Originally Posted by Cindy
What's the difference between a disciple and an apostle?
Stephen was given a responsibility in the Lord to do His work. I think he must have had more of a ministry than just being over a bunch of unruly self proclaimed pentecostals who were steering up trouble out of thier fleshly minds..
Notice something here. The apostles laid hands on Stephen and the others. Stephen was placed in charge of the church body. Stephen was full of the Holy Ghost, and faith and power. He did great wonders and miracles among the people. In other words, he had received the commission of an apostle from the apostles. And to top it off, he preached one of the best messages in the entire book of acts, equal if not better, to Peter's message on the day of pentecost, which even got a standing ovation from Jesus himself.
Who ever thinks he wasn't an apostle needs to go back and research the scriptures in the 6th chapter of the Book of Acts from verse 5 through the entire chapter and then pick it back up again in chapter 7.
Is he not preaching the word of the Lord? Did he not have the power of the Holy Ghost with signs and wonders, was he not bold in his speech proclaiming our Lord Jesus as the God of heaven and earth. I think he was an apostle. It unfortunate they we today have not been taught the truth of what an apostle really is.
And again we can thank institutionalized religion for all of this..