Letting go hurts and the past is one thing...all of which I agee entirely.
An independent, cavalier attitude is another. I disagree with that spirit as I see it destroy so many otherwise good and holy relationships.
I agree with this premise and I think a warning from the watchman in this area is very important. I do not think Jakes was pushing this, but I agree that such and attitude is destroying the beauty of God's body... Same DNA but you are not a hand therefore you must not be of the body!
I believe his message was directed at the ones that continue to hold on to past hurts to the point that it cripples them.
His message was to "let it go" so that you can move on.
I totally agree that this was the intent of the message.
This is kinda of funny, but I received this same message in my e-mail some years ago. I printed it out and gave it to my pastor as a way of encouragement. He had planned on resigning that Sunday and I didn't know it.
"Let It Go" has become a classic and makes the rounds every now and then. It's always good though every time you read it.
Yeah, I first heard him preach this five years ago and it was at a time in my life when I really needed it. I have been set free from alot of hurt by saying good-bye on more than one occasion.
I hate to see you frown. So wear a bag over your head until you cheer up!
These words disturb me, though he may not have meant them in the way that they are perceived....
There are people who can walk away from you, and will. And hear me when I tell you this: When people can walk away from you, let them walk.
No, I will NOT let them walk just because they CAN...neither from a marriage or from a church.
Sometimes the one ready to walk is just simply crying out saying, "If you really love me, here is the time and opportunity to show it.
Though immature as this mind set is, there is a lot of it. True love is bigger than this. Someone needs to humble themselves and not let them walk just because THEY CAN!
I don't want you to try to talk another person into staying with you, loving you, calling you caring about you, coming to see you, staying attached to you, being your friend. I mean: hang up the phone!!!!
Being a friend is one thing. They come and go with very little thought or concern being given to it because all recognize how fickle that can be anyway. You spend a life time but in the end, you only have less than a half dozen who are really tried, and proven friends that are soul friends.
But to have this attitude in regards to a love relationship within the circle of marriage or the church is PURE PRIDE
When people can walk away from you let them walk.
Yes, let a fickle friend (so called) walk, so long as there is not a spirit of PRIDE and arrogance involved which seems to be suggested here. After all, fickle friends are little more than just acquaintences anyway.
Can you imagine a Pastor telling his church or a spouse telling their mate either by words or by attitude:
"Let me tell you something. I've got the gift of good-bye. It's the tenth spiritual gift. I believe in good-bye. I'm not hateful, I'm faithful and I know whatever God means for me to have He'll give it to me."
I got the gift of "good-bye." Can you not imagine how hurtful that can be?
I'm surprised that no one else can see this attitude of pride.
Actually, I am beginning to care for the preaching of Jakes less and less.
I haven't heard the sermon, but from the sound of the words, there seems to be a strong spirit of independence saying in effect, "I don't need you, I am self sufficient without you, so if you want to take a hike, don't let the door hit you in the butt."
I've seen too many marriages break up from that attitude. People start playing those "I can get along just fine without you," games. It is ugly in its core.
Am I mistaken about the attititude concealed in those words?
I have not heard the sermon, but the spirit of which I received it in was trying to beg people to be on your side who have no intention to be loyal.
Also I think it deals with the fear and insecurity that often keeps something or someone much longer than one should. To use psycho-babble talk, co-dependency, en-meshment, failure to differentiate.
I have always thought Dobson's book Tough Love was similar, you can go, but I have enough self-respect not to be coming after you and begging you to stay.
I don't think this to be a cop out for healthy conflict resolution, but to be a firm word against unhealthy neediness and insecurity, and yes even Pastors develop this with saints, coming or going.
Please pray for India
My personal mission is to BRING people into a right relationship with God, GROW them up to maturity and SEND them back into the world to minister.