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Old 11-18-2019, 03:02 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Can/Should Christians Be Democrats?

Originally Posted by returnman View Post
GOP loves War....really. Quite the catchall statement. You want to qualify it.
It's pretty simple. Most in the GOP support war. They supported the first war in Iraq, they supported wars through Central America and Africa. They supported the WOT, and have been angry with Trump anytime he tries to bring troops home. They would love to invade Syria and Iran, and probably would have if HRC or another Republican had been elected POTUS instead of Trump.
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Old 11-19-2019, 07:15 AM
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Re: Can/Should Christians Be Democrats?

Originally Posted by coksiw View Post

The GB Kingdom was not a Theocracy. During Samuel's time, Israel was.
The English Bill of Rights 1689 forbid the imposition of taxes without the consent of Parliament. Since the colonists had no representation in Parliament, the taxes violated the guaranteed Rights of Englishmen. Hence, the "No taxation without representation". The GB was violating its own law. They were not being short tempered and rebellious, they were looking for the right treatment and justice.
Looking for justice is difference than looking for vengeance and also different than rebellion. As individuals you submit to authorities, but when you are the authority you are expected to do justice to the people under you. So if the people above you want you to do injustice, you have two options: you quit your authority, or you oppose.
The colonies were started by people that wanted religious freedom instead of persecution from the Church of England. If you consider that a Rebellion, then you need to first see their arguments in details; read about the Separatist Puritans and their actual documents and appeal to the king in a very pacific way, for example. If after reading that you still think it was Rebellion, then Peter and the apostles were in sin when they disobeyed the council in Act 5:29.
That being said, not everyone in the colonies came for the same reason.

The reality was more complex than your simplistic application of the Bible verse to what happened in America. I wouldn't raise my finger and judge them as "guilty of Rebellion". You gotta be wiser than that and fear God.

But as it always happens in human history, earthly kingdoms eventually become beasts, regardless of how beautiful and love for Biblical righteousness and justice their start was. What's going on nowadays doesn't negate what happened during the birth of this country.
All I’m saying is you asked an historian “How was America Started” and they tell you, The Tea Party Rebellion! If you read my other Posts your going to quickly understand that I believe in the spirit realm. The issues with America isn’t Republican and or Democrat, Libertarian and such like, yet its the spiritual prince that rests over this country. This Country is full of Rebellion, and were seeing it being displayed very openly, from Rebellion stems other issues, and one may ask when was this rebellion started? We always go back to the beginning of a life, system and or whatever were dealing with. For example, look at Great Britain or the “Brits” and you see how they act, think to yourself what’s the prince spirit that rules over them??? To my mind, It’s Pride!!! Take an easy example and say, Muslims and the countries they dwell what’s the prince spirit over them??? So, if we can agree with the ruling spirit over some countries then why not the USA? America was not founded on, (as Sean Hannity says) Judeo Christian Men and Women. They were quakers and a lot of them were Freemasons, look at the life of our founders, look at the life of our first Presidents, they were not Acts 2:38 Christians.... Nations rise and nations fall, and America is not eliminated from that list, the problems facing America isn’t because the Lord is coming back, its because your seeing the Fall of a Nation. Not because or Republican or Democrat but because of Rebellion....

In the words of Barrack Hussein Obama’s Pastor “Americas Chickens are Coming Home to Roost!”

On a side note:
Rebellion is rebellion, weather its between father and son, teacher and student, God to man, it breeds a spirit. When Samuel told Saul “For rebellion is as the sin of Witchcraft” those words were used to better explain the meaning, you take those words out, and it states “Rebellion the sin of Witchcraft”.
Jesus, Teach us How to war in the Spirit realm, rather than war in the carnal, physical realm. Teach us to be spiritually minded, rather than to be mindful of the carnal.
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Old 11-19-2019, 07:58 AM
Tithesmeister Tithesmeister is offline
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Re: Can/Should Christians Be Democrats?

Originally Posted by Nicodemus1968 View Post

On a side note:
Rebellion is rebellion, weather its between father and son, teacher and student, God to man, it breeds a spirit. When Samuel told Saul “For rebellion is as the sin of Witchcraft” those words were used to better explain the meaning, you take those words out, and it states “Rebellion the sin of Witchcraft”.
Once again. Rebellion to GOD is not the same as rebellion to man. You are wrong. And I am rebelling.

Was Moses rebellion in Egypt witchcraft?

Yes or no?
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Old 11-19-2019, 08:47 AM
aegsm76 aegsm76 is offline
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Re: Can/Should Christians Be Democrats?

Originally Posted by Nicodemus1968 View Post
All I’m saying is you asked an historian “How was America Started” and they tell you, The Tea Party Rebellion! If you read my other Posts your going to quickly understand that I believe in the spirit realm. The issues with America isn’t Republican and or Democrat, Libertarian and such like, yet its the spiritual prince that rests over this country. This Country is full of Rebellion, and were seeing it being displayed very openly, from Rebellion stems other issues, and one may ask when was this rebellion started? We always go back to the beginning of a life, system and or whatever were dealing with. For example, look at Great Britain or the “Brits” and you see how they act, think to yourself what’s the prince spirit that rules over them??? To my mind, It’s Pride!!! Take an easy example and say, Muslims and the countries they dwell what’s the prince spirit over them??? So, if we can agree with the ruling spirit over some countries then why not the USA? America was not founded on, (as Sean Hannity says) Judeo Christian Men and Women. They were quakers and a lot of them were Freemasons, look at the life of our founders, look at the life of our first Presidents, they were not Acts 2:38 Christians.... Nations rise and nations fall, and America is not eliminated from that list, the problems facing America isn’t because the Lord is coming back, its because your seeing the Fall of a Nation. Not because or Republican or Democrat but because of Rebellion....

In the words of Barrack Hussein Obama’s Pastor “Americas Chickens are Coming Home to Roost!”

On a side note:
Rebellion is rebellion, weather its between father and son, teacher and student, God to man, it breeds a spirit. When Samuel told Saul “For rebellion is as the sin of Witchcraft” those words were used to better explain the meaning, you take those words out, and it states “Rebellion the sin of Witchcraft”.
So, give me a country that was NOT founded on your definition of "rebellion".
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Old 11-19-2019, 02:11 PM
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Re: Can/Should Christians Be Democrats?

Originally Posted by Scott Pitta View Post
No political party can claim moral superiority. None of them are distinctly Christian. Both of the 2 parties has platform positions that Christians can embrace. Both parties have platform positions that make Christians frown.

There is no distinct American Christian political party.

Yes, I l know believers in both parties.

I have no political party preference.

I know some Christians who are in both parties as well. I do not think we should be divisive on which party a Christian affiliates himself/herself with. We should give Christian liberty in these non-Gospel areas as is readily taught in the Bible (refer to Romans 14).

Now I do not think we should consider the Dems or the GOP as the exemplum primi of a Christ-centered political party, since I think any system without the physically present Jesus is duly flawed. This means our only adherence to any political system should be in the Millennium whereby Christ physically reigns.

Btw, I'm politically "Independent."
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Old 11-19-2019, 03:33 PM
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Re: Can/Should Christians Be Democrats?

Originally Posted by Tithesmeister View Post
Once again. Rebellion to GOD is not the same as rebellion to man. You are wrong. And I am rebelling.

Was Moses rebellion in Egypt witchcraft?

Yes or no?
Mr. or Ms. Tithemeister your above anger! You don’t have to confess to me or this forum your rebellion. If I was you, I would start praying for forgiveness.

You need to explain to me what you mean by “rebellion to God is different than rebellion to man”? Ill ask you a question, did God tell Saul to kill all the Amalekites?

Concerning Moses and Pharaoh I will answer you... No, Moses was not in rebellion! Yet, I want to make this point, The Lord told Moses to tell Pharaoh “let my people go” he asked him, why? By, what I’m seeing with your posts, Moses should’ve just went there and gathered an Anarchy and stormed out of Egypt. He asked Pharaoh to let his people go, because he had a hold on them.

So, please answer...

1-Who told Saul to kill all the Amalekites?
2-Why did ask Pharaoh to let Gods people go?
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Old 11-19-2019, 05:18 PM
Tithesmeister Tithesmeister is offline
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Re: Can/Should Christians Be Democrats?

Originally Posted by Nicodemus1968 View Post
Mr. or Ms. Tithemeister your above anger! You don’t have to confess to me or this forum your rebellion. If I was you, I would start praying for forgiveness.

You need to explain to me what you mean by “rebellion to God is different than rebellion to man”? Ill ask you a question, did God tell Saul to kill all the Amalekites?

Concerning Moses and Pharaoh I will answer you... No, Moses was not in rebellion! Yet, I want to make this point, The Lord told Moses to tell Pharaoh “let my people go” he asked him, why? By, what I’m seeing with your posts, Moses should’ve just went there and gathered an Anarchy and stormed out of Egypt. He asked Pharaoh to let his people go, because he had a hold on them.

So, please answer...

1-Who told Saul to kill all the Amalekites?
2-Why did ask Pharaoh to let Gods people go?
Oh no! Not anger. Moses rebelled against Pharoah, not against God.

Saul rebelled against God. This is when God said rebellion (against Him) was as the sin of witchcraft.

Do you consider the Revolutionary War a rebellion against God? Or was it a rebellion against man (The British Empire)?

Was the Revolutionary War like witchcraft?

Do you believe rebellion against God is the same as rebellion against man?
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Old 11-19-2019, 06:52 PM
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Re: Can/Should Christians Be Democrats?

Originally Posted by Tithesmeister View Post
Oh no! Not anger. Moses rebelled against Pharoah, not against God.

Saul rebelled against God. This is when God said rebellion (against Him) was as the sin of witchcraft.

Do you consider the Revolutionary War a rebellion against God? Or was it a rebellion against man (The British Empire)?

Was the Revolutionary War like witchcraft?

Do you believe rebellion against God is the same as rebellion against man?
Moses didn’t “rebel” against Pharaoh! The children of Israel never left until he told them to go. You should ask yourself, “why wouldn’t just God tell Moses to go get them and head out of dodge?”

Is rebellion to man the same as rebellion to God? I’m shocked that you would even ask this question! Rebellion is Rebellion! Your trying to explain to me that there is a good rebellion. That’s like “Christian Cigarettes without the nicotine”, how can you truthfully tell me that you can rebel against man, and yet be in obedience to God. How can you hate your brother yet love a God you cant see?
Jesus, Teach us How to war in the Spirit realm, rather than war in the carnal, physical realm. Teach us to be spiritually minded, rather than to be mindful of the carnal.
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Old 11-19-2019, 09:12 PM
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Re: Can/Should Christians Be Democrats?

Were Oneness Pentecostals in rebellion when they left the AoG back in 1914?

Were Pentecostals in rebellion when they left their various denominations to form their own?

When 10 tribes rebelled against Rehoboam because of his tax policies and refusal to address the people's grievances, why did God forbid Judah from waging war against them? Why did God offer to make Jereboam's house like David's?

Was David in rebellion against Saul? Some preacher announces to David "You're the new king"... How were the people to know they weren't in rebellion by supporting David?

If ALL rebellion is sinful, we ALL better repent and go join the Roman Catholic church, or even revert back to the paganism of our ancestors, and stand for the glorious Roman Empire against all these rebellious "republics".
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Old 11-19-2019, 09:14 PM
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Re: Can/Should Christians Be Democrats?

Originally Posted by n david View Post
It's pretty simple. Most in the GOP support war. They supported the first war in Iraq, they supported wars through Central America and Africa. They supported the WOT, and have been angry with Trump anytime he tries to bring troops home. They would love to invade Syria and Iran, and probably would have if HRC or another Republican had been elected POTUS instead of Trump.
Both parties have been making the world safe for communism since 1918 at least. Now they're fighting for Greater Israel. Neither party believes in peace, and the antiwar movement is on its own.
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