I really think it must have been an ULTRA CON...really....
They must not like my company sometimes...too bad they are missing so much...Oh, well not everybody liked the crowd Jesus run with...I personally have chosen the Love route...I refuse to bash my brother or sister...and refuse to speak out against any group unless I feel they are dangerous or something along that line...
But on the other hand I recieved this other beautiful e mail from someone who differs very much from what I believe and this person was so kind and even felt to send me an offering to help on my trip...
So God is good. His people are tops and the cream of the crop!
Oh, yes the bad e mail was from Texas of all places...
It was no doubt some visiting Yankee attempting to give us a bad name ma'am
When you get mail like that it is usually from someone that wishes they were like you...so I just said a prayer for whoever sent it and deleted it...All is well...
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Really this proably came from someone who thinks the idea of a woman preacher is heresy.I certainly don't agree with women pastors,but to go around casting everybody that believes in such into hell is a bit much.
People who are always looking for fault,can find it easily all they have to do,is look into their mirror.
There they can find plenty of fault.