Originally Posted by Esaias
The lost are going to hell, the country is being run into the ground by communists, the world is closing in on WW3... but the latest NFL scandal is what we pay attention to.
Bread and circuses... the Romans were sheer geniuses.
I'm paying attention to all of it.
Regarding AP: he abused his kid and deserves to be kicked out of the NFL and lose visitation rights until he has completed some sort of program or counseling--at the very LEAST.
If my husband ever beat any of our children with a tree branch and left cuts and bruises with every hit (there were a lot of hits, btw...we're not talking about a couple of swats), hit them in their privates and stuffed leaves in their mouths...sorry, but I would take the kids and leave until he had prayed through and talked to some wiser men about how to handle his anger and discipline with restraint. In fact, that would probably be grounds to remove his right to discipline whatsoever. If you have a problem with your temper, you shouldn't be disciplining children.
AP's actions were absolutely out of control, abusive, and disgusting. There's no loving discipline found in any of that, and there is certainly nothing Christlike in a loss of control like that. That is an angry, out-of-control parent taking their emotions on their kid.
And the kid is FOUR. FOUR. We aren't talking about a strapping, strong teenager fighting with his father. We're talking about a four year old up against a meaty, muscly, football-playing man. (I use that last term lightly).
This is possibly a pattern of behavior for AP, which is important to note. He has a son by another woman, who has texts where AP was apologizing for injuring the kid's head, and said something along the lines of his son's head hit the carseat when he was spanking him in the car. There are photos in Google images that show where the hit cut enough to leave a scar. The reason he wasn't charged, apparently, is because it was indirect. The scar wasn't caused by AP hitting him in the head.
I don't personally know a single Christlike man who would treat a child like AP "disciplined" his son. The ones who do are those who are known for their tempers and their lack of ability to control themselves when they get mad. That isn't a Christian quality. Last time I checked, the fruits of the Spirit are supposed to be evidenced in our lives at ALL times; we don't get to throw them out the window when we're dealing with our children.
>>Love. Joy. Peace. LONGsuffering. GENTLENESS. Goodness. Faith. MEEKNESS (strength restrained!). Temperance. There's no law against ANY of that.<<