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01-06-2023, 04:19 PM
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Re: MERRY MITHRA - Christmas is pagan.
Originally Posted by Esaias
Nobody with any credibility says the Sun worshippers hijacked Christmas from the catholics.
YOU haven't made a case for anything yet.
Meanwhile, I posted a link to the text (and artwork) of the Philocalus Calendar of 354 AD which shows Dec 25th was recognised BY ROMAN CHRISTIANS as the Nativity of Sol Invictus and you called it "commentary".
And again, not all scholars agree the December 25th date is authentic. Even the very limited Wikipedia grasps the simple truth that yu don't:
The Philocalian calendar of AD 354, part VI, gives a festival of natalpubeis invicti on 25 December. There is limited evidence that this festival was celebrated before the mid-4th century.[44][k][47] The same Philocalian calendar, part VIII, also mentions the birth of Jesus Christ, stating that the "Lord Jesus Christ was born eight days before the calends of January" (that is, on December 25).
Since the 12th century,[48] there have been theories that the near-solstice date of 25 December for Christmas was selected because it was the date of the festival of dies natalis solis invicti, but historians of late antiquity make no mention of this, and others speculate Aurelian chose December 25 to shadow early Christian celebrations already on the rise.[49]
According to some historians, Christmas was set to December 25th because it was the date of the festival of Sol Invictus. This idea became popular especially in the 18th[50][51] and 19th centuries.[52]: 45 [53][54]
The charioteer in the mosaic of Mausoleum M has been interpreted by some as Christ. Clement of Alexandria had spoken of Christ driving his chariot across the sky.[55] This interpretation is doubted by others: "Only the cross-shaped nimbus makes the Christian significance apparent",[56] and the figure is seen by some simply as a representation of the Sun with no explicit religious reference whatever, pagan or Christian49
But I am sure that are cited by Wikipedia are only credible if they hold you view, right?
Last edited by Originalist; 01-06-2023 at 04:31 PM.

01-07-2023, 08:28 PM
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Re: MERRY MITHRA - Christmas is pagan.
Originally Posted by mfblume
I engage in no pagan festivities to worship Jesus.
Glad to hear that!

02-18-2023, 07:02 PM
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Re: MERRY MITHRA - Christmas is pagan.
Originally Posted by Originalist
I agree that the Roman church started this. But the fact is, what we call "Christmas" today bears little resemblance to what the first Roman Christmas looked like. The celebration is not even really about "the baby Jesus" as much as it is a somber time to reflect upon God being manifest in the flesh. That celebration is not tainted just because Rome invented something for whatever reason.
What WE call Xmas has its origin in the Eastern and Western Roman Church.
It isn't about the baby Jesus? It is a somber time to reflect on God manifested in the flesh? Where did the Apostle Paul, Peter, James, or even Jesus teach us that the Church was to commemorate God being manifested in the flesh once a year? You do realize if you weren't exposed to the Xmas culture and raised somewhere with parents who only taught you out of a Bible, you wouldn't believe the need to be a Xmas defender. Somber time to commemorate God in the flesh day? Where is it taught in the Bible we can make up somber commemoration days? Do we stop at Xmas? Of course not, we have an entire New Testament is glean somber times to reflect upon God doing things. Isn't that what the Eastern and Western Roman churches did?
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12-12-2023, 06:30 AM
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Re: MERRY MITHRA - Christmas is pagan.
Originally Posted by Monterrey
Christmas is so absolutely pagan. How anyone calling themselves a Christian can celebrate the celebration of Sol Invictus is baffling to me.
No Biblical scholar, with a sincere desire for truth, can honestly say Christmas is not pagan.
In Revelation 2 we see a command not to eat meat sacrificed to idols. The problem was not the meat but where the meat came from.
Kinda like christ mass.
Pagan at its core.
Its Catholic.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

12-12-2023, 06:32 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
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Re: MERRY MITHRA - Christmas is pagan.
Originally Posted by mfblume
I engage in no pagan festivities to worship Jesus.
Actually people engage in Catholic and Lutheran rituals to worship their Jesus.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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12-16-2023, 04:39 PM
This is still that!
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Re: MERRY MITHRA - Christmas is pagan.
The truth about Christmas
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12-18-2023, 08:42 AM
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Re: MERRY MITHRA - Christmas is pagan.
Originally Posted by Amanah
Thanks sis for posting this. That was great teaching and one of the best explanations on the subject.
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