I'm not pressing demands but I would like to know the difference between the Bible, scripture, and the Word? Are you talking about the Word of prophecy?
I will be glad to answer this question, but I want to give others a chance to respond. Their response might clear up some of their confusion. Some times I like to teach by asking question that cause people to think for themselves.
Would anyone have another NOT judge after having been given a God ordained command to do so?
Do ANY of you that are pressing demands KNOW ANY BIBLE AT ALL?
Do ANY of you recognize any difference between the bible, scripture and the Word?
What is WITH this ignorant Apostolic generation, anyway? Is everything LOST???
As M.E. Burr might would say, "It is just the moaning of an old fossil," that laments over the good time charlies of Apostolicism.
My goodness brother....do you have some clogged arteries or something that are limiting the blood flow?
The simple fact that you keep throwing around the word "ignorant" to describe those who question you keeps me from posting my interprtation of these verses. What does it matter what I think...according to you I am too ignorant to knw.
Besides, you have not answered my question either. Just in case the fossils alzhimers has kicked in let me ask one more time in a simple form...
You said the worship and prophet were of another spirit and you said it was under the DEVIL's influence...so...was the golden calf worship you descibed on the campground demonic or not?
If not, then why the references to "another spirt" (which has always been a euphamism for the DEVIL) and the references to the devil's influence?
He claims to know the beliefs of the Cathedral of Wisdom - and suggests that MB was using them word for word at the Campmeeting. BS should easily be able to post what those beliefs are and what MB stated.
Originally Posted by Esther
Are you MB? Bro. Strange never mentioned anyone's name, btw.
No, not MB. BS didn't mention a name, but he left no guess as to who it was by his description of when this happened.
Originally Posted by Esther
I'm not sure you really want to go down this road.
Yeah I do. As I stated before, I'm tired of ministers spewing out baseless and unproven accusations against others. You may be willing to give him a pass, but I'm not.
Well, he did agree to meet with this unnamed person. As long as there was no audience.
Where did he say that? This was mentioned earlier but isn't right.
BS stated that he'd be glad to meet with him in a motel room or at a restaurant . . . but he didn't say whether or not he actually set up such a meeting or if he's even so much as called this minister on the phone to discuss his accusations.
And BS continues to backpeddle on my question of if he did or not, which more times than most means he hasn't spoken with this minister.
Again, show me where he actually stated that he's agreed to meet this minister. Saying you'd be happy to meet someone and actually setting up a meeting is two completely different things.
I will be glad to answer this question, but I want to give others a chance to respond. Their response might clear up some of their confusion. Some times I like to teach by asking question that cause people to think for themselves.
OK Look....here is an example of what I am referring to:
Originally Posted by Brother Strange
The old Prosperity spirit is not hard to identify. He is the Prince of many spirits of which the Cathedral of Wisdom is a subset of very subtle spirits. Why would anyone that claims to be Apostolic drink in such a wicked spirit? And then, to be given freedom of the pulpit to offer the entire District a drink of the same old water of error?
It is beyond me. Are we so far removed from the old landmarks? Have we drifted so far away from our moorings that we are now lost at sea? Is there anyone left out there? Is the city empty? Has all been vastated?
You even capitolized the name "Prince" and asked why anyone who called themselves Apostolic would drink in such a wicked spirit...you then went on to accuse the ENTIRE DISTRICT of drinking of the water of this "Prince of many spirits".
Are you saying that this "Prince" is a demonic spirit?
If not, then what is he? And what water is it a shame they are drinking?
I can't see how the two can be separated. If a prophet is speaking words from his own mind and God is NOT putting the words in his mouth, wouldn't that make him a false prophet?
No way, Mizpeh ... would this apply to a preacher who isn't prayed up, also ... or not Spirit-led in one of his sermons.
The first sentence is correct. I would not always agree with the last sentence. Novices need to be mentored who, easily step between the soulish realm and the spirit realm without recognizing the difference. The soulish realm will very often fail. The divine realm never does. It takes a mentor to teach a God called Prophet the difference and how to stay within the confines of the divine realm. This margin of experience is developed by both love and zeal...but zeal according to knowledge.
Then why get upset about this if the prophet's hit and miss like the weatherman. This is GUESSING not Biblical prophecy.