers were there. Whether those trouble makers were the totality of the booing is still not confirmed. Absolutely Ted hasn't been vindicated as Mr Knowledgeable concerning the Middle East situation concerning Christians, no, not by a long shot. Like I keep saying, he needs to go and get himself a little world view education under his belt and realize the world isn't the United States. Also that Christianity isn't John Hagee and Christians United For Israel.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
The questioner comments that Cruz may have come out like he did because news reports were showing the President of IDC has terrorist ties,
Oh, so now Doran is a total tool, he is so banged up he can't possibly be trusted. So, my obvious question is, why did you ever quote him in the beginning? You impeached your witness to a level that brings you under suspicion that you are winging this conversation with help of Old Man Google.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
which Doran said is not true.
Well, stick a fork in that guy, you pretty much can go back to the post you originally used him and delete his quote.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Maybe it is and maybe it isn’t.
Sister, too late for that, even if this guy was Ted Cruz's lost Canadian twin brother you still wouldn't accept any of his testimony. You can't, because your candidate must remain pure and clean. I wonder how you deal with his wife being V.P. for Goldman Sachs and a member of the CFR. By the time this is all over you are going to be the Ted Cruz apologist ninja.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
You don’t know for sure any more than I do.
Sister, big difference is that I will try to find the truth whether or not I win an argument. Because at the end of the day it is all about truth..right? Truth has to win not you, not me, but truth. So, if Ted is the epitome of Yankee Doodle Dandy, Moses, and John Wayne all wrapped up in the American flag then it needs to be proven with truth. If he is the Son of Sam, Jim Jones and Dracula then that needs to be proven also whether we like it or not. He could of stayed behind the podium and turned the audience around like he did in with those hecklers at the women's rally, but he didn't. Which leads me to believe that he may of been more prepared and waiting for the showdown then he was at the I.D.C.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
But I expect that Sen. Ted Cruz knows more than both of us.
So sorry, but Senator Ted Cruz is CLUELESS concerning the Middle East Christian issues. He couldn't tell the difference between a Coptic and a Eastern Catholic if he had a flip chart, a flash light, and a laser beam.

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
After all, he sits on the Senate Armed Services Committee and just finished a hearing and questioning of John Kerry concerning the military balance In Middle East.
Good, let John Kerry take Ted's place at the next I.D.C. meeting, maybe there be way less watermelon seeds to clean up off the patriarch of Jerusalem's beard.
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Old 08-01-2015, 07:13 PM
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Re: Sen. Ted Cruz Makes It Official

Obamabots cannot be reasoned with, because their saviour Obama can do no wrong. Cruzbots and all other bots are the same way.

But notice how some of these Orthodox are sketchy because they associate with Muslims... but Cruz is just peachy even though he associates with and is paid by sodomites...

It's also rather obvious to a Zionist, the Jews are essentially THE issue. Loyalty to "Zion" is more important than loyalty to truth, God, integrity, Jesus, or anything else.

Any politician who is a Zionist is fit to serve in the Knesset, and NOWHERE ELSE.
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