Originally Posted by Aquila
Why not say, "We need $40,000 in donations and pledges for missions this year. Let's please search our hearts and seek God.
Public TV stations have learned that saying, "Please give" simply does not work as well as offering PREMIUMS to those supposedly giving for "the cause." When the premium is a calendar, the results are not as spectacular as if they could offer an authenticated lock of Mick Jaggers's hair. Some people (such as I) would laugh at those who regard Mick Jaggers hair as something more valuable than my own hair, but ebay might prove that MJ hair is in fact more valuable. And so also with religious relics of any kind--some people are unaffected by sentimentality, and therefore laugh at those who are sentimental about, or fascinated about certain objects.
Peanut brittle is thankfully less controversial.