We ARE called to tailor our lives after the historical context of the scriptures, for the words therein are not limited to the times in which they were written. We ARE called to follow those precepts of scripture, regardless if it is AD100 or AD 2028. Truth is not relative to culture.
The Bible culture has not changed in 2000 years. It is still the same culture as it always has been. The world's culture has changed, but not truth.
Keep studying Bill, because these about the most ignorant statements I have ever read. Except for the bolded part, the precepts or principles yes, if you do not account for cultural change you will be totally irrelevant for today.
__________________ For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)
BTW this forum is not public.We are members.Sorry but I disagree.The elder has a right to his opinion and is very grieved.I doubt strife is the answer but maybe prayer and getting on your knees and asking God if maybe this elder who has laid hands on the dead and seen them raised to lifes opinion is important.I don't know maybe its something to consider instead of condemn.
Uh.....yes, it is.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Keep studying Bill, because these about the most ignorant statements I have ever read. Except for the bolded part, the precepts or principles yes, if you do not account for cultural change you will be totally irrelevant for today.
So right you are. I wonder why we don't wear our robes anymore? Could it be culture has changed?
Well, do you believe in slavery? Do you believe in stoning entire families because one person in the family did something wrong? If you believe in Bible culture, this is what you believe in.
Oh, but that's different!!!
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
i guess it is different since it matters to us and our lives how dare we disagree with the old time culture, goodness it is only 2007, and even a different world by far from when i was a child, really, dt
Sir, that’s hypocritical. You say you’d gladly speak with him privately because you “would not invite an audience to the conversation.” Yet you have no problem getting on a forum and blasting away behind his back . . . and in front of a large audience.
Had others not mentioned the name and initials of the person BS was speaking about, we'd have no idea who he was talking about, and to me, that makes a big difference in his reason for starting this thread, and it's not about being hypocritical. It was others in the meeting who decided to 'oust' the man, not Bro. Strange.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Everybody chooses their friends. You have every right to choose yours and stand up for them. So do I. I KNOW MB just like you say you know Bro. Strange.
Do you think it is Bible for a man to attack another in a forum and not look him in the eye? My Bible says go to him!
If you don't want people to attack Bro. Strange then he needs to stop attacking others.
Birds of a feather flock together. Remember that.
Attacking people isn't allowed here, but attacking their doctrines are. The latter is what is seen here, not the former.
And for those of us who didn't attend the campmeeting, we were in the dark about the specifics until others like yourself started naming names and initials.
That's when it turned personal, IMO.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!