Originally Posted by Tim Rutledge
Let's say all the time drunks were teaching our kids,telling them that being a drunk is normal and you can choose to get drunk all you want and God made you to be a drunk. Our kids hear alcoholism is perfectly acceptable behavior and people that say being a drunk is wrong are bigots and hateful. Sooo... The little Christian boy sings.. ain't no drunkards going to heaven.. which is biblical.
Same thing. ( insert whatever sin that is being crammed down our societies throat)
We have a very bigoted and intolerant God.
No sexual inmoral will make it into heaven
No idolater will make it into heaven
No male prostitute will make it into heaven
No homosexual offender will make it into heaven
No cowardly will make it into heaven
No Unbeliever will make it into heaven
No vile person will make it into heaven
No sexually inmoral will make it into heaven
No practicer of magic arts will make it into heaven
No liar will make it into heaven
and a few more in other scriptures.
I Cor 6:9,
Rev 21:6
I myself can not make it into heaven for I have basically done each of these things.
I was not raised a Christian, so in my younger years I have practiced sexual inmorality, I was an idolater, I have been a male prostitute, I experienced with homosexuality, I have behaved like a coward at times, I have not believed God at times, I have sometimes been a vile person, I have read astrology and practiced magical arts, I have sometimes lied and have done many other such things.
However I trust in Jesus and have repented of my past sins, So if I am going to get into heaven it won't be because of my purity, but because of Jesus Christ.