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Old 08-02-2017, 10:24 PM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
The symptoms of demonic oppression can be rather extensive. Matt Burris, our team leader, had these printed on a sheet of paper as part of a small packet he'd give people who inquired about deliverance:
Have you had any of the following experiences?
1. Noticing a presence as in someone watching you.
2. A heaviness or fearfulness in a certain room of your home.
3. Sensing a cold spot in a room or cold feeling on part or all of your physical body.
4. Feeling someone touch you when you are all alone or no one nearby.
5. A burning sensation at the upper back just below the nape of your neck, potentially accompanied by the feeling of tingling.
6. Sensing frightening Shadows from the corner of your eyes.
7. Behavior and personality changes.
8. A loss of self-esteem and/or self-confidence.
9. Recurrent or frequent nightmares, such as unwanted sexual experiences, being raped, tormented, or tortured.
10. Major changes in clarity of thinking or analytical ability.
11. Memory lapses.
12. A drained feeling or fatigue without cause, as in a drain of vitality or physical strength.
13. Hearing harassing voices inside your mind, as in negative words, demoralizing and degrading you, and suggesting you do things you do not wish to do.
14. Illnesses that come on suddenly that a doctor cannot diagnose.
15. Sudden illnesses that cannot be explained, as in flu-like symptoms, headache, low-vibrational trauma inside your body.
16. Hallucinations.
17. Inability to sleep well without having to take sleep aids.
18. Waking up in the middle of the night sensing someone in the room.
19. Sleep-walking, conversations, or other actions during sleep that you cannot remember upon waking.
20. Difficulty coping with the routine of everyday life.
21. Sudden explicable inability to cope with responsibilities, such as hardship at work doing what used to be easy.
22. Depression without understanding why or knowing an apparent cause, and becoming chronic.
23. Sudden bouts of sorrow, sadness, fear, or dread without explanation.
24. Feeling trapped or helpless for no apparent reason.
25. Intrusive negative thoughts that insight feelings of anger, rage, or the desire to inflict physical violence upon yourself or others.
26. Compulsive immoral behaviors that fill you with feelings of shame, guilty, and condemnation.
27. Feeling isolated, and even wanting to be isolated.
28. Anxiety or unexplainable disinterest relating to attending religious worship or activities.
29. Feelings of fear or dread when preparing to read your Bible.
30. Sudden dislike for religious music.
Any one of these things, or a combination of these things, could indicate that one is under demonic oppression.
As I read this list and came to number 15, I read the phrase "low vibrational trauma". Having never heard of such a thing, I copied and pasted it into google and this is the number number one hit:


One symptom listed there has to do with root chakra colors.

The second hit is this:


It's an article written by a Shamanic Psychotherapy and Energy Healer.

Other hits lead to shamanistic and energy psychotherapies. None on the first page had anything to do with Christianity.
For anyone devoted to His fear:

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Old 08-02-2017, 10:31 PM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
The symptoms of demonic oppression can be rather extensive. Matt Burris, our team leader, had these printed on a sheet of paper as part of a small packet he'd give people who inquired about deliverance:
Have you had any of the following experiences?
1. Noticing a presence as in someone watching you.
2. A heaviness or fearfulness in a certain room of your home.
3. Sensing a cold spot in a room or cold feeling on part or all of your physical body.
4. Feeling someone touch you when you are all alone or no one nearby.
5. A burning sensation at the upper back just below the nape of your neck, potentially accompanied by the feeling of tingling.
6. Sensing frightening Shadows from the corner of your eyes.
7. Behavior and personality changes.
8. A loss of self-esteem and/or self-confidence.
9. Recurrent or frequent nightmares, such as unwanted sexual experiences, being raped, tormented, or tortured.
10. Major changes in clarity of thinking or analytical ability.
11. Memory lapses.
12. A drained feeling or fatigue without cause, as in a drain of vitality or physical strength.
13. Hearing harassing voices inside your mind, as in negative words, demoralizing and degrading you, and suggesting you do things you do not wish to do.
14. Illnesses that come on suddenly that a doctor cannot diagnose.
15. Sudden illnesses that cannot be explained, as in flu-like symptoms, headache, low-vibrational trauma inside your body.
16. Hallucinations.
17. Inability to sleep well without having to take sleep aids.
18. Waking up in the middle of the night sensing someone in the room.
19. Sleep-walking, conversations, or other actions during sleep that you cannot remember upon waking.
20. Difficulty coping with the routine of everyday life.
21. Sudden explicable inability to cope with responsibilities, such as hardship at work doing what used to be easy.
22. Depression without understanding why or knowing an apparent cause, and becoming chronic.
23. Sudden bouts of sorrow, sadness, fear, or dread without explanation.
24. Feeling trapped or helpless for no apparent reason.
25. Intrusive negative thoughts that insight feelings of anger, rage, or the desire to inflict physical violence upon yourself or others.
26. Compulsive immoral behaviors that fill you with feelings of shame, guilty, and condemnation.
27. Feeling isolated, and even wanting to be isolated.
28. Anxiety or unexplainable disinterest relating to attending religious worship or activities.
29. Feelings of fear or dread when preparing to read your Bible.
30. Sudden dislike for religious music.
Any one of these things, or a combination of these things, could indicate that one is under demonic oppression.
This Matt Burris?

For anyone devoted to His fear:

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Old 08-02-2017, 10:35 PM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Originally Posted by ModestMama View Post
I can see your point, however i believe he is going detailed with it because he once was in a deliverance ministry and becuase i had mentioned that I had feelings that the Lord is wanting to use me in that area as well.
Details can be fine, but always be careful. Remember what Jesus said about the leaven of the Pharisees. The Pharisees were all about the details, but in their obsession for details, they ended up neglecting the commandments of God and replaced them with the traditions of men.

I suggest you take a look at my previous two posts on this thread, the one about "low vibrational trauma" and Matt Burris, and ask yourself if that's the kind of thing Jesus wants you to be involved in, or not.
For anyone devoted to His fear:

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Old 08-02-2017, 10:49 PM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Originally Posted by ModestMama View Post
I can see your point, however i believe he is going detailed with it because he once was in a deliverance ministry and becuase i had mentioned that I had feelings that the Lord is wanting to use me in that area as well.
Sister, I was saved out of traditional satanism and the occult. I know it when I see it.
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Old 08-02-2017, 10:50 PM
houston houston is offline
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Deliverance ministry is not Apostolic. *gasp*

It's usually always charismatic nuts that are into this stuff.
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Old 08-02-2017, 10:50 PM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Sister, I was saved out of traditional satanism and the occult. I know it when I see it.
Tell me about this.
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Old 08-02-2017, 10:56 PM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Ah now i am confused. So deliverance ministries aren't biblical?
If not then, I am all wrong about what I felt God was/is leading me to....which means i have no idea whose voice i hear ...ahhh this is so disheartening!
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Old 08-02-2017, 11:07 PM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Originally Posted by houston View Post
Tell me about this.
About what, my testimony? I was raised by flower-power hippies who had been all into yoga. My dad learned yoga, Brahmanism, and Buddhism while overseas in the far east before I was born. My uncle was a Buddhist (Nichiren Daishonen sect) which he picked up as a merchant marine traveling in Asia as well. I grew up as a kid reading Tibetan Buddhist religious texts, yoga texts published in India (not the goofy pop yoga stuff that sells here in the states), stuff like the Urantia Book, writings by Paramahamsa Yogananda, the Upanishads, Theravada Buddhist texts, etc. I also was into geomancy, Tarot, Alice Bailey, Blavatsky, and Gardnerian Wicca by the time I was in 7th grade, at which time I and some others were part of a rogue coven.

By the time I was in 8th grade I was fully committed to Left Hand Path spiritualism, was studying kaballah and Hermeticism (Golden Dawn), and LaVeyian satanism. Two years later I was into Thelema (Aleister Crowley), Enochian High Magick, channeling, and had become a traditional satanist (LaVey was too pulp fiction for me, not serious enough). Yeah, contract signed in blood, baptized with blood and fire, the whole nine yards, moving into mayombe (dark side of Santeria), and copious amounts of entheogenic shamanism.

Thankfully, the Lord had mercy on me and saved me out of all that garbage, delivered me from demon possession, filled me with the Holy Ghost, and set me on a totally different trajectory.

Its been my experience most "deliverance ministries" are either fronts for witches and satanists, or hucksters looking to make some money, or bona fide nutcases, sometimes all three.

Occultism comes in many forms, charismatic Christianity is rife with it. A lot of it is unintentional, but the whole Ken Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, Word-Faith garbage is nothing but witchcraft repackaged with a Christian veneer. And practically all "deliverance ministries" I've seen are charismatic out the wazoo.
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Old 08-02-2017, 11:10 PM
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Originally Posted by ModestMama View Post
Ah now i am confused. So deliverance ministries aren't biblical?
If not then, I am all wrong about what I felt God was/is leading me to....which means i have no idea whose voice i hear ...ahhh this is so disheartening!
Sister, God will lead you right where He wants, and gift you to do what He wants. You don't need any seminars, books, CDs, tapes, conferences, etc. You just stay prayed up and everything will turn out like its supposed to. God can use you to bring deliverance to others, you don't need anything but the Holy Ghost and the Word of God.
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Old 08-02-2017, 11:37 PM
houston houston is offline
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Re: Help! Tormented dreams

Originally Posted by ModestMama View Post
Ah now i am confused. So deliverance ministries aren't biblical?
If not then, I am all wrong about what I felt God was/is leading me to....which means i have no idea whose voice i hear ...ahhh this is so disheartening!
I'll be more clear. I was addressing the posts by Aquila. They are nonsense. Like he stated, repackaged witchcraft.

Also, like he stated, all you need is the Holy Ghost and the word of God.

Several years ago I got caught up in a situation. I'll admit, it was completely my fault. The event that took place had me fearing for my life. My mind was tormented for many years. I thought I was going to lose my mind. I thought I was hearing voices. A few times I'd lay in bed at night in fear. Planning to leave the next morning. But when I'd wake up in the morning there would be so much peace in my bedroom that you could feel it strongly. And I would stay put. Then it would repeat again.

Torment. The only thing I could do is pray and try to believe. I would catch myself repeating a word I received from a pastor, "The plans they have for you will not come to pass..."

But, it was a looong ordeal for me. So I'd remind myself of a word I received from Scott Hutchinson who used to post here, "You are in restoration," "He is molding you," and, "have renewed faith in an old dream."

Ma'am, keep seeking God. Don't believe the lies of the enemy. You have victory today. Now. Right now.

Enter into His presence where there is fullness of joy.

Last edited by houston; 08-02-2017 at 11:41 PM.
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