Originally Posted by Aquila
Is there water on Mars?
No, not presently. Just water and CO2 ice. It does appear to have been flowing at some point in time millions of years ago from the erosion and cratering. It looks like subsurface ice warmed and melted for some reason causing erosion patterns that NASA geologists refer to as "wasting." The water then either refroze and has been buried or it sublimated out into space.
Originally Posted by Aquila
Did you choose that particular one because it looks like it's "flipping the bird" at me?
That's from the
Carina Nebula and there is no doubt lots of water about - but in small quantities compared to everything else. By "small" I mean it's nothing like the amount water to "dust" (and rock) ratio that we find on the earth's surface.
Also, this particular area is bathed in lethal levels of radiation caused by two of the most massive stars that have been identified in the Milky Way. One of them. Eta Carina, is particularly unstable and has been spewing out massive amounts of material.
As you appear to reason (below), the water from one of these dust clouds could not have been a source of "Noah's Flood." Had the earth passed through one of these regions of space - or if one of these clouds had passed through our region of space - the "nuclear winter" effects would have killed everything on the planet except perhaps bacteria.
Originally Posted by Aquila
I think we're on two different wave lengths.
Originally Posted by Aquila
I didn't mean that I have a picture of an abyss. I did say that I had pictures of interstellar clouds (from Google lol) that have ice particles (water) that are in the abyss of space.
The original question sought to find out how the cosmology of
Genesis 1 through 11, could be taken literally. The ancient cosmology had a watery abyss which was held back by the solid firmament dome over the earth. When the windows in this dome were opened, the earth was flooded.
The alternative proposed so far, is that the "firmament" was not really a solid dome but a layer of gasses. The "watery abyss" is still missing here, but it may have been supplied by ice crystals embedded within a giant dust cloud 58,786,300,000,000,000 miles away.
Traveling at the speed of light, it would have taken some 10,000 years for those ice crystals to get here - but then their mass would have been converted to pure energy at such an acceleration and the earth would not have been flooded, but bathed in whatever radiation signal is emitted when hydrogen and oxygen are annihilated. I suspect it would have been some sort of x-rays that would have cause serious harm, but little or no flooding on the face of the earth turned toward Carina at the time.
Slowing the ice crystals down to more reasonable speeds would result in the trip still taking longer than a literal reading would allow. Also, we have yet to find anything that would launch our ice on such a journey.
You're better off looking for help from the Oort Cloud of "dirty snowballs" which surround our solar system like a halo. But then again, how could the account in
Genesis 6 - 9, be compared to a bombardment of comets upon the earth? The energy released from a single impact would certainly have warranted Noah's attention - just before it killed him.
And then after the flood, how did the water from the killer comets get back into space? I don't think this one works out for us either.
Originally Posted by Aquila
It was a thought rattling around in my head, yes. But I'm an honest man. I couldn't see how earth passing through one of these "clouds" would produce the biblical flood... so I didn't say anything.
I know you are. You're a good man as well. It's just that these issues have been argued out over the past 200 years with Bible literalism getting a sound thumping every time. It can be discouraging to the faith. I was prepared to just walk away from the Book entirely - but I couldn't.
John H. Walton - professor of the OT at Wheaton University in Wheaton, IL, has done some very excellent work in understanding the ancient cosmology and how the divinely inspired message was carried and transmitted through concepts that are simply not accepted today.
He points out that though we don't accept the ancient cosmology - we can still accept the inspired message of the Bible.
The Lost World of Genesis One is his most recent book on the subject.