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Old 04-17-2014, 10:53 AM
n david n david is offline
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Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
Bundy and his supporters appear to be of the same ilk as McVeigh, but let's wait for the end of this.
Are you serious? Since when did Bundy plan to bomb the government.

Your ignorance is showing. Bundy is NOTHING like McVeigh. All he has done is have a ranch on land that Hypocrite Harry and the BLM want for a solar power station.

What an absurd comment...."same ilk as McVeigh."
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Old 04-17-2014, 01:31 PM
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Re: Bundy Ranch, BLM, Harry Reid and the Chinese

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Are you serious? Since when did Bundy plan to bomb the government.

Your ignorance is showing. Bundy is NOTHING like McVeigh. All he has done is have a ranch on land that Hypocrite Harry and the BLM want for a solar power station.

What an absurd comment...."same ilk as McVeigh."
If you are going to quote me, get my whole quote, "appears to be of the same ilk as McVeigh, but let's wait for the end of this."

Follow the logic.

Let's put our women out in front so they can get shot.

We then respond with even more fire power killing the Federal agents-- a justified a use of force.

We're not talking bombs, but at the end of the day, we're still talking dead Federal employees.

McVeigh and these guys share a paranoia-based hatred of the Federal government.

Both have (at a bare minimum) support of white supremacists.

It's not that far of a stretch to compare the people supporting Bundy to McVeigh.
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Old 04-17-2014, 04:36 PM
n david n david is offline
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Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post

If you are going to quote me, get my whole quote, "appears to be of the same ilk as McVeigh, but let's wait for the end of this."

Follow the logic.

Let's put our women out in front so they can get shot.

We then respond with even more fire power killing the Federal agents-- a justified a use of force.

We're not talking bombs, but at the end of the day, we're still talking dead Federal employees.

McVeigh and these guys share a paranoia-based hatred of the Federal government.

Both have (at a bare minimum) support of white supremacists.

It's not that far of a stretch to compare the people supporting Bundy to McVeigh.
You're so completely wrong on this, it's offensive. Show me anywhere where Bundy has advocated violence against the government. Show me where Bundy has paranoid hatred of the government. Show me where Bundy is more armed than the BLM thugs with their body armor and auto assault rifles, helicopters and military assault vehicles.

I have nothing more to say to you about it, as you're completely ignorant on the issue.

Last edited by n david; 04-17-2014 at 06:00 PM.
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Old 04-17-2014, 06:02 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Bundy Ranch, BLM, Harry Reid and the Chinese

Hypocrite Harry says Bundy and his supporters are "domestic terrorists," and what happened last Saturday was "domestic terrorism."

Good grief. NV needs to give Hypocrite Harry the boot. This guy is completely unhinged.

If what happened then was "domestic terrorism" and if Bundy is a "domestic terrorist," than anyone can be labled as such, and any protest against the government is now considered "domestic terrorism."

If that doesn't scare you, I don't know what will.
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Old 04-17-2014, 06:26 PM
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Re: Bundy Ranch, BLM, Harry Reid and the Chinese

Exclusive: Does Cliven Bundy Have Something Called “Prescriptive Rights”, Why The BLM May Be Afraid To Go To Court

In most states, if a trespass or use of land occurs regularly for at least 5 years without the “owner” of the land taking legal action, prescriptive rights come into play. Because Bundy stopped paying his grazing fees to the BLM in 1993 but continued to use the land for over 20 years, it is possible he now has prescriptive rights to the land. That might explain why the BLM has not taken this issue to court and never bothered to file a lien against the cattle.

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Old 04-17-2014, 07:47 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Bundy Ranch, BLM, Harry Reid and the Chinese

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Exclusive: Does Cliven Bundy Have Something Called “Prescriptive Rights”, Why The BLM May Be Afraid To Go To Court

In most states, if a trespass or use of land occurs regularly for at least 5 years without the “owner” of the land taking legal action, prescriptive rights come into play. Because Bundy stopped paying his grazing fees to the BLM in 1993 but continued to use the land for over 20 years, it is possible he now has prescriptive rights to the land. That might explain why the BLM has not taken this issue to court and never bothered to file a lien against the cattle.

This is interesting, though why wasn't this brought up in the 1998 court case or the most recent court decision? I don't know how the courts work, but I would think this could/would/should have been brought up then.

It would be awesome if Bundy presented that defense and WON.

What would Hypocrite Harry and his minions do then?

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Old 04-18-2014, 08:02 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Bundy Ranch, BLM, Harry Reid and the Chinese

Hypocrite Harry's at it again...let's parse this

Bundy doesn’t believe that the American government is valid, he believes that the United States is a foreign government.
That's just a complete, outright, baldfaced lie. Bundy has never said the American government isn't valid. Not once. He's never said the US is a foreign government. How absurd can Hypocrite Harry get?

He doesn’t pay his taxes. He doesn’t follow the law. He doesn’t pay his fees.
Oh yeah, Hypocrite Harry? How do you know he doesn't pay his taxes? Did "someone" "call" you with the info? Or did the IRS leak info to your office? Or are you just making junk up like you did against Mitt Romney. I swear, you can tell when Hypocrite Harry is lying....it's easy. It's whenever he opens his mouth. The man is a pathological liar.

And if anyone thinks by any figment of their imagination what happened up there last week was just people rallying to somebody that was oppressed —600 people came in, armed. They had practiced,they had maneuvered,they knew what they were doing. They set up snipers in strategic locations with sniper rifles. They had assault weapons. They had automatic weapons. And they boasted about the fact that they put women in children —in fact one retired sheriff from Arizona boasted that he put women and children so that they would get hit first.
Now this is truly amazing. Read what Hypocrite Harry is saying. "They had practiced." "They had maneuvered." "They knew what they were doing."

Hypocrite Harry knows the standoff lasted barely a week, right? And he knows that most of the people who rode in a show of force arrived either Friday or that morning. So how in God's green earth did these brave men and women have time to practice and manuever? Good grief. Hypocrite Harry couldn't tell the truth standing on a Bible, looking at Jesus.

So, 600 people. If there were ever an example of people who were domestic, violent terrorist wannabes, these are the guys. And I think that we should call it that way.
"Domestic." "Violent." "Terrorist wannabes."

I hope the good people of NV kick Hypocrite Harry out of office. If ever someone needed to be literally tarred and feathered, it's this guy. He's a crook. He's a liar. He should not be the Majority Leader of the US Congress.

To call these men and women, "domestic, violent, terrorist wannabes" is beyond the pale. Who committed the violence, Hypocrite Harry? It wasn't these men and women. It was the BLM thugs who tased a man and shoved a pregnant women to the ground. It was the BLM thugs who shot and killed two prized bulls just for the sport of it.

I think Hypocrite Harry should lead the BLM from the front lines when they begin the assault on the Bundy ranch.
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Old 04-19-2014, 03:58 PM
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Re: Bundy Ranch, BLM, Harry Reid and the Chinese


"(Reuters) - Flat on his belly in a sniper position, wearing a baseball cap and a flak jacket, a protester aimed his semi-automatic rifle from the edge of an overpass and waited as a crowd below stood its ground against U.S. federal agents in the Nevada desert."
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Old 04-19-2014, 04:00 PM
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Re: Bundy Ranch, BLM, Harry Reid and the Chinese

Originally Posted by n david View Post
You're so completely wrong on this, it's offensive. Show me anywhere where Bundy has advocated violence against the government. Show me where Bundy has paranoid hatred of the government. Show me where Bundy is more armed than the BLM thugs with their body armor and auto assault rifles, helicopters and military assault vehicles.

I have nothing more to say to you about it, as you're completely ignorant on the issue.
Not Bundy, but some of the people supporting Bundy. I never attributed statements of violence against the government directly to Bundy.

Re-read what I typed. I'm not ignorant on this issue.
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Old 04-19-2014, 04:12 PM
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Re: Bundy Ranch, BLM, Harry Reid and the Chinese

ndavid, Pressing-On,
The both of you are so wrong on your support for this bozo bundy. The law is clear, the cattle was taken legally by court order, bundy supporters came from many states, many of them armed, and they were strategizing their use of deadly force against legitimate law enforcement officers.

Part of their strategizing included the use of snipers and the placement of women in what they thought would be the primary line of fire.

The bozo bundy supporters purposefully disrupted legitimate law enforcement operations-- these people were the thugs in this case.

The Feds backed down, to their credit, to avoid a situation that was clearly headed towards bloody violence.

Yes, many of the bozo bundy supporters are members of extreme right-winged militia groups.

Yes, many of the people who participate in those types of groups are racists.

Yes, former Sheriff Mack has collaborated with a noted white supremacist in the recent past.

Yes, Timothy McVeigh had A LOT in common with many of bozo bundy supporters.

You can try to refute any of these facts if you want, but I am right on my facts and this bundy is nothing but a criminal and his supporters are just feening for an opportunity to "sock it to the Feds"-- but bundy and those who support him, are wrong.
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Last edited by Jermyn Davidson; 04-19-2014 at 04:17 PM.
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