Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
I didn't MAKE this thread about race.
Race is endemic to this discussion because of the characters involved.
No, race is endemic to you. YOU make every political discussion of any Republican about race.
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
McDaniel has a reputation in his home state-- a reputation that he has earned.
Really? So you live in MS or knew this guy for a while before you started reading Mother Jones or DailyKos or whatever other liberal blog spewing baseless accusations without any facts with which to back it up?
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
The black Pastor never got paid, which is one of his complaints. He'll never get paid if McDaniel's folks are behind this. Given the ilk of some of his supporters and what they are willing to do, it won't shock me at all to find out that a McDaniel supporter is behind this.
You didn't read the article or have a reading comprehension problem. Because not only did it name the church and where it was, but it also said that the minister was given envelopes which had $15 cash in them. That's what this minister claims he gave out to everyone to get them to vote for Cochran. I'm not talking about the money the minister was offered to do this.
You're saying someone in the McDaniel campaign gave hundreds or thousands of dollars in cash to pay blacks to vote for Cochran. Dumbest. Claim. Ever.
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
As far as it being stupid, again, McDaniel's supporters have done stupid and classless things this year.
And obviously it's McDaniel's fault for having stupid and classless supporters. I mean, no Democrat (especially obama) would have a stupid or classless supporter do something for them. *cough
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
If I were to "pay" off a Pastor to deliver votes, I'd get someone who at least appears to be more influential.
Doesn't matter if he appears influential. What matters is if he IS influencial and has the ear of the people. Who cares what he looks like.
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
Which is why this whole thing is putrid and I bet that McDaniel's people are behind the dragging in of this "Pastor" into something that is clearly beyond him.
Oh, so now it's not the minister's fault, yet again you're blaming (without proof) McDaniel's campaign for dragging this poor, innocent, stupid man into something "clearly beyond him."