First two temples were built and rebuilt by those commanded by God to build and rebuild them.
VERY good point.
Brother Jason, this is what makes a HOLY PLACE. It has to have the Glory of the Lord dwelling in it.
ANOTHER very good point.
__________________ ...MY THOUGHTS, ANYWAY.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
Uhm, Bro. Blume, this is not what you were saying during that time. Here is what you did say....
How's that for looking "more carefully"?
So, again Bro. Blume, were you telling the truth here or not? If you were, how did you post what we posted without reading what we wrote?
For the third time, let me repeat this, I chose to see some posts and chose not to see others, while IGNORE was used. On IGNORE none are visible. One has to make an effort to see the ones you want to see, by clicking the VIEW button. Simply looking at the pages disallows me from seeing them, unless I really want to and select VIEW. That is what I meant.
And after IGNORE is disabled, I can read all the posts just by going to the pages with them on them. And I did not see anything answering my questions before or after I used ignore.
I can repeat this again if you want. But can you answer my questions now? You are doing a good job in avoiding answering my questions. You could have answered me several times by now.
1) Why the personal plural pronouns in Phil 3:20 are limited to the church, showing that the same must be held for that used in verse 21.
Regarding No. 1, I asked how you could insist OUR VILE BODY refers to those of the church AND other people to whom Paul formerly belonged, namely unsaved Israel when verse 20 limits the personal plural pronouns in context of verses 20 and 21 to the saved people? The reason I referred to the limitation of verse 20 pronouns to saved people is that this shows who is referred to as "OUR" in verse 21 -- ONLY saved people. This disproves your thought, I believe. And since they are saved people whom Paul speaks of in verse 21, and nothing referred to as a body concerning saved people was "vile" except their mortal physical bodies, OUR VILE BODY cannot refer to anything but the physical body.
Yes, you responded generally about phil 3:21 but not to the particular argument about the personal plural pronouns used in verse 20 and 21 in response to your arguments. The argument stopped with me making this particular point. We discussed Phil 3:21 until I asled you about the personal plural pronouns continuity in verse 20 to 21 and it stopped there with no more respones from you.
2) How the BODY is a container in 2 Cor 5, and that saying the spiritual body is not physical and thereby lose its containing function.
3) Why can we be absent from the body with the Lord if when we physically die we HAVE A SPIRITUAL BODY
3) What Romans 8 means about the creation groans waiting for the redemption of our bodies when sons of God are manifested.
4) Why Jesus "dieth no more, death has no more dominion over Him," in Romans 6 if He has no physical body that can die.
5) Why Romans 6 answers the issue of death in Romans 5 that Adam brought into the world by His sin by having Jesus physically die.
__________________ ...MY THOUGHTS, ANYWAY.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
I just finished reading this entire thread…I think I need a tranquilizer…I definitely need to stay away from ledges.
BTW, I copied the entire debate to Word and I'll try to read and critique it in the near future. I have read some of it already, but I don't think I saw a clear winner (or loser for that matter), but what do I know?
For the third time, let me repeat this, I chose to see some posts and chose not to see others, while IGNORE was used. On IGNORE none are visible. One has to make an effort to see the ones you want to see, by clicking the VIEW button. Simply looking at the pages disallows me from seeing them, unless I really want to and select VIEW. That is what I meant.
And after IGNORE is disabled, I can read all the posts just by going to the pages with them on them. And I did not see anything answering my questions before or after I used ignore.
I can repeat this again if you want.
Bro. Blume, regardless whether someone understands how the ignore feature works or not, the issue is what you plainly said that you were NOT reading our posts at all. In your above post you're now saying that you were. Let me quote what you said during the time you claimed to have me and Bro. Benincasa on your ignore...
Originally Posted by mfblume
Like I said, I am out of the situation, bro. I have placed the two other B's on ignore for weeks now and cannot read their posts. So critique of my posts by them will be missed, since I am not reading their posts.
The IGNORE function blocks out their posts so that cannot read them. It has proved useless for me to speak to them. -
Bro. Blume, I do not see how anyone could get anything other than that you were saying that you were "NOT READING" our posts. Seems pretty plain to me. And yet you now claim that you were reading these posts?? This is at most deceiving, and at least confusing.... So how about it, were you truthful in the above or not? If you say you were, could you please explain what else "I am not reading their posts" could possibly mean?
If needed, I can repeat it again if you want.
The Bible is open to those that want Truth, and if they want Truth, they find Truth. They watch individuals squabble over Bible symbolism on the Internet, and leave the Message boards to enter into the real world where live people dwell, and they find Truth. The World Wide Web is full of Internet Ayatollahs who speak their mind. There is only one Truth, and it is not hidden. No matter what anyone says, Truth still converts the sincere. -DD Benincasa, 12/06/03
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
I just finished reading this entire thread…I think I need a tranquilizer…I definitely need to stay away from ledges.
BTW, I copied the entire debate to Word and I'll try to read and critique it in the near future. I have read some of it already, but I don't think I saw a clear winner (or loser for that matter), but what do I know?
It has the opposite effect on me. This thread is a tranquilizer! Can't get through much of it before
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
It has the opposite effect on me. This thread is a tranquilizer! Can't get through much of it before
Listen, Timmy try taking your television in the bathtube with you next time you are watching South Park. Oh, and while you are at it, take the toaster with you also.
__________________ "all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
Listen, Timmy try taking your television in the bathtube with you next time you are watching South Park. Oh, and while you are at it, take the toaster with you also.
Yeah, that'd wake me up!
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
Listen, Timmy try taking your television in the bathtube with you next time you are watching South Park. Oh, and while you are at it, take the toaster with you also.
Originally Posted by Timmy
Yeah, that'd wake me up!
Been thinking about that post and my easy-going response. As you all know, I'm very slow to take offense. Maybe I was too slow, this time. Jokingly recommending suicide is, IMO, over the line. How did he know I wasn't on the brink? He could have pushed me over the edge. My cheerful, jocular online persona could be just a mask.
Most people would never joke that way, for many reasons. The last-straw danger is probably tiny, for most folks, but it's just in really poor taste. And it could trigger painful memories in some who read it.
But, as they say, "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh."
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty
Timmy don't get upset he said bathtube not bathtub so don't get offended bro. I am still trying to figure out what a bathtube is.... I think I will google it...