Originally Posted by Aquila
I have a question for some of you who house church. It's in regards to delivery of the Word. When you preach the Word I assume it's more conversational as opposed to being "preachy". But when you teach do you deliver a "sermon" with a title, points, analogies and applications..... or do take a passage the Lord has laid upon your heart and then read and discuss it together?
Those outside of the I.C. respond on a daily basis the operation of the spirit concerning the needs of the Body (the church). Always ready to teach, preach, encourage, nurse, and feed the natural body. It is not bound by a specific time or date.
Assembly could take place often, even everyday. The atmosphere could be one of instruction in righteousness, healing, both physical, mental, and spiritual.
The I.C. approach has roots in ancient Greek rhetoric where crowds gather to be awed by a speaker. The Church building itself is designed as to show a separation of clergy and the common believer. Example: elevated platform, special chairs, special places to sit for the clergy and his staff. Special attire we see now even in the O.P. movement.
There may be a time where a type of teaching may require a use of charts where one stands for example. Or the use of a rented building to fellowship and be blessed by a visiting missionary or evangelist.
Home assembly is nothing new but fairly new in the U.S. If you use google alert and type in "House Church" you will almost daily get resources and articles concerning it delivered to your email. Home assembly among Gods people has never stopped, just being reborn in the U.S.
I.C. Apostolic Oneness Orgs resembles it's mother the Assembly of God and it's mother the Catholic institution. Resembling them in the building (temple) approach in worshiping God. Using a special one (pastor type priest) to connect to God and pay tribute to (tithing money).
A pastor in the biblical example is one who has that capacity or gift to pastor. One who serves the needs of those in the Body, specifically new-Born's. The Body of Christ is monitored by a plurality of elders to serve and instruct. Apostles, Bishops, teachers, pastors, and Elders are servantile positions and one may be used inter-changeably.
The I.C. uses those positions as in a pyramid fashion which requires eventually a type of Pope if you will. They can't get around that even though they may deny it.