Originally Posted by Jay
I am not going to say that pastors are perfect people (I have personal cause to know better as I have known quite a few). I have watched any number of things happen that should not have happened and had them done to me. However, I believe that the vast majority of pastors are good men, and do not place a burden of perfection on them that they do not deserve.
As long as man is flesh and bones, there are no perfect men or women. We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. While we are told not to place a burden of perfection on them that they do not deserve, the road goes both ways. Some ministers expect perfection from the saints when it comes to obeying all their church rules or they get "sat down".
Originally Posted by Jay
I am not going to get involved in a bash fest that so many of these threads turn into. Call me what you will, but the ministry is not to be touched, and it is perilous for ministers to engage in attacks on one another. It never ends well.
But it is ok for the ministry to "touch" the saints because the saints do not feel led to "obey" ridiculous extra biblical church ordinances?
I am a person who would rather talk things out and come to some sort of agreement, even if it means agree to disagree and stay friends. But some people cannot do this. It has to be done their way or no way.
I do not advocate attacks on anybody, minister or saints. However, the minister , like you said, is not perfect. If he knowingly causes a saint [of whom he disagrees with because they are honest enough to try to discuss the problem with him] to be unwelcome in a church because of his phone call, don't you think that he should know how utterly wrong this action is? Most minister's I have met take suggestions as a personal offense, and some are just flat mean such as talking about the saints in their church over dinner. But then again, I only have experience with these types of people in my little region of a big wide world.
I can only hope to come upon a church that votes in a loving, caring minister that God sent to feed the flock. There was one church 50 miles away that I enjoyed visiting. They left the UPC and endured horrible accusations and rumors such as "wife swapping" and other mean stuff. They are gone from the area now as far as I know.
The only ones within the area are sons, son-in- laws and grandsons from the older generation who handed down the church to them like it was a business or something. The other two pastor's left in the area ain't gonna make waves because they are outnumbered by the rest.