Originally Posted by Praxeas
Depending on what happened, that is so very true.
Trayvon could have chose not to start beating up on Zimmerman.
Zimmerman could have stayed in the car.
But the facts are, TM beat Z.
Here is a question...TM was shot by Z...Z was beat up by TM...did TM have any wounds suggesting Z was beating him up?
That's what a TRIAL IS FOR. To examine all the facts and this story shows that we have not had all the facts and that the Police were suppressing some of the facts.
Says who?
Kid wearing a hoodie, cutting between houses. If I saw a kid with a hoodie cutting between houses, Id be suspicious too before I ever saw what skin color he had
Because TM was black and in your prejudiced mind, Z is a white man? You are prejudiced. You've prejudged the "white" man before all the evidence is weighed in a court of law
In Florida, yes
Dude, there is no racial prejudice against zim in my summation of zim's actions.
My summation acknowledges the prejudice that many, many have against young black males. You can try to justify the prejudice with "facts", but all that does is confirm the prejudice. Most people don't act on their prejudices before knowing the facts or the person-- but zim did.
Martin was targetted, in part, because he was black. It was zim's prejudging of Martin that started this whole tragedy.
"He looks suspicious walking in the rain with his head down."
What was he supposed to do, walk with his head up? It's raining and he didn't have an umbrella!
"Looking around..." He's not familiar with the area, or maybe he's just walking around because he can.
zim prejudged Martin and he was tragically wrong!
Listen to zim's 911 call. You can hear the prejudice in his words. zim was convinced that Martin was up to no good before the confrontation. Martin realized that he was being followed (harrassed), before there was a confrontation. Why was he being followed, because zim thought he was up to no good.
There had been burglaries in the past in that apartment complex and the suspects were black males. Martin was a black male. So he assumed the worst about Martin.
Problem with assuming that Martin was a burglar was that it didn't make sense for the time of the evening we're talking about. Neither was the weather favorable for breaking in and stealing.
Steal what? A tv, playstaion? It was raining! It would have been ruined! Steal jewelry? This was an apartment complex! Steal furniture? He was by himself and it was raining!
So what ws he gonna steal on an evening with steady rain, by himself, at dinner time when most households will have atleast someone home, around 7pm at night?
Educated people who study sociology admit that this was a case of stereotyping, but somehow it's too difficult for you to comprehend.