Originally Posted by Thumper
OK BOOM I did it just like you said. I hit the little report post button in the corner. Let me know what you admin types intend to do.
See ya
My Mother's side has Grandma Hyman, who was taken out of the family in disgrace when she married the Gentile Langston.
In 1795, my Father's ancestors came to Philadelphia to migrate to America from Baden, Germany. I am 8 generations only on this shore. I have longed for sometime to visit Bavaria and see what this area looked like.
I have read a Book called "The Holocaust." In the photos is a lady who looks like I remember my Father's Mother looked. Over her shoulder is a 3 yr girl who looks like my daughter looked at her age. This book and THAT photo made my sleep troubled for a week.
This typeology has to be the most offensive I have seen posted!
Amazingly this was INTENDED to be an apology.
Apology not accepted by this UC. .
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
nothing is going to get better. It's not" - The Lorax, Dr. Seuss