Originally Posted by Praxeas
close enough.
However I don't divide the human nature of Christ from the person of Christ. The Holy Spirit is not the human nature of Christ. That is a catagory error. That is like saying "Dedicated Mind's finger is his ear".
That is like saying "The Spirit of God is the body of Christ"...Spirit, the very word, means "incorporeal being"...Body, is a created physical thing. Holy Spirit is uncreated. Human nature is created.
Keep developing and thinking. It's good to see someone interested in this. Try reading more of Jason's stuff through from beginning to end, a mere snippet like I posted here might be confusing at first without reading what else he said
Prax, thanks for indulging me, I was bouncing my thoughts off of you and trying to understand christology a little better. Do you have a link to Jason's material? I'll try to look him up.