Location: just north of the celtics red sox and patriots go baby!
Posts: 730
Re: McChrystal Did It On Purpose....
Originally Posted by notofworks
It is juuuuuuust about dark. President Bush orchestrated this entire event from his ranch in Texas. He's doing it because General McChrystal recently discovered weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, which would seem to be a positive for Bush. However, he also discovered that Bush had gone over and hidden them himself in hopes they would be discovered during the election of 2004. Bush discovered that McChrystal had inappropriately flirted with a military intern and used it as leverage against him to get him to resign to keep him from revealing the truth.
In other breaking news, a birth certificate from Luxembourg for President Obama has been discovered and Obama will be resigning this weekend. Obama has admitted being a KGB agent in his youth.
If you're interested, I'll fill you in on numerous other things my staff and I have discovered. You'd be amazed!!! (ever wonder how Bernard became superintendent and not Mooney? I have the scoop)
Can't say I hate this administration like I thought I would. Mostly because fortunately he has been unable to mess up a whole lot. Much of what he campaigned on he has not been able to bring into effect. It's almost as if the country is just sitting in idle through out his term.
I didn't use the word "hate". I just said I can't "stand" this Administration.
I believe the prayers of this nation have exposed the darkness of this Administration. Of that, I am thankful.
Ferd is right, because of the law and setting an example as way of principle, McChrystal should have been fired.
Military Code of Justice Article 88: "Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the President, the Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of a military department, the Secretary of Transportation, or the Governor or legislature of any State, Territory, Commonwealth, or possession in which he is on duty or present shall be punished as a court-martial may direct."
But, I also agree with Ollie North's point of view:
I don't disagree with much of what Gen. McChrystal and his staff are quoted as saying about the O-Team in the article.
McChrystal's firing has been likened to President Abraham Lincoln's replacing George McClellan during the Civil War and President Harry Truman's sacking Douglas MacArthur in the midst of the Korean War. Not accurate.
Both McClellan and MacArthur vocally opposed the stated policies and strategies of their presidents. That's not what happened here. In announcing he had "accepted" his battlefield commander's resignation, Obama acknowledged that he and McChrystal "are in full agreement about our strategy."This week's firing was simply political theater designed to enhance Obama's stature as a "leader" in the eyes of his supporters and critics.
Obama suffers from decision-deficit disorder. He routinely is described as detached, disengaged, ambivalent and uncertain in everything from the economy to securing our borders to the Gulf oil spill to the war itself. He has been unable or unwilling to name our radical Islamist enemies or define victory. He is the only commander in chief to announce a deadline for withdrawing troops while committing more Americans to combat.
McChrystal was relieved because a thin-skinned president couldn't take criticism in the press and needed to prove he's the boss.The intemperate published remarks made by McChrystal and his staff in Rolling Stone provided an opportunity for Obama to show his left-wing base that he is in charge. http://townhall.com/columnists/Olive...eneral_madness
Folks,Let's count are blessings today!! If McCain had been elected he would be labeled the new Hoover and 2012 would mark the date certain that the drones would have their communist revolution !! Instead Obama is the catalyst for a Conservative Revolution and bringing back God and tradition in our culture!!
While I agree with Ollie that this is not like Lincoln or Truman, I will say it had to be done.
At the end of the day, McChrystal made public internal struggles between himself and the Civilian authorities including the President.
You simply cannot do that.
At the same time, I agree with McChrystal that there is a lot of funny business going on and Obama had better get a handle on it or we are sunk.
At the end of the day, this is just one more proof that Obama is no leader. His inexperience is so clear only the blind democrat can ignore it.
This is what I believe looms over the whole situation. More so than McChrystal's actions or those in his command. But, yes, I agree, it had to be done.