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11-24-2007, 03:13 PM
I know I'm new around here and it always takes time to get to know people, especially over the internet, and I know that there are probably people of different denominations, different backgrounds, some who are Christian and some who may claim to be and aren't. But it's really hard to figure out who is who around here.
I see people insulting a church leader due to his comments about the kind of fellowship that goes on in here, I see people come here hurting and admitting they've strayed and they're accused of lying, then I see people starting threads that insult other members of this very forum, then I see someone say that another is close to taking the Lord's name in vain due to having Jesus name on their post yet what they say isn't representative of what Jesus would endorse...... and then end their post with "God bless you too by the way".
Jhn 13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
It seems different people have different definitions of the kind of "love" Jesus was talking about here, but one thing is crystal clear to me in that verse and it's "all men". That means people in the world, people in the church, people in a church, some form of religion, no form of religion...... all.
You guys may understand each other and may in your heart love one another on whatever level your understanding of love is, but I can promise you it doesn't look that way to all people.
I've looked beyond the human error in misunderstanding one another and the natural human reactions to offenses on here because that's part of the way we are made and none of us are perfect and there is so much good here. I know that these forums can be used to do much for the good of the kingdom of God, I've seen it happen and I've experienced that. But when people take these kind of direct, intentional stabs at one another, I sure don't want what they have.
Funny how an outsider who doesn't know anyone, therefore has no friends on here so no favorites and doesn't have any sides to take, can see most people here doing the very things they dislike their brothers and sisters doing.

11-24-2007, 03:44 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 697
Originally Posted by Sis_Mom
I know I'm new around here and it always takes time to get to know people, especially over the internet, and I know that there are probably people of different denominations, different backgrounds, some who are Christian and some who may claim to be and aren't. But it's really hard to figure out who is who around here.
I see people insulting a church leader due to his comments about the kind of fellowship that goes on in here, I see people come here hurting and admitting they've strayed and they're accused of lying, then I see people starting threads that insult other members of this very forum, then I see someone say that another is close to taking the Lord's name in vain due to having Jesus name on their post yet what they say isn't representative of what Jesus would endorse...... and then end their post with "God bless you too by the way".
Jhn 13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
It seems different people have different definitions of the kind of "love" Jesus was talking about here, but one thing is crystal clear to me in that verse and it's "all men". That means people in the world, people in the church, people in a church, some form of religion, no form of religion...... all.
You guys may understand each other and may in your heart love one another on whatever level your understanding of love is, but I can promise you it doesn't look that way to all people.
I've looked beyond the human error in misunderstanding one another and the natural human reactions to offenses on here because that's part of the way we are made and none of us are perfect and there is so much good here. I know that these forums can be used to do much for the good of the kingdom of God, I've seen it happen and I've experienced that. But when people take these kind of direct, intentional stabs at one another, I sure don't want what they have.
Funny how an outsider who doesn't know anyone, therefore has no friends on here so no favorites and doesn't have any sides to take, can see most people here doing the very things they dislike their brothers and sisters doing.
And before someone gets in a hissy fit about her saying what apears to be........
Remember the scripture.... "let not your good be evil spoken of"
You might have the greatest intentions in the world, but if you come across like Sis Mom says you do, (And I happen to agree) then your "good" sure doesnt look like it. And it it surely is being "evil spoken of".

11-24-2007, 03:51 PM
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Carpenter, None of us are perfect.
But its nice to see that some of us are man enough to acknowledge it, and apoligise for it.

11-24-2007, 04:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Sis_Mom
I know I'm new around here and it always takes time to get to know people, especially over the internet, and I know that there are probably people of different denominations, different backgrounds, some who are Christian and some who may claim to be and aren't. But it's really hard to figure out who is who around here.
I see people insulting a church leader due to his comments about the kind of fellowship that goes on in here, I see people come here hurting and admitting they've strayed and they're accused of lying, then I see people starting threads that insult other members of this very forum, then I see someone say that another is close to taking the Lord's name in vain due to having Jesus name on their post yet what they say isn't representative of what Jesus would endorse...... and then end their post with "God bless you too by the way".
Jhn 13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
It seems different people have different definitions of the kind of "love" Jesus was talking about here, but one thing is crystal clear to me in that verse and it's "all men". That means people in the world, people in the church, people in a church, some form of religion, no form of religion...... all.
You guys may understand each other and may in your heart love one another on whatever level your understanding of love is, but I can promise you it doesn't look that way to all people.
I've looked beyond the human error in misunderstanding one another and the natural human reactions to offenses on here because that's part of the way we are made and none of us are perfect and there is so much good here. I know that these forums can be used to do much for the good of the kingdom of God, I've seen it happen and I've experienced that. But when people take these kind of direct, intentional stabs at one another, I sure don't want what they have.
Funny how an outsider who doesn't know anyone, therefore has no friends on here so no favorites and doesn't have any sides to take, can see most people here doing the very things they dislike their brothers and sisters doing.
Good post, but it is also important to remember that many of the things said here are said because for years and decades they were not allowed to be said in the churches. It is the "information age" at work. For the first time since Adam and Eve the common man has a voice and can say what he thinks without (much) fear of repercussions. Often this is not a good thing since many speak without thinking, but overall, I think its positives outweigh its benefits.
By the way, I am sure that a few old stalwarts will come on and say "RW, hogwash! There you go again! Just keep it up! Admin??! Ban him permanently!"

11-24-2007, 04:15 PM
Mama to four little angels.
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Texas
Posts: 3,053
I think this makes the most sense yet.
I know I'm still hesitant about going to my pastor with things, due to past experiences. I, unfortunately, never developed that filter that prevents a person from pointing out the obvious until after some pretty harsh life lessons. I much prefer the internet where a dialogue can occur and thoughts be freely spoken. Well, some places. heh I know it makes some uncomfortable, for this I'm sorry. For me and people like me, this almost blunt, sometimes very blunt, discussion is a vital part of growth and learning. For once I can speak my mind and know it'll be heard, or ignored, maybe responded to, maybe questioned. It's allowed for me to check out some things I've thought, throw some of them away and become far more secure in others.
That said, Carp...the OP was harsh..but I almost laughed out loud. Sorry Bro Benincasa..I figured you'd take it about as you did.
Oh Randy...its positives outweigh it's benefits?
Originally Posted by RandyWayne
Good post, but it is also important to remember that many of the things said here are said because for years and decades they were not allowed to be said in the churches. It is the "information age" at work. For the first time since Adam and Eve the common man has a voice and can say what he thinks without (much) fear of repercussions. Often this is not a good thing since many speak without thinking, but overall, I think its positives outweigh its benefits.
By the way, I am sure that a few old stalwarts will come on and say "RW, hogwash! There you go again! Just keep it up! Admin??! Ban him permanently!"

11-24-2007, 04:20 PM
Mama to four little angels.
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Texas
Posts: 3,053
I agree there's some harsh stuff here. I won't make excuses for it, it is what it is.
I have seen it said that people probably shouldn't be here until they're fairly well established in their walk with God. It's not really a converting and raising up the babies sort of site. This I'll definitely agree with.
It's also the internet. Dialogue happens in fast forward here and that can bring out the worst, and the best, in people sometimes. It's pretty easy to type off in the heat of passion and click that submit button w/o giving much thought to how your words may be perceived. I have seen a lot of gracious apologizing here though. It's not perfect, but the internet isn't. That it happens is fairly unusual online. Some sites eat you for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and come back for the midnight snack w/o any concern whatsoever for how their words are taken or any apologies for things said that were harsh and hurtful.
I'll agree with what RandyWayne was trying to say though, it's positives outweigh it's negatives by far IMO. This sort of communication isn't for everyone, but those of us who do enjoy this it's wonderful to have it available.
Originally Posted by Sis_Mom
I know I'm new around here and it always takes time to get to know people, especially over the internet, and I know that there are probably people of different denominations, different backgrounds, some who are Christian and some who may claim to be and aren't. But it's really hard to figure out who is who around here.
I see people insulting a church leader due to his comments about the kind of fellowship that goes on in here, I see people come here hurting and admitting they've strayed and they're accused of lying, then I see people starting threads that insult other members of this very forum, then I see someone say that another is close to taking the Lord's name in vain due to having Jesus name on their post yet what they say isn't representative of what Jesus would endorse...... and then end their post with "God bless you too by the way".
Jhn 13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
It seems different people have different definitions of the kind of "love" Jesus was talking about here, but one thing is crystal clear to me in that verse and it's "all men". That means people in the world, people in the church, people in a church, some form of religion, no form of religion...... all.
You guys may understand each other and may in your heart love one another on whatever level your understanding of love is, but I can promise you it doesn't look that way to all people.
I've looked beyond the human error in misunderstanding one another and the natural human reactions to offenses on here because that's part of the way we are made and none of us are perfect and there is so much good here. I know that these forums can be used to do much for the good of the kingdom of God, I've seen it happen and I've experienced that. But when people take these kind of direct, intentional stabs at one another, I sure don't want what they have.
Funny how an outsider who doesn't know anyone, therefore has no friends on here so no favorites and doesn't have any sides to take, can see most people here doing the very things they dislike their brothers and sisters doing.

11-24-2007, 05:14 PM
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I am hurting and admit I've strayed and people accuse me of lying...
There has been a lot of back and forth here, and as a result folks develop an understanding or relationship so to speak where they know or expect to know how someone will respond, why they post the way they do, and sometimes their true meaning or heart toward things.
I have malace toward none, but I sure do enjoy a good chain yanking service every once in a while just to see how folks will respond and to figger out the way they think.
...you have to know that about me, but you don't yet because you are new.
There is an enemy walking about and I are not him.

11-24-2007, 06:13 PM
AKA Tricia Lea
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Location: Kannapolis NC
Posts: 263
Originally Posted by nahkoe
I agree there's some harsh stuff here. I won't make excuses for it, it is what it is.
I have seen it said that people probably shouldn't be here until they're fairly well established in their walk with God. It's not really a converting and raising up the babies sort of site. This I'll definitely agree with.
It's also the internet. Dialogue happens in fast forward here and that can bring out the worst, and the best, in people sometimes. It's pretty easy to type off in the heat of passion and click that submit button w/o giving much thought to how your words may be perceived. I have seen a lot of gracious apologizing here though. It's not perfect, but the internet isn't. That it happens is fairly unusual online. Some sites eat you for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and come back for the midnight snack w/o any concern whatsoever for how their words are taken or any apologies for things said that were harsh and hurtful.
I'll agree with what RandyWayne was trying to say though, it's positives outweigh it's negatives by far IMO. This sort of communication isn't for everyone, but those of us who do enjoy this it's wonderful to have it available.
This forum is open to the public, What impression would this forum give to someone who is looking for God?
Imagine you as the reader came across this before you became a christian, What would your thoughts be of the Apostolic faith?

11-24-2007, 06:30 PM
Mama to four little angels.
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Texas
Posts: 3,053
Nothing worse than they were anyhow. lol
It'd probably have really improved my opinion, seeing real exchanges btwn real people. Thinking on it some more, it *did* improve my opinion. I wasn't saved when I found AFF.
What it would do for someone else, I can't say. I can say that there's a place where your heart is hardened to the point it doesn't really matter what you see or hear. If I'd found AFF a year or two ago, I'd have taken it entirely differently than I did when I found it. But that's cuz that's where I was then. At the same time, it'd have caused me to step back a little bit and think some things through that I thought I'd known as fact. The people I spend..spent? lol time with would take it about the same way. Most are quite open minded and interested to hear other perspectives about spirituality and religion. They enjoy debate and aren't threatened when it gets heated. If they were wound up here and started posting, it probably wouldn't do anything to lead them to God, unless God decided to use it.
The biggest thing is it's honest dialogue, not random attacks and cutting down. Those things might happen, but apologies are made. It's just human is all. That in itself could reach someone. I know it's what got through to me.
Originally Posted by NightOwl
This forum is open to the public, What impression would this forum give to someone who is looking for God?
Imagine you as the reader came across this before you became a christian, What would your thoughts be of the Apostolic faith?

11-24-2007, 07:28 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Originally Posted by meBNme
couple questions.....
Why is 1914 the generation that will not pass away????
I thought it was 1948?
and Dan A.......
That was too funny man, I'm supposed to disagree with you not agree! what are we thinking?
This is a pretty decent list of the 1914 Watchtower Generation Doctrine, I don't agree with the individuals who own this site because of their stance against Apostolic Pentecostals Also how they use white background with tiny, tiny, red font, which kills my eyes to read. I have written these chaps in times past and even tried to call them, but no reply to my questions. Again the list is pretty good and may be helpful in your research of the Watchtower Society.
In Jesus name
Brother Benincasa
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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