Originally Posted by houston
So, are you telling me you no longer have the ability to sit down?
No problem with cursing even in an acronym?
Cute, but not to be saluted.
Originally Posted by houston
I hang around here because there are a few people that I like.
Wouldn't facebook work just as well? No, you are here to patrol and pipe up when anyone happens to remind you that Baptists are hell bound.
Originally Posted by houston
And I enjoy reading the posts of some people.
Well, then reading and responding to only them would suit you more. Instead of giving me your riot act. To me Trinitarians (in any flavor) Calvinists, Presbyterians, and Baptists are wrong. Their churches couldn't save energy let alone a soul.
Originally Posted by houston
I'm not whimpering and bawling.
Son, then you would of never commented to me in the first place.
But like a religious SJW you couldn't resist. You had to show me your religious wounds and scars. Man, the problem with this is that if Mormons were the majority of Christians in the entire world you would be a modified Mormon with Pentecostal leanings. The minute someone said a peep about Joe Smith and Moroni you would post just like you did.
Originally Posted by houston
Are you?
Sorry I didn't start this conversation.
It's all on you.