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06-13-2009, 12:29 PM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
Steve, so hold a minute here. You believe there is one God in Heaven now, and he is the only God, which is the son. Is this right?

06-13-2009, 12:35 PM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
Originally Posted by warrior
TSis. Perez, the scripture say that on the Third day The SON Was raised from the dead.
There is no belief in two Gods. I believe in one ONE God. That has already been explained several times.
Now, what scriptures do you have that say NO SON OF GOD IN HEAVEN NOW? You haven't shown any yet. I have shown you scriptures that specifically say he is on the right side of the father.
Please show me your scriptures. I beg you.
Warrior, what you are saying is really confusing. You said you believe in one God, and the scripture specifically says that he is on the right side of the father. So, Jesus Christ, the son is the only God you believe in. Correct me if I am wrong. And so, then who is the Father?

06-13-2009, 12:45 PM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
God said there was no God formed before him and their would be none formed after him. How could there be 2 Gods when that was God on the Earth? He was in the world, the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. So when was the one that MADE the World IN the World?? If they knew that was God they would not have crucified him.
Everyone is looking at the flesh and not at what was everlasting that came out of that Body so that it could die......

06-13-2009, 04:35 PM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
Originally Posted by sis_perez
God said there was no God formed before him and their would be none formed after him. How could there be 2 Gods when that was God on the Earth? He was in the world, the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. So when was the one that MADE the World IN the World?? ......
Do you believe the God that made the world - was ever in the world?
Originally Posted by sis_perez
If they knew that was God they would not have crucified him......
I dont think anyone would have laid a hand on him IF they knew who it was among them.
Originally Posted by sis_perez
Everyone is looking at the flesh and not at what was everlasting that came out of that Body so that it could die....
It was miraculous that the flesh that God did not allow the flesh to see corruption. David prophysied about it in the Old Testament. The flesh was crucified and lay in the grave for 3 days and was raised again. Hallelujah!
The Son was crucified and lay in the grave for 3 days and was raised again. Hallelujah!

06-13-2009, 04:46 PM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
Originally Posted by sis_perez
Warrior, what you are saying is really confusing. You said you believe in one God, and the scripture specifically says that he is on the right side of the father. So, Jesus Christ, the son is the only God you believe in. Correct me if I am wrong. And so, then who is the Father?
I am sorry that you are confused. I am not. Please refer to all of the explanations of the Godhead to help you get a better understanding. It has been explained more than one time. Once again, I believe in one God. Not two or three, but one.

06-13-2009, 04:48 PM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
Originally Posted by citizen
Do you believe the God that made the world - was ever in the world?
I dont think anyone would have laid a hand on him IF they knew who it was among them.
It was miraculous that the flesh that God did not allow the flesh to see corruption. David prophysied about it in the Old Testament. The flesh was crucified and lay in the grave for 3 days and was raised again. Hallelujah!
The Son was crucified and lay in the grave for 3 days and was raised again. Hallelujah!
To add on. He rose on the third day, ascended into heaven and is now sitting on the right hand side of the father making intercession for us. As clearly stated in the scriptures.

06-13-2009, 07:18 PM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
Yes you believe in one God so you say. Everyone keeps saying the son rose. I say the son did not rise. God Raised a "BODY" or shall I say that temple. His life was taken. Maybe to get you to see my side, there is something about "what was " that is No more. He said I go to the father and ye see me no more. Yet they saw him. There is something about that body that "ROSE" that is no more. So what is it? The son was born and died. We know this right?? There is also the something we are dealing with that had no beginning of Days or End of Life. Now Didnt the son's life end? What was it about the son that said " Ye see me no more?" From the Death on the Cross to God raising that body, There was a change made.- Great is the Mystery.

06-13-2009, 07:27 PM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
Sis. Perez.
You have said a lot without one scipture to support any of your theories. YOU HAVE NO SCRIPTURES to prove anything.
That settles it all. The Bible said it and we repreated it. Show Bible, Sister Perez

06-13-2009, 07:28 PM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
I beg you to please show scriptures for any of this. Please!

06-13-2009, 07:30 PM
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Re: Bishop SC Johnson
If you believe there is one God, why do you keep mentioning the son? His life ended. If he is the one that is suppsed to come, and God knows all things, then he should know when he is coming and the son that is supposed to be up there sitting on the right hand and makeing these intersessions for us, does not know this.
Warrior do you believe the son was in the Beginning too?
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