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01-29-2012, 05:55 PM
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Re: Old Time Pentecost
Originally Posted by RandyWayne
Sometimes. But rarely. More often it is like the Pharisee thanking God he or she is not like the rest of the world sitting next to him or her.
Rarely? Not my experience. I know plenty of sweet-spirited conservatively-dressed Pentecostals.

01-29-2012, 05:58 PM
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Re: Old Time Pentecost
Originally Posted by kclee4jc
Being in the most conservative circles I have never heard beards taught as sin. Furthermore, there is scriptural foundation for uncut hair. In my oponion, internets main purpose is information, television's purpose is entertainment and it is ungoldy entertainment at that. One must ask, if these teachings are false, why do such tremendous moves of God accompany them and seem to dissipate when these convictions are loss? Why do those who let down in these areas also let down in prayerand fasting. Just some thoughts to ponder. The intent of this thread is not to debate these things, however.
If they dont teach beards are sin great! Now does anyone in these Churches actually HAVE one? As to hair on a woman I know Paul said a womans long hair is her glory. Yet I dont read that as meaning anything other than "long hair" not uncut .
The net is far more potentially dangerous than TV. And yet just like TV it depends on what you do with it. Now if one just wants to spend more time with the Lord I understand that perfectly as long as we dont make TV or the Computer a sin in itself.
When I left the Old Time Pentecost I did not let down on prayer and fasting. Maybe others do? I know a Charismatic Church where people pray long hours every day and fast at least twice a week? As to the great moves in Old Time Pentecost I guess you are seeing more than I saw. I saw running aisles, jumping pews, shouting, and "hot preaching".
As far as people being healed or prophesying that came to pass I saw more of that in the Jesus Movement than anywhere else. As far as a GREAT move like in the book of Acts I have not seen that anywhere yet but still believe I will.

01-29-2012, 06:49 PM
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Re: Old Time Pentecost
Originally Posted by Fiyahstarter
Rarely? Not my experience. I know plenty of sweet-spirited conservatively-dressed Pentecostals.
Oh I know many who are/were truly humble but that has not been my experience at every single camp service that I have ever attended. The smug feeling of pride and that has permeated every single camp meeting was thick. Even here when someone goes to a meeting and speaks of "all the Pentecostals that invaded that restaurant!" in the particular town reeks of pentecostal pride, almost always in "OUR women walking the walk!" with the jean skirts, long hair, and poofs. Honestly if you took those three things away how many people would continue to identify themselves with the apostolic faith?

01-29-2012, 07:13 PM
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Re: Old Time Pentecost
It was OLD TIME PENTECOST at www.FreeChapel.org today! Pastor preached and shouted and raised the roof then had a prayer line in both the 9 AM & 11 AM services. With the two services - over 10,000 were laid hands on - singing, shouting, running, dancing, Praising God. It was a major MIRACLE SERVICE as most of us had fasted 21 days. Some did a total fast, some with juice and some the Daniel Fast. It was an INCREDIBLE DAY at Free Chapel in Gainesville, GA. I am sure they had the same at Free Chapel Orange County, CA at 4 & 6 PM. Great Move of God today! While we fasted - we gave over $350,000 to build a food warehouse for Love A Child Ministries/Bobby & Sherri Burnett in Haiti. It is paid for and will be built shortly!

01-29-2012, 07:48 PM
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Re: Old Time Pentecost
Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop
It was OLD TIME PENTECOST at www.FreeChapel.org today! Pastor preached and shouted and raised the roof then had a prayer line in both the 9 AM & 11 AM services. With the two services - over 10,000 were laid hands on - singing, shouting, running, dancing, Praising God. It was a major MIRACLE SERVICE as most of us had fasted 21 days. Some did a total fast, some with juice and some the Daniel Fast. It was an INCREDIBLE DAY at Free Chapel in Gainesville, GA. I am sure they had the same at Free Chapel Orange County, CA at 4 & 6 PM. Great Move of God today! While we fasted - we gave over $350,000 to build a food warehouse for Love A Child Ministries/Bobby & Sherri Burnett in Haiti. It is paid for and will be built shortly!
That is great news! We give quite a bit to Samaritans Purse since they do many similar things.

01-29-2012, 08:04 PM
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Re: Old Time Pentecost

01-29-2012, 08:12 PM
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Re: Old Time Pentecost
Well,"brush arbors" may not be Old Time Pentecost, but rather the thought process I am trying to make is that Peter preached out in the open with no comfort. Christ's church was free from encumbrances and obligations that hinder most churches as they do now. Nobody had to make rules of how people should look. People just know how to dress because of the Holy Ghost.
Now churches are a business instead of a place of refuge for souls.
It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. (Psalms 118:8)
Last edited by AreYouReady?; 01-29-2012 at 08:16 PM.

01-29-2012, 08:16 PM
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Re: Old Time Pentecost
Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop
While we fasted - we gave over $350,000 to build a food warehouse for Love A Child Ministries/Bobby & Sherri Burnett in Haiti. It is paid for and will be built shortly!
This is great AB! I hope the food actually gets to the Haitian people. I don't know how true this is, but I've heard that the Haitian government at one time confiscated food that was to go to the Haitian people.
It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. (Psalms 118:8)

01-29-2012, 10:07 PM
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Re: Old Time Pentecost
Originally Posted by RandyWayne
Oh I know many who are/were truly humble but that has not been my experience at every single camp service that I have ever attended. The smug feeling of pride and that has permeated every single camp meeting was thick. Even here when someone goes to a meeting and speaks of "all the Pentecostals that invaded that restaurant!" in the particular town reeks of pentecostal pride, almost always in "OUR women walking the walk!" with the jean skirts, long hair, and poofs. Honestly if you took those three things away how many people would continue to identify themselves with the apostolic faith?
I hear your point, and have seen it too.
I've also seen it (pride) in Christians who do not uphold "the standards". They can cling to and flaunt their high style fashions and jewelry with every bit as much haughtiness.
If we could just take "ourselves" out of the formula...

01-29-2012, 10:38 PM
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Re: Old Time Pentecost
We are Old Time Pentecost and not ashamed.
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