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04-06-2015, 05:57 PM
On the road less traveled
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Re: Timeline of Jesus' Death
Originally Posted by mfblume
I believe a spiritual message is seen in the Friday to Sunday picture.
Friday is the sixth day of the week. It represents the day mankind was created in the old creation race of Adam. It's our beginnings, so to speak.
Sunday is the first day of the next week. The 8th day, so to speak. A NEW BEGINNING. That's why infants were circumcised the 87th day showing a spiritual message of new beginnings. A foreshadow of resurrection into newness of life.
So the first day of the week represents a new beginning for a new creation week. But in this new creation week, man is made first.
So, for Christ to die the sixth day and resurrect the first day of the next week, it shows God taking us back to the day of our beginnings in the failed race of Adam and causing us to DIE that very day in Him, and united to Him by death He transports us to the new beginning and we rise into newness of life as new creation!

04-06-2015, 09:26 PM
Yeshua is God
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Re: Timeline of Jesus' Death
What a bunch of hogwash, some of you can't even count days right, what school did you go to?
The Jewish day begins at sundown.
Jesus died at the 9th hour of the day, that is 3:00 pm, however the Jews state that the sundown begins at 6:00 pm, Joseph and Nicodemous wrapped Jesus in spices and took him to the tomb, so this whole process must have taken about 3 hours.
So Jesus was laid in the tomb at about 6:00 pm
So let us count the days and see which days add up.
Friday 6:00 pm to Saturday 6:00 pm (1 day)
Saturday 6:00 PM to Sunday 6:00 AM morning (1/2 day)
So we have here 1 day and a half
Thursday 6:00 PM to Friday 6:00 PM (1 day)
Friday 6:00 PM to Saturday 6:00 PM (2 days)
Saturday 6:00 PM to Sunday 6:00 AM (1/2 day)
so we have here 2 days and a half.
Since Jesus rose on the first day of the week,
that would make it Sunday after sunrise (6:00 AM)
simply math destroys your theories.
The Bible is right Jesus rose up on the third day.

04-06-2015, 09:46 PM
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Re: Timeline of Jesus' Death
Originally Posted by FlamingZword
What a bunch of hogwash, some of you can't even count days right, what school did you go to?
The Jewish day begins at sundown.
Jesus died at the 9th hour of the day, that is 3:00 pm, however the Jews state that the sundown begins at 6:00 pm, Joseph and Nicodemous wrapped Jesus in spices and took him to the tomb, so this whole process must have taken about 3 hours.
So Jesus was laid in the tomb at about 6:00 pm
So let us count the days and see which days add up.
Friday 6:00 pm to Saturday 6:00 pm (1 day)
Saturday 6:00 PM to Sunday 6:00 AM morning (1/2 day)
So we have here 1 day and a half
Thursday 6:00 PM to Friday 6:00 PM (1 day)
Friday 6:00 PM to Saturday 6:00 PM (2 days)
Saturday 6:00 PM to Sunday 6:00 AM (1/2 day)
so we have here 2 days and a half.
Since Jesus rose on the first day of the week,
that would make it Sunday after sunrise (6:00 AM)
simply math destroys your theories.
The Bible is right Jesus rose up on the third day.
Surprised at your terminologies. Wow.
You missed the fact that in Hebrew culture part of a day counts as a whole. Check the feasts.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."

04-06-2015, 10:08 PM
Yeshua is God
Join Date: Aug 2011
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Re: Timeline of Jesus' Death
Originally Posted by mfblume
Surprised at your terminologies. Wow.
You missed the fact that in Hebrew culture part of a day counts as a whole. Check the feasts.
John in 19:31 said that, that Sabbath was a high day, which means it was a special day.
Luke 23:54 And that day was the preparation, it was the preparation for the Passover.
No I did not missed the fact of counting part of the day as a whole, that is why we can count the beginning of Sunday as a whole day.
Following the Bible chronology we will simply conclude that Jesus was actually crucified on Thursday, and arose on Sunday morning. that is Bible.

04-06-2015, 10:31 PM
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Re: Timeline of Jesus' Death
Originally Posted by FlamingZword
John in 19:31 said that, that Sabbath was a high day, which means it was a special day.
Luke 23:54 And that day was the preparation, it was the preparation for the Passover.
No I did not missed the fact of counting part of the day as a whole, that is why we can count the beginning of Sunday as a whole day.
Following the Bible chronology we will simply conclude that Jesus was actually crucified on Thursday, and arose on Sunday morning. that is Bible.
The high day reference only means it was the sabbath during Passover when everyone presented themselves before God. How is that not the seventh day?
Friday first day.
Saturday second day.
Sunday third day.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."

04-06-2015, 10:51 PM
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Re: Timeline of Jesus' Death
Originally Posted by mfblume
The high day reference only means it was the sabbath during Passover when everyone presented themselves before God. How is that not the seventh day?
Friday first day.
Saturday second day.
Sunday third day.
The only problem I see with this is you are missing a night. I count three days, but only two nights.
Mt 12:40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth
I agree that a partial day counts as a day, but to me there must at least be a partial third night for it to agree with this scripture.
The time frame that FZ presented adds up and that would still make a Friday burial. which would not contradict:
Lk 23:54 And that day was the preparation, and the sabbath drew on

04-07-2015, 04:09 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood
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Re: Timeline of Jesus' Death
Originally Posted by FlamingZword
What a bunch of hogwash, some of you can't even count days right, what school did you go to?
The Jewish day begins at sundown.
Jesus died at the 9th hour of the day, that is 3:00 pm, however the Jews state that the sundown begins at 6:00 pm, Joseph and Nicodemous wrapped Jesus in spices and took him to the tomb, so this whole process must have taken about 3 hours.
So Jesus was laid in the tomb at about 6:00 pm
So let us count the days and see which days add up.
Friday 6:00 pm to Saturday 6:00 pm (1 day)
Saturday 6:00 PM to Sunday 6:00 AM morning (1/2 day)
So we have here 1 day and a half
Thursday 6:00 PM to Friday 6:00 PM (1 day)
Friday 6:00 PM to Saturday 6:00 PM (2 days)
Saturday 6:00 PM to Sunday 6:00 AM (1/2 day)
so we have here 2 days and a half.
Since Jesus rose on the first day of the week,
that would make it Sunday after sunrise (6:00 AM)
simply math destroys your theories.
The Bible is right Jesus rose up on the third day.
I've known you (online) a long time (since Delphi days) and I love you bro, but you are wrong on this. I will prove it nine different ways.
First: If partial days can be counted as a whole then a Friday crucifixion is possible. You acknowledge that a partial day can be counted as a whole, therefore you admit a Friday crucifixion is possible.
Second: You said he arose AFTER DAWN on Sunday. But the Bible is clear that BEFORE SUNRISE the women found the tomb EMPTY. Therefore you are wrong. He rose BEFORE sunrise on Sunday.
Third: If he was crucified on Thursday, then Friday was a sabbath (the 15th of Abib, First Day of Unleavened Bread), and the NEXT day was the seventh day sabbath. So he would be in the grave TWO SABBATHS. But the women rested for ONE sabbath, not two. Therefore the day after his crucifixion was a sabbath, and the NEXT DAY he arose, on the FIRST DAY of the week. Therefore it HAD to be Friday when he was crucified.
Fourth: The 16th of Abib is the day of the waving of the omer of the first fruits (see also Joshua ch 5). The first fruits represents resurrection (Jesus is the first fruits). But according to your chronology, that day was on the weekly sabbath and he was STILL DEAD. A Thursday crucifixion has him miss the fulfillment of the type. A Friday crucifixion does not, for he arose on the 16th of Abib which is NOT POSSIBLE with a Thursday crucifixion.
Fifth: Luke 24 counts the days beginning with his arrest, not his burial. Since the three days are counted from his arrest, a Thursday crucifixion has him rising the FOURTH day, not the third!
Sixth: YOU SAID AT FIRST the following:
Originally Posted by FlamingZword
Jesus said three days and three nights.
that means three whole days, no partial days.
We need to quit following the Catholic church timeline.
Now you are changing to say partial days can count. But your initial belief was that 72hrs were required and only a Thursday crucifixion satisfies that. Which is it?
If 72hrs is required then the resurrection CANNOT occur on the THIRD DAY, as I previously proved. It would occur AFTER the third day, and thus be on the fourth day.
The fact you have abandoned the original basis of your belief in a Thursday crucifixion indicates you are trying to hold on to it just because. If a 72hr requirement was the basis for your belief, and you drop that basis, why hold the belief? Obviously it isn't because "the math requires it".
By admitting a partial day can count as " a day", you no longer have ANY SINGLE REASON why a Friday crucifixion is "impossible". You would be reduced to having to find a verse that outright says " Thursday he was crucified ".
Seventh: You say a Friday crucifixion is 1 and 1/2 days only. Not so. He was buried BEFORE the sabbath began. That's one day. He was in the tomb during the sabbath. That's the second day. He rose sometime before dawn the next day. That's the third day.
Eighth: Jesus is the true bread from heaven. Manna was a type or shadow of Christ. Manna fell for six days. On the sixth day a double portion fell, and on the sabbath nothing fell. But the sixth day's manna was preserved during the sabbath until the day after the sabbath (first day). It was preserved for ONE DAY ONLY. But a Thursday crucifixion has the true Manna being preserved TWO DAYS (the two back to back Sabbaths required of a Thursday crucifixion scheme). This destroys the typology, whereas a Friday crucifixion preserves it perfectly, as Jesus did not see corruption in the grave during the ONE DAY sabbath.
Ninth: Jesus was crucified on " the Preparation" which is the Biblical (as well as the Judaic) term for Friday. The day before one of the annual feasts is not called the Preparation. When John speaks of "the Preparation of the Passover" he means the Preparation (Friday) of the Passover (feast), not the Day Before the Passover. If Preparation is the day before the Passover, then Jesus was crucified the day before the Passover, which is ridiculous. The Preparation, however, always meant Friday, which by itself PROVES a Friday crucifixion.

04-07-2015, 04:26 AM
Unvaxxed Pureblood
Join Date: Jul 2012
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Re: Timeline of Jesus' Death
Originally Posted by good samaritan
The only problem I see with this is you are missing a night. I count three days, but only two nights.
I agree that a partial day counts as a day, but to me there must at least be a partial third night for it to agree with this scripture.
The time frame that FZ presented adds up and that would still make a Friday burial. which would not contradict:
The phrase has no reference to any set number of nights or daytime portions, but only means "the third day".
Three days and nights means three actual days (like Friday, Saturday, Sunday). The key is " three days for WHAT?" According to Luke (as noted above) the three days do not begin with the burial, but the arrest. A Thursday crucifixion therefore has Christ rising the fourth day, not the third day. Thursday he is arrested and crucified (day 1), Friday (day 2), Saturday (day three), Sunday (day four - he arises).
Only a Friday crucifixion meets ALL the Biblical evidence.
And contrary to FZ's assertion, it is not a "catholic timeline" (catholics assert he was crucified on Abib 15, not Abib 14). A Friday crucifixion however was UNIVERSALLY HELD for at least the first four hundred years, by Sunday keepers and sabbath keepers, by Easter-Sunday keepers and by Quartodeciman Passover keepers alike. There is ZERO record that a Friday crucifixion was invented or brought in contrary to apostolic tradition. We have the historical record when trinitarianism was introduced, when baptism into the titles was brought in, when the priesthood arose, when incense and altars came in, when clerical vestments came in, infant baptism, sprinkling and pouring, when tongues was replaced with the rite of confirmation, Sunday keeping, easter Sunday, purgatory, indulgences etc etc.
But no record of a new fangled "Friday crucifixion" being introduced as a disputed point, unlike all the other innovations of catholicism.

04-07-2015, 08:14 AM
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Re: Timeline of Jesus' Death
Three days and nights means three actual days (like Friday, Saturday, Sunday).
I can't prove you wrong on this, but I don't believe Jesus would have said three nights if there wasn't three nights. Again I agree that a partial can be counted as a whole. Jesus explicitly said night and I just can't get past that. The burial did take place on Friday therefore fulfilling them taking Jesus body during the preparation ( Lk 23).

04-07-2015, 08:20 AM
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Re: Timeline of Jesus' Death
Originally Posted by good samaritan
The only problem I see with this is you are missing a night. I count three days, but only two nights.
I agree that a partial day counts as a day, but to me there must at least be a partial third night for it to agree with this scripture.
The time frame that FZ presented adds up and that would still make a Friday burial. which would not contradict:
I don't think we need a third night. Like I said, the sabbath was Saturday. The high day sabbath was because it was during passover. All Israel had to be there. And the cross occurred the day before passover. This demands Friday.
The only reason three days sand nights were mentioned is because the evening and the morning were one day. And any part of a day, be it evening or after the evening when morning comes, counts as the entire evening and morning. Three days,
It is not as though only part of the sunshine hours counts as the entire sunshine hours. Any part of the 24 hour period counts as the overall evening and morning.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
Last edited by mfblume; 04-07-2015 at 08:27 AM.
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