twisp we have laws that say what a sex crime is.
Why should we allow teaching in schoold that if outside of school is a crime.
That is hippocritical.
As an adult if I talked about homos to children outside of my home not in school the cops would come and get me.
i would go to jail and be labeled as a sex offender for life.
I see you have a double standard.
Oh, it is not what I say is evil, that was a misquote from you twisp.
remember the word of god says what sin is.
homosexuality is a sin.
Gods word is law above all of mans laws.
As a man I serve Gods laws first.
mans laws second.
whose laws do you serve twisp???? gods or mans ???????
twisp I read on the internet that they now have robots to be bought for sex.
should we teach our children about that in history too????