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Old 08-22-2007, 07:11 AM
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timlan2057 timlan2057 is offline
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I needed to tell Brother Strange to thank his wife for the wonderful breakfast last week. Sister Strange had to leave on an errand before I left.

So I may as well do that here.

Number one: NO WAY that man on the far right of the first row is Marvin Treece. That man, whoever he is, is obviously in his late forties or early fifties or even older.

Some of you are forgetting what era this is.

Prominent UPC preachers of course have always dressed in the latest styles.

And those ties SCREAM "late sixties or early seventies." Tommy Craft was wearing the brighter ties of the mid-seventies by the time I got to JCM in September of 1975 so this picture is most probably a few years before that.

So my guess is this was around 1970-71 or so.

That's almost 40 years ago, people.

Marvin Treece would have still been Youth President of the Louisiana District around this time and no more than 35-38 years old.

He had a full head of sandy blond hair, was thinner and had a boyishly handsome face with full eyebrows and wasn't wearing glasses.

Here's my contribution:

Tommy Craft: Obvious. Treece is about his age and as you can see, Craft is still pretty close to Conquerors' Age here.

Ron Newstrand: Obvious. He was REALLY a fresh-faced kid back then.

Jess Williams: Obvious.

That's DEFINITELY G. A. Mangun on the far right, second row. This was around the time they moved from 16th and Day and built the first "big" church on Rapides and Meyer. Back then it was "Greater First Pentecostal Church."

(It always amused me how some ignoramuses thought they were bragging with that name when "greater" was a common term for the Alexandria metropolitan area.)

Anyway, Mangun definitely wore his hair slicked back with the wet look during that time. Anthony would have probably been a senior in high school around this time.

Far left third row: I THINK that is Glenn Chance, pastor of First UPC Monroe and at this time just beginning a 35 year long tenure as presbyter of Section Nine of the Louisiana District.

Third Row Second From Left: That's T. C. Bonnette, pastor of First UPC in Oakdale, La. and Foreign Missions Director of the Louisiana District at the time. Bonnette is quite elderly now and I see him around town occasionally.

I'd just about declare for sure that is Fred Foster, third from right, third row.

Back row, second from left, David Theobald.

And ... I THINK the guy on the far right, back row, is John Hattabaugh.

It's interesting to guess the occasion. I know that Craft and Newstrand served on the foreign missions board in the past.

I wonder if this was some kind of impromptu picture at a general conference? Looks like a fancier hotel.

My impression?

Many of these guys like Craft, Fisher, Newstrand, etc. were in their late thirties and early forties and already prominent pastors, leaders and administrators in the UPC.

Generation-wise, NOBODY has replaced them.

If I were the UPC, I'd be highly alarmed about the miniscule number of ministers under thirty and I'd be realizing that - for whatever reason and despite what the rose-colored glasses people are saying - I am a stagnant and dying organization.

Thanks again for the fine hospitality, Brother Strange.
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Old 08-22-2007, 07:23 AM

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Originally Posted by timlan2057 View Post

I needed to tell Brother Strange to thank his wife for the wonderful breakfast last week. Sister Strange had to leave on an errand before I left.

So I may as well do that here.

Number one: NO WAY that man on the far right of the first row is Marvin Treece. That man, whoever he is, is obviously in his late forties or early fifties or even older.

Some of you are forgetting what era this is.

Prominent UPC preachers of course have always dressed in the latest styles.

And those ties SCREAM "late sixties or early seventies." Tommy Craft was wearing the brighter ties of the mid-seventies by the time I got to JCM in September of 1975 so this picture is most probably a few years before that.

So my guess is this was around 1970-71 or so.

That's almost 40 years ago, people.

Marvin Treece would have still been Youth President of the Louisiana District around this time and no more than 35-38 years old.

He had a full head of sandy blond hair, was thinner and had a boyishly handsome face with full eyebrows and wasn't wearing glasses.

Here's my contribution:

Tommy Craft: Obvious. Treece is about his age and as you can see, Craft is still pretty close to Conquerors' Age here.

Ron Newstrand: Obvious. He was REALLY a fresh-faced kid back then.

Jess Williams: Obvious.

That's DEFINITELY G. A. Mangun on the far right, second row. This was around the time they moved from 16th and Day and built the first "big" church on Rapides and Meyer. Back then it was "Greater First Pentecostal Church."

(It always amused me how some ignoramuses thought they were bragging with that name when "greater" was a common term for the Alexandria metropolitan area.)

Anyway, Mangun definitely wore his hair slicked back with the wet look during that time. Anthony would have probably been a senior in high school around this time.

Far left third row: I THINK that is Glenn Chance, pastor of First UPC Monroe and at this time just beginning a 35 year long tenure as presbyter of Section Nine of the Louisiana District.

Third Row Second From Left: That's T. C. Bonnette, pastor of First UPC in Oakdale, La. and Foreign Missions Director of the Louisiana District at the time. Bonnette is quite elderly now and I see him around town occasionally.

I'd just about declare for sure that is Fred Foster, third from right, third row.

Back row, second from left, David Theobald.

And ... I THINK the guy on the far right, back row, is John Hattabaugh.

It's interesting to guess the occasion. I know that Craft and Newstrand served on the foreign missions board in the past.

I wonder if this was some kind of impromptu picture at a general conference? Looks like a fancier hotel.

My impression?

Many of these guys like Craft, Fisher, Newstrand, etc. were in their late thirties and early forties and already prominent pastors, leaders and administrators in the UPC.

Generation-wise, NOBODY has replaced them.

If I were the UPC, I'd be highly alarmed about the miniscule number of ministers under thirty and I'd be realizing that - for whatever reason and despite what the rose-colored glasses people are saying - I am a stagnant and dying organization.

Thanks again for the fine hospitality, Brother Strange.
Thanks for the post, Tim! I agree with you that there is no way that is Marvin Treece.... and I also agree that the man is David Theobald (daughter Jill) not Don.

Glad you got to visit with Elder strange and his wonderful wife, Marie, in the pinewoods of East TX. They have a lovely place.... if'n you can get to it and it hasn't rained in the past few days. (Just kidding you Bro. Strnage). I could enjoy sitting up on that porch rocking and jawing away the time on a cool spring or fall day! In the heat of the summer I would more likely cozy up to the nearest air vent but ahhh for the spring or fall.
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Old 08-22-2007, 07:28 AM
lisafitzh2o lisafitzh2o is offline
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Is that Bro. Stanford on the top row, second from the right?
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Old 08-22-2007, 07:35 AM

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Originally Posted by lisafitzh2o View Post
Is that Bro. Stanford on the top row, second from the right?
You know, you may be right! Subtract a little hair, change the color a little, and add a few wrinkles and it surely could be him!
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Old 08-22-2007, 10:00 AM
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Hello, Timbo... *waves*
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Old 08-22-2007, 10:30 AM
Brother Strange

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I knew that Tim would be back. We all missed him so much around here. I want everyone to know that I expressed those sentiments on behalf of all of you, urging him to come back...and LO AND BEHOLD!

Bro Jones, bro. Landry....

I so much enjoyed the visits on both occasions. I am looking forward to the next visit. May some squirel hunting? Maybe some deer hunting. Or maybe a fishing trip on Lake Sam Rayburn?


I do not see Marvin Treece in this photo, nor do I see R.G. Jackson of Tenn in here either.

Since some of you have identified some of the others, I now can recognize them too. Thank you! Some of them I knew fairily well. Of course, Judd, Newstrand, T.C. Bonnette, Craft, Foster and Jesse Williams are unmistakable, after some of you have identified them.

But, bro. Tim...I have my doubts about GAM. I don't remember him looking like this though I have known him very well since the mid-50s. His forehead looks vaguely familiar. In those days he had a lot more hair and it was still black.
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Old 08-22-2007, 10:32 AM
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Thanks for posting the picture. I enjoyed seeing it.
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Old 08-22-2007, 11:30 AM
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Originally Posted by timlan2057 View Post

I needed to tell Brother Strange to thank his wife for the wonderful breakfast last week. Sister Strange had to leave on an errand before I left.

So I may as well do that here.

Number one: NO WAY that man on the far right of the first row is Marvin Treece. That man, whoever he is, is obviously in his late forties or early fifties or even older.

Some of you are forgetting what era this is.

Prominent UPC preachers of course have always dressed in the latest styles.

And those ties SCREAM "late sixties or early seventies." Tommy Craft was wearing the brighter ties of the mid-seventies by the time I got to JCM in September of 1975 so this picture is most probably a few years before that.

So my guess is this was around 1970-71 or so.

That's almost 40 years ago, people.

Marvin Treece would have still been Youth President of the Louisiana District around this time and no more than 35-38 years old.

He had a full head of sandy blond hair, was thinner and had a boyishly handsome face with full eyebrows and wasn't wearing glasses.

Here's my contribution:

Tommy Craft: Obvious. Treece is about his age and as you can see, Craft is still pretty close to Conquerors' Age here.

Ron Newstrand: Obvious. He was REALLY a fresh-faced kid back then.

Jess Williams: Obvious.

That's DEFINITELY G. A. Mangun on the far right, second row. This was around the time they moved from 16th and Day and built the first "big" church on Rapides and Meyer. Back then it was "Greater First Pentecostal Church."

(It always amused me how some ignoramuses thought they were bragging with that name when "greater" was a common term for the Alexandria metropolitan area.)

Anyway, Mangun definitely wore his hair slicked back with the wet look during that time. Anthony would have probably been a senior in high school around this time.

Far left third row: I THINK that is Glenn Chance, pastor of First UPC Monroe and at this time just beginning a 35 year long tenure as presbyter of Section Nine of the Louisiana District.

Third Row Second From Left: That's T. C. Bonnette, pastor of First UPC in Oakdale, La. and Foreign Missions Director of the Louisiana District at the time. Bonnette is quite elderly now and I see him around town occasionally.

I'd just about declare for sure that is Fred Foster, third from right, third row.

Back row, second from left, David Theobald.

And ... I THINK the guy on the far right, back row, is John Hattabaugh.

It's interesting to guess the occasion. I know that Craft and Newstrand served on the foreign missions board in the past.

I wonder if this was some kind of impromptu picture at a general conference? Looks like a fancier hotel.

My impression?

Many of these guys like Craft, Fisher, Newstrand, etc. were in their late thirties and early forties and already prominent pastors, leaders and administrators in the UPC.

Generation-wise, NOBODY has replaced them.

If I were the UPC, I'd be highly alarmed about the miniscule number of ministers under thirty and I'd be realizing that - for whatever reason and despite what the rose-colored glasses people are saying - I am a stagnant and dying organization.

Thanks again for the fine hospitality, Brother Strange.

Thanks Tim for stopping by and helping understand who is in this photo.

To me the above observation and insight is why you are so missed on the forum, regardless of the topic you are able to cut to the chase and lay it out for us.

As far as the picture:
It may look like Fred Foster in the 3rd row that is actually Daniel Orr (Keith's Grandpa)-thats how we came across the photo it was in grandpas belongs-

He was Mission Director in Va. in 1972-73 my mother in law thinks it was taken during those years.
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Old 08-22-2007, 11:46 AM
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Is there a specific purpose for collecting the names or just fun??
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Old 08-22-2007, 11:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Jeanie View Post
Last night I was given this photo to share with you. It was found among the belongs of Keith's grandfather Rev.Daniel C. Orr he was one of the Missions Director in the Virgina Area in the 1970's.

We can name a few of the gentlemen, can you recognize any of the ministers?

It would be great to know who the others are!

Rev. Daniel C Orr is in the 3rd row (the first being the one in front) and 3rd from the right.

We also see Bro Craft in the front row the 1st one to the left.

Is that John Wilkins Front Row Second from the Right?

DOCTOR Old Paths for all your spiritual needs.

STILL believing the same after all these years
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