Originally Posted by Fionn mac Cumh
I already told you. They are still in the same position. But again, what does that have to do with the DEMs? I know lots of rich DEM voters and lots of poor GOP voters.
Okay, you're just going to keep avoiding the questions and try to flip it to fit your political beliefs.
It's really not that hard of a question. I'll show you how easy it is.
1) Yes, the Dem Party takes the black voters for granted. Both Dems and the GOP have their pet voting bloc. The GOP's is the religious right. The difference is the GOP offers a few bills each year to appease the bloc. The Dems offer nothing for black voters.
2) Yes, the GOP has mostly given up on trying to win over black voters. This is evident by the fact that Rand Paul is the only GOP member of Congress who has taken on issues felt by black voters. It's also evident by the fact that the bills Sen. Paul has introduced which affect black voters have been sent to die in a committee each year for the past 3 years.
3) No, black voters are not better off after voting for the Dem Party for decades. In fact, they're even worse off now with a black, Democrat President, then they were under a white, Republican President. Unemployment has increased to double digits (around 14% last I looked). Poverty and violence in the inner city has increased. What has the Dem Party done? They only keep extending government benefits to them, which don't help them get out of the rut they're in.