Originally Posted by seekerman
But the Holy Ghost dwelled in Him as the Holy Ghost dwells in us. I gave scripture supporting that. We're filled with the Holy Ghost as He was filled with the Holy Ghost.
I understand you're not going to identify that which dwelt in Jesus which does not dwell in us.
Our infilling is for regeneration. Jesus does not need such being sinless.
As a man he was filled with a Messianic anointing of the Spirit. This was prior to his glorification when he was walking in limitations as a man. Same Spirit, different roles.
But this does not change the fact that he was indeed the embodiment of the said Spirit.
Atthis point, it was at least be polite to acknowledge that I have answered your question. It's OK to disagree with the answer. But there is no need to be insulting by pretending like you have not been answered.
Now i expect you to be as kind and answer my question...
Does all the
Col. 2:9 apply to us?
"For in Seekerman dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily".
For in Seekerman there is all of God in a human body
For In Seekerman dwells all the fulness of Deity in bodily form?
You see no exclusivity to Christ in
Col 2:9?