Originally Posted by Jeffrey
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What is a Oneness Pentecostal Apologetic? Is it specific to Oneness theology?
Most apologetic symposium answer and interact with Timmy-like questions. If God is good why is there suffering in the world? How do we know he's real? etc... Does this conference focus solely on the godhead?
Isn't the godhead "good" despite the suffering we see in the world? Isn't this aspect of Deity worthy of consideration?
In my opinion, DKB actually laid down the first credible framework for a "Oneness Apologetic" back when he published his "Trinitarian Controversies" books round about 1992 or so.
He was the first to publish a reasoned and accurate look at the development of the doctrine of the Trinity by a Oneness writer. Everyone else simply followed the discredited meme that "Constantine invented the trinity at the Council of Nicea because he worshiped the sun god!"
Bernard understands the subtleties and complexities of the historical development here. Everyone would be well served to touch base with his treatment of the subject before adding to the body of work.