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Old 06-02-2007, 11:44 PM
gowinsouls gowinsouls is offline

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I could meet you both at the well and we could talk about it.

This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.
Originally Posted by Red Baron View Post
The man can't have two wives!! Which is it, Holly or Crystal, gowinsouls?
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Old 06-11-2007, 11:05 PM
Red Baron

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Originally Posted by gowinsouls View Post
I could meet you both at the well and we could talk about it.

This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.
Or you could be transparently honest and win people's trust in stead of appearing deceptively evasive. What do you have to hide if anything?
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Old 06-14-2007, 04:07 PM
chaotic_resolve chaotic_resolve is offline
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His wife's name is Holly.
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Old 08-02-2007, 04:19 PM
gowinsouls gowinsouls is offline

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How To Host an Affective Block Party

There are many aspects of an affective block party outreach; I will attempt to list as many details as possible here.

One of the first things you need to do is find a suitable location. This could be one of the key elements in the success of your block party so you will want to be very prayerful in your decision. We recommend having it as close to government housing or project areas of your community. If you do not have any low income housing, you may want to look for mobile home parks.

Most of the time you can go to the management and ask permission to host a “Christian Outreach Block Party” (this is the only time it will be referred as a “Christian Outreach” Block Party. You want to help the management understand you are going to be a blessing to the facility and the tenants. You will want to offer your services in preparing the area by cleaning and grooming if necessary and also your assurance that the area used will be as clean as or cleaner than when you started. It is very important that when going before the management that you smile and show yourself friendly.

If you are planning a Block Party in a park that belongs to the city you may want to get permission from the park department. On most occasions we do not seek permission from city officials and have not had any problems, this will be left to your own discretion.

Try and find a place that is as close to large groups of people.

We do not recommend any advertising to say anything about church, revival, Acts 2:38 or any other form of religious text. We do not want to give the impression to the people that will be coming that this is a church event. A common mistake on most advertisements for church events is the words listed above. When we try and bring people to church they mostly feel they have a church so they don’t need another.

Once you have chosen a location you will want to start planning your event. This is going to be a very crucial part of the success of your event. The planning should be as detailed as possible. I will try and give you an outline to follow here:
__________________________________________________ _______________

a) Menu

Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Chips, Snack Cake and Drinks

b) Items needed

Boxes of frozen Hamburger Patties

Hot Dogs

Buns for each

Little Debbie Cakes are recommended.

Cans of Coke – Mountain Dew – Bottles of Water

(Key Points * Never Serve Kool-Aid * Never serve generic Drinks NAME BRAND ONLY!)

Bags of ICE

Individual Bags of Potato Chips

Ketchup & Mustard (You can get individual packages at Sams Club or food supply companies. Never serve mayonnaise.)


Trash Bags, the larger the better

Trash Cans

Foil Pans to Place cooked food in while waiting to place in containers to serve.

Styrofoam To Go Boxes (all meals should be packed in these)

Plastic Gloves (Every server should be wearing these)


Several Gas Grills are needed Make sure whoever is in charge of cooking items double checks to make sure tanks are full and you have one spare full tank.


Water Bottles for flame control

Coolers for meats

Coolers for drinks

Aluminum foil

Servers and Serving Meals

You should serve all food and drinks to guest. Make sure all servers have on plastic gloves and do not allow extra items to be given until everyone has been served. Do not allow people to come up and just take items. Make sure Saints are very clear that they do not eat until every guest has eaten.


a) Old style songs are a must! I know we all want to use our style however the people that you will be reaching will not respond as well to what we play today in most churches. You need old black gospel and hymns. We have tried other styles and found that people in the world; or sinners relate to old songs that were being played as they grew up or their grandma used to play. (If you do not receive any other part of this information, this one is KEY!) If you have musicians that can play live music we suggest that.

b) Make sure you have a complete list of songs to sing. The more the better, it’s important to have a lot of music not just 3 songs.

c) Praise Singers

d) Instruments – Cords – Mics – All Sound Equipment

e) Electric Generators – Extra Electric Cords and Power Strips (You can never have to many of these)

f) It is very important to have all music, sound and singers ready and tested 45 minutes before events. Make sure all musicians are not playing their instruments except during songs….for instance you don’t want the guitar player jamming to his own tune while warming up….you want the musicians ready to roll and play when the party starts. If tuning is needed keep volume down to a minimum while tuning…this is not something you want the neighborhood to endure.

Bouncing Balloons

It is important to try and get the inflatable bouncing balloons for children. These will draw tons of children. Make sure you have people who can monitor them you will want two people at minimum. It gets wild!

Give Away Prizes

a) You want to name your Block Party “Blessing Our Community Through Giving”

b) Purchase prizes

Prizes should be at least the suggested. You may add more if needed

1 – $49.00 Kids Bicycle

10 - $10.00 Gas or Grocery Gift Cards

4 - $25.00 Wal-Mart Gift Cards

2 - $13.00 Key Chain Digital Cameras

1 - $34.00 MP3 Player

Baptism Tank

Large Horse Trough – Or Large Swimming Pool with minimum depth of 3 ft

3 Long Garden Hoses - Scan the area to see if you can use any water from the complex

Towels – You can never have to many, bring tons of them!

Extra Clothing and Robes – Have the Saints bring in as many old clothing items as possible for people to use to be baptized in.

A possible changing area – sometimes a cargo trailer or make shift changing area will work.

Chairs and Tables

Try and bring out as many chairs as possible. Also you will need a lot of tables. You need tables for the serving line, registration, sound equipment and cooking area.


a) Puppets and children ministries if Possible should be done at some point of the service. Make the children want to come to your church to get more!


You will want to have hundreds of flyers that advertise your service schedule and any up coming events. Make it an exciting flyer. Pass them out to every person that attends your block party.


This is one step that you must focus a lot of attention on. You will need hundreds of guest registration cards; we suggest two colors, one color for adults 12 and over and one color for children 11 and under. You will need a minimum of 6 people working registration. You will want to have rolls of tickets, each person who registers gets a ticket, and this ticket is what they will use to get their free meal. Without a ticket they will not be allowed to eat. Make it clear by announcing as much as possible through out the service that every individual needs to register and only one registration per person. You want each child and each adult to fill out a complete registration guest card. Tell them you are going to be using the registration cards to draw names for prizes. You will want to keep all registration cards and use them for follow up. Each person should receive a post card or letter from the church no less than one week from the event. Make sure you have the following request for information on your guest card:

Name – Address – Phone (home and cell) – Email – What Church they attend – Are they interested in more information on your church.
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Old 08-02-2007, 04:22 PM
gowinsouls gowinsouls is offline

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Keep this short and very Evangelistic Basic message on Sin and Salvation

Altar call should be very strong and compelling.

I always ask that anyone that wants a free Wal-Mart card to hurry to the front, then when every person is up there I ask who wants it and hand it to them, showing the affect of I want to give it, someone wants to receive it but to receive it they must do something which is extend their hand and grab it! Then I tell them Jesus has died for us but we must do our part to receive our salvation.

Then it is important to explain salvation and baptism.

Clean Up Crew

It is important to announce through out the service that you would appreciate any trash to be placed in trash cans. You will want to have as many cans as possible on hand. Make sure you have a complete crew to canvas the area and keep area extremely clean after event. Also this crew may assist in packing chairs, tables, sound equipment and instruments.

__________________________________________________ _______________
One very important thing you will need to do is have a meeting with all workers and saints before heading out to your event. In your meeting cover all areas, double check and make sure you have all items on your list.

Talk to everyone and let them know it is crucial that they do not talk to each other during this block party unless it is relative to issues of service. Let them know they MUST greet every person and make them feel very welcome to this party. NEVER leave sinners standing by their self….every person in your church should be talking to sinners!

Advertising for Event

You should make sure to pass out flyers for at least 3 days leading up to your block party in the surrounding areas. Also you will want to place door hangers on every door and apartment possible within a 2 mile radius.

On the day of the event we usually use a megaphone and drive around the area telling people about our free block party and letting them know what time it will start. This is recommended to be done from 1-2 hours before event.

You may also want to place an ad in the local news paper if possible.

Door hangers can be purchased at www.outreach.com you will need as many as possible, you can determine how many apartments and houses are in the area and order accordingly.
You can also find a flyer we use on our web site at www.gowinsouls.com

Appointing Leaders of each portion of this event

You will want to appoint several leaders over each portion of this event, i.e.…cooks, music, registration, food, ministry, clean up etc…

Each leader should have a clear list of responsibilities and be held accountable throughout the entire planning session. It is very important that you express how important it is to never assume someone has something taken care of as a leader, make sure each person actually knows for fact that the issues are resolved.

Each leader should have several other people working with them to complete each task.

Have tag in sessions leading up to the event double checking every detail with each leader.

We have had huge success in reaching souls with doing block parties. We pray this information will bless you and you can reach as many souls as possible! Remember in all labor there is profit!

God Bless

Bro Downs
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Old 02-05-2008, 09:42 PM

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Re: Tools To Reach The Lost

Great Ideas! I am in the Outreach dept. at my church, Thanks for the great ideas, I will pass them on--God Bless!! Summer Rain
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Old 02-05-2008, 09:43 PM

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Re: Tools To Reach The Lost

Awesome, i hosted a block party this past summer~I`d love to do another one..Thanks for the ideas! Awesome!!!
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Old 02-07-2008, 09:11 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Tools To Reach The Lost

Gowinsouls, what's your retention ratio? We had a massive program with music, food, giveaways the works...we baptized over 71 people that weekend. Today only two of them are still attending. It seems the majority came for the loaves and the fishes. Statistically we found that those who stay were won through personal evangelism and individual relationships. A few home studies, nothing really "organized".

It's really discouraged us from attempting larger program in the future. Any idea where we might have gone wrong with the larger effort?
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Old 02-08-2008, 12:21 AM
gowinsouls gowinsouls is offline

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Re: Tools To Reach The Lost

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Gowinsouls, what's your retention ratio? We had a massive program with music, food, giveaways the works...we baptized over 71 people that weekend. Today only two of them are still attending. It seems the majority came for the loaves and the fishes. Statistically we found that those who stay were won through personal evangelism and individual relationships. A few home studies, nothing really "organized".

It's really discouraged us from attempting larger program in the future. Any idea where we might have gone wrong with the larger effort?
Retention is always something important. Unfortunately it has become one of the poor excuses we here why people do not win souls. People claim things like why go get them if they wont stay! Makes no sense to me! I believe there is a way to reach and keep converts!

We teach people that in the natural life the statistics show that if a new baby is left alone with out care for 3 days it will die. In the spiritual the same seems to ring true.

If a new convert is born again we teach that that new baby needs to be contacted at least 3 times in the first 3 days. The baby needs way more than a letter from the pastor to survive.

We suggest that each time a baby is born into the kingdom there would be someone standing by ready to spiritually adopt this baby. Adoption does not mean we are going to pay their bills and support them financially but we are going to care for them and help raise them. We are going to get them into a home Bible study right away and have the first lesson within 3 days if possible. We also suggest that the new baby be contacted with a personal visit within 24 hours and again in 48 hours, the latter bringing some type of cookies or desert.

Once the Home Bible studies starts making sure the new convert is involved in as many activities as possible is a must. You will want to let them know of any activities your church is having and make sure they come!

One thing for sure we cannot just host a service and expect people to come back if we do not follow up on them! The Bible says in all labor there is profit….the key word is LABOR or translated WORK!

Each time we baptize someone we also give them a small booklet that I have created that explains what a new convert needs to do to stay solid in living for God. We actually walk them through each step. You can view this booklet free on our web site. The booklet is called the New Birth and Beyond.

Hope this helps!

God Bless
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